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1、147A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.词汇突破:graduatestudents 毕业生intellectual智力的;有才智的;

2、需用智力的;(主要强调后天的知识)(04年第四篇文章)知识分子的Slum 贫民窟,贫民区the intellectual poor穷知识分子classic poor 典型的穷人Beat Generation 垮掉的一代 (上课提到的)Guise 伪装主干识别:A greatnumber of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum大批的大学毕业生被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟其他成分:when inthe United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor 状

3、语在美国穷知识分子成为了典型的穷人the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation,同位语在颇为浪漫的垮掉的一代的伪装下的穷人a real phenomenon in the late fifties.同位语这是在50年代后期真实的现象翻译点拨:可以采取逆序法翻译,先翻译时间再翻译主句。(在考研的时候只要能基本翻译正确,不调整语序通常只会被扣0.5分,一定要确定自己调整的是正确的再去调整。)参考译文:50年代晚期在美国出现了一个真实的现象,美国的穷知识分子(披上了)颇为浪漫的“垮掉的一代”的伪装,成为了典型性的穷人,

4、也就是在那时,大批的大学毕业生被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟。148As a consequence, it may prove difficult even to the point of impossible to establish for a successful industrial renovation a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic question one might pose concerning the socia

5、l origins of the creativity.主干识别:形式主语:to establishor to answer may provedifficult even to the point of impossible确立或者回答可能被证明是困难的,甚至是不可能的。其他成分:to establish a comprehensive and trustworthy pictureof those who participated /for a successful industrial renovation主语 一 (不定式做主语调整下语序:不能把establish和for放在一起,课上

6、讲过无数遍的V+介词+名词1+名词2 )to answer even the most basicquestion one might pose concerning the social origins of the creativity.主语二微观分析:onemight pose 定语修饰questionconcerning the social origins of thecreativity 定语修饰question参考译文:结果就是:有两件事情可以被证明是困难的甚至是不可能的。第一是:为一次成功的产业创新的参与者建立一个详尽的 (comprehensive)和可信的描述 (或译为:详

7、尽地并可信地描述一次成功产业创新的参与者们)第二是:去回答人们会问到的, 关于创新的社会起源的,甚至是最基本问题。149在阅读中很多时候难住我们的其实还不长句而是一些短句中的表达,而这些表达就是我选择核心词的标准,今天的几个句子非常重要,都来自今天的经济学人:1. Life can be tough for immigrants in America. If youcant find work, as a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, dont expect thetaxpayers to bail you out. Unlike in som

8、e European countries, it is extremely hardfor an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state.重点掌握两个短语:1. bail sb out. 将某人从困境中解救出来;2. live off sth/sb.以某人或某物为生;参考译文:对于美国移民而言,生活是艰辛的; 就如一名亚特兰大的罗马尼亚裔的职员所说那样,如果你找不到工作,别指望纳税人能来解救你。和一些欧洲国家不一样,对于身体健全的移民而言,想靠国家活下去是极端困难的。2. Their results offer ammunition for fa

9、nsof more open borders.重点掌握:1.ammunition: 本意是弹药,但是更多我们能见到的含义就是这里的:论据!2.open borders: 开放的边界;通常理解为,更开放的移民政策;参考译文:他们的研究结果为那些支持更开放的移民政策的人提供了论据。3. None of these effects was large, but the studyundermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from natives or drag down theirwages.主干:none was large.体会翻译:这些影响

10、都不大;这些影响中没有一个是大的。(前者更好吧!)重点掌握:1. undermines: 本意是“破坏”,感觉是个贬义词; 但是其实这里是中性的,就是表明研究使后面的claim(论点)完全站不住脚。参考译文:这些影响虽然都不大,但是这项研究却彻底的使这样的观点站不住脚:移民偷走了当地人的职业或者拉低了他们收入。150Where Republican orthodoxy suggests saving poor people from welfare dependency by mercifully reducing the amount of money they receive, Mr Ru

11、bio,a republican senator , aims to cut welfare spending by reducing the demand for it, keeping funding at the same level but handing anti-poverty programmes over to the states to figure out what works.词汇突破:Republican orthodoxy 共和党的传统Mercifully: 慈悲的;仁慈的;对有好处的;适当的Where:这是一个非常常见的词,但是在这里有一个很不常见的用法,引导状语从

12、句,翻译为中文可以处理为:就这方面而言;或者可以不翻译;Suggest:可以直接加名词表示建议:Ruth suggested a holiday.鲁思建议去度假。Hand over:移交主干识别: Mr Rubio aims to cut welfare spending.其他成分:按照语义翻译即可,不用细分;参考译文:共和党的传统是建议通过适当地减少穷人收到的钱来把他们从对福利的依靠中解救出来;(就此而言),共和党议员Rubio先生的目标就是通过减少对于福利的需求来减少福利的开销,同时保持同一级别的支出;但是将扶贫项目交由各州来确定哪些是有效的。151考研阅读中有这样一句话:The thin

13、gs that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. 成长就必须面对这样的事情,敢于面对可能的失败,不惧怕前进路上的风雨,保有你对幸福的向往,保持你的倔强和骄傲,回望时你就能对曾经的自己微笑!今天的句子很有意思,不长但是需要仔细思考,别急着看解析,好好地看一看!后面附上一个能用的写作句型。加油!The sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will

14、 have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.词汇突破:sex ratio性别比率be favored 受到亲睐descendant 后代gene copies transmitted 被传播的基因份数主干分析:The sex ratio will be favored其他成分:whichmaximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. 定语从句修饰the sex r

15、atio微观分析: 1.定语从句中套一个定语从句:which maximizes thenumber of descendants (that)an individualwill have. 定语从句中宾语的that被省略了2.And 连接两个number; (hence 是状语在找并列的时候可以忽视)补全就是:which maximizes the number ofand (maximizes) the number of;参考译文:这种性别比率将会受到青睐,这种性别比率能够最大化个体所拥有的后代数目,而且因此可以最大化被传播的基因份数。写作句型:经济学人原句:Opinionsare furiously divided as to whether the unintended harm causedby health reform will outweigh its benefits.句型:Opinions are furiously divided as towhet


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