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1、,I have read this biography. barfi n.,传记,The story is a fantasy.,fntsi n. adj. vt.,幻想;想象,The detective is using a magnifying glass to find some clues.,ditektiv adj. n.,侦探,Each user can log into their user account.,kaunt n. vi. vt.,账户;账号,My dog is my best companion.,kmpnnn.,同伴;伙伴,Pour yourself anothe

2、r cup of tea.,p: n. vt.,倒、斟,The house is a shelter from the storm.,elt n. vt.,庇护处;遮蔽物,They paddled their boat up the river.,pdl n. v,船桨;用桨划,He lied to us.,lai v. n.,撒谎,He began to panic.,pnik n. adj. v,恐慌,The cat is curious about the fishbowl.,kjrs adj.,好奇的,My teachers tie doesnt match his suit.,tai

3、 v. n.,领带;系,Rope is made by twisting threads together.,rup n. v.,绳子 缠绕的 线,He has a black beard. 可数,表一缕胡须,bid vt. n.,胡须,He is experiencing a stage fright.,frait n. vt.,恐惧;害怕,The ghost terrified me.,trfad adj. v.,使恐惧;惊吓,1. have (no/close/much) connection with 与有联系/有关联 be connected with be related to b

4、e involved in be linked to 我不想与此事有牵连。 I dont want to have connection with this matter.,2. account n. give an account of= give a description of on account of =because of on no account=on no condition take sth. into account/consideration =take account of sth. account for,报道、叙述,描述、叙述、解释、账户,由于;因为,决不,The

5、 accountant gave a detailed account of what had happened. On account of his carelessness, he didnt take the account of the customer into account. Otherwise, on no account had the thing happened.,考虑到某事;把列入考虑范围,占比例;是原因,会计详细地描述所发生的事情。由于他的粗心, 没有把客户的账户考虑进去,否则这类事情绝对不会发生。,3. pour vi.(雨)倾盆而下;vt.倒、斟 pour dow

6、n pour oil on troubled waters pour oil on the flame pour cold water on/upon 当我一到家,天就下起雨来。 No sooner had I reached home than it poured down.,调解争端,火上加油,对泼冷水,4. shelter n. 占比例),(弥补,补上),(编造),(P33) make for = head for 朝。走去 make of 了解,理解,看待 make off匆匆离去,溜掉 make over改造,转让 make up for 补偿 make it 成功,按时到达 mak

7、e sense 有意义;讲得通 区别:make up 和make up for make up for the loss/regret/ mistake Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence.,当他们理解到他们所编造的东西毫无理由的时候 他们意识到了自己的不足。为了弥补这种遗憾, 他们转让了她们所拥有的一切朝既定的目标走去, 后来他们终于成功了。,When they made of what they made up was unreasonable, they realized their shortcomings. In order

8、to make up for the regret, they made over what they had, and made off for the target they had planed. Later on they made it.,9. be/feel in the mood (for sth/ to do sth) be in a good/bad mood Im not in the mood to argue. Are you feeling in the mood to listen to music?,10. set ( a play/novel) in= be s

9、et in 以为背景 set about doing sth=set out to do sth= get down to doing sth 着手做某事 set aside = put aside 把放在一边 set down= write down= put down写下,记下 set off for sp= set out for sp= leave for sp 动身去 set up 建立 set foot in 踏上,涉足 set sb an example = set an example to sb 给.树立榜样,11. resemble sb/ sth in sth be si

10、milar to sb/ sth in sth be the same as sb/ sth in sth,在某方面 与某人/某物相似,注:resemble不能用于进行时,也没有被动语态;是及 物动词,本身已经含有“与”的意思,所以不必再加with,Some procedures involved in the manufacture of this product are _the procedures conducted in producing TV sets. same as B. resemble C. alike D. similar to,D,differ from sb in

11、sth= be different from sb in sth,12.warn v. 警告 warning adj.警告的;n.提醒 warn sb of sth warn sb against doing sth warn sb ( not) to do sth warn sb off ( doing) sth,红色警号提醒公众当心可怕的天气,尤其告诫公 众远离干燥的物品和烟鬼们晚上不要抽烟。,The red warning signal warns the public of the terrible weather, especially warns them off the dry

12、objects and the smokers against smoking / not to smoke at night.,13. determine,determine to do sth.“下决心做某事”,表动作。 =decide to do /make up ones mind to do,He determined to work hard and never to make any mistakes.,be determined to do 表状态,I am determined to find out who is responsible for this accident.

13、,决定,确定,determined a.,坚决的,意志坚定的,14. make ones /a fortune 发财 seek for fortune 寻求财富 try ones fortune碰运气 tell ones fortune算命 have ones fortune told 去算命 make money=earn money 挣钱 make a/ones living= earn a/ ones living 谋生,15.force vt. 强迫;强加 n.力量;武力;军队 forces 武装部队 force sb to do sth force ones way through

14、by force bring / put into force,The ancient rulers brought / put the laws and regulations into force by force. They ordered their forces to force their way through all the streets and forced the public to obey them.,古代的统治者都是用暴力来执行他们的规章制 度法律,他们命令他们的军队强行穿过条条街 道,强迫所有的人遵守。,(区分with ones strength; full of

15、 energy; in power),16. establish/build a reputation树立声誉 have a good/bad reputation有好/坏的名声 live up to ones reputation 不负盛名,名不虚传 earn a reputation 赢得好名声,1.这家旅行社跟很多公司都有来往。(have connection with/be connected with) 2.我绝对不会相信他说的话。(on no account/condition) 3.人们在百货公司避雨。(take/find shelter from) 4. 她和她姐姐在各个方面都

16、很像。(resemble) 5. 她被警告如果再这样做她就会丢掉工作。 6. 玛丽和杰克为这件事情吵了一架,但一会就和好了。(make up) 7.令我惊讶的是,她竟然对我说慌了。 8. 下定决心减肥,我每天步行去上学。(非谓语),Assignment,1.这家旅行社跟很多公司都有来往。(have connection with/be connected with) This travel agency has connection with many companies/firms. 2.我绝对不会相信他说的话。(on no account/condition) On no account will I believe what he said. 3.人们在百货公司避雨。 People took shelter from the rain in the department store. 4.她和她姐姐在各个方面都很像。 She resembles her sister in every aspect/



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