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1、 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 1 页 共 2 页2017 考研英语阅读每日精选:治愈孩子焦虑的 4 个方法在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧!4 Tips For Parents With Anxious ChildrenTrying to raise a child in this hectic world is no easy task, and even the best of parents can get

2、 frustrated when faced with the unique challenges it presents.在这个繁忙的世界努力抚养一个孩子并非易事,甚至最好的父母面临着独特的挑战的时候也会泄气。Sometimes, even things that seem fairly small and insignificant to the parent can trigger anxiety in a child, which can negatively affect different aspects of their life.有时候,即使那些在父母看起来是相当渺小和微不足道

3、的事也会引起孩子的焦虑,从而影响他们的生活的各个方面。1. Make them feel safe instead of telling them that everything is fine让他们感到安全,而不是告诉他们一切都很好Telling someone that things are fine and that everythings going to be OK may very well cause them to feel even more anxious about the whole issue. But you dont have to use any words a

4、t all, just let your actions speak.对别人说,一切都好,一切都会好起来的,很可能使他们对整个问题更加忧心,但你不需说任何话,用行动来证明。2. Try to sympathize with your child and understand where they are coming from尝试着感受孩子的感受,了解是什么让他们焦虑Its not always easy to understand why another person finds something upsetting or why someone gets stressed out ove

5、r seemingly easy to fix things, particularly if there is a big age difference between you and said person.不容易理解为什么另一个人觉得事情会让他们很不安或者有些看似很容易解决的问题为什么也有人觉得面对的时候压力很大,有尤其是你和你说的那个人之间有大的年龄代沟的时候。However, instead of just blurting out, “I dont understand why you are getting so upset”, you can take a moment to

6、try and put yourself in the childs shoes. Take a very stressful moment from your own life and imagine being in that state of fear.但是与其用嘴巴说,我不明白你为什么变得如此不安,你可以花一点时间尝试着站在孩子的角度看问题。在人生中一个压力非常大的时刻,想象自己处在那种恐惧的状态。3. Engage their imagination and take their mind off their worries for a moment参与他们的想象,把他们的注意力从他

7、们担忧的状态中解脱出来Letting your child know that it is safe to share how they feel and helping them calm down through breathing exercises is a good start, but it is important to take their mind away from the issue that is causing their anxiety if you want to break the self-perpetuating cycle of worry.让你的孩子知道

8、说出那种感受是安全的,通过呼吸练习保持平静也是一个好的开始。 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 2 页 共 2 页但如果你想打破他们焦虑的自我循环,重要的是要把他们的注意力远离那些让他们觉得焦虑的事物。4. Let your child know that you will be there for him让孩子知道你就在他们身边Your child has to know that he or she can talk to you about this sort of thing without you dismissing them, making light of their

9、 problems or getting angry because you dont know how to help them.你的孩子得知道,他或她可以没有顾虑的和你谈谈这类事情,你不会看轻他们的问题或者不知道如何帮助他们而生气。Just knowing that they have someone they can talk to, someone that can help them push through anything without being overbearing or judgmental, will make a huge difference in how a child deals with their problems.让他们知道他们有人可以说话,在没有任何傲慢对待或者批判的情况下,有人可以帮助他们排除困难办好事,这就会让孩子在处理她们自己的问题的时候产生很大的区别。



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