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1、1,卓有识度 圆融会通,2013年和君商学培训计划招生 第二次笔试题,中国最大的管理咨询公司,-2-,答题须知,一、第二次笔试主要考察专业基础知识,考试范围为:1、王明夫主编高手身影,机械工业出版社,2008年2、和君编辑的下列6份必读材料(可在和君论坛自由下载,下载地址:和君首页商学在线学习指南) (1)奋斗者 (2)中国企业收购东京交易所上市公司第一案:基于产业链整合的跨国并购 (3)文创精益管理案例 (4)王明夫讲演录市值时代与产业整合 (5)和君理想 (6)经济学管理学基础知识及其应用资料选读 二、开卷考试。你必须自己独立完成答题,不能与人商量,不能把试题示人。我们相信你! 三、答卷要

2、求:把你的答卷写成一个专门的word文档,不要重抄题目内容,写明题目序号及相应答案即可。Word文档的要求:宋体、四号字。文件名和邮件名称请取为:提交日期_网申唯一编号_姓名_申请班级(北京/南京/上海现场班,或在线班)_二笔答卷. 示例“0316_2013201011_张三_北京现场班_二笔答卷” 四、提交时间和方式:请你在收到本试题后五天内把答卷发送到和君信箱:hj_。逾期不候,视同放弃申请。提交答案时勿忘写上你的申请编号、姓名、邮箱、电话。 五、第二次笔试成绩80分以上(含80分)为通过。80分以下者,将落选。 六、请你不要保留或复制或传播本试题。我们相信你!,-3-,一、简答题,1、请

3、你推荐你所读过的、给你留下最深刻印象的专业书目(不少于5本书,多推荐不限) 2、请你推荐你所读过的、给你留下最深刻印象的专业文章(不少于5篇文章,多推荐不限) 3、请你推荐你所读过的或知晓的、给你留下最深刻印象的商业案例(不少于5个,多推荐不限) 4、请你阅读中国企业收购东京交易所上市公司第一案:基于产业链整合的跨国并购,用三句话表达你的读后感。 5、请你阅读高手身影第八章的新中基案例,用三句话表达你的读后感。 6、高手身影第七章中国外运集团案例中揭示了一幅公司再造的“施工图”,这幅施工图的主要内容是什么? 7、请阅读高手身影第十七章灵顿中子刀案例,用三句话表达你的读后感。 8、请你阅读王明夫

4、讲演录市值时代与产业整合,用三句话表达你的读后感。 9、请你阅读文创精益生产案例,用三句话表达你的读后感。 10、请阅读高手身影第二章新东方案例,写一段读后感(300字左右) 11、请你阅读奋斗者,写一段读后感(300字左右)。 12、请你阅读和君理想,写一段读后感(300字左右)。,-4-,二、名词解释,1、Reengineering & BPR 2、Porters Generic Strategies 3、McKinsey 7-S Framework 4、Vertical Integration 5、Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility 6、Net Pre

5、sent Value (NPV) 7、ECIRM模型(见高手身影第七章中国外运案例) 8、SCMT模型(见高手身影第一章中远修船案例) 9、平衡计分卡 10、战略分析中的BCG矩阵,-6-,四、填空:关于3 Cs & 4 Ps,请对下表中打有?的空格填空,-7-,五、填空:关于profit tree,请对下图中打有?的空格填空,Break Component into % of Revenue, Costs, Fixed, Variable,-8-,六、填空并改写:请在_?_里填空,并把本页内容改写成一篇短文,要求题目准确、主题突出、逻辑清晰、简明扼要。,Rivalry determinant

6、s Industry growth Fixed costs/value added Capacity Product differences Brand strength Switching costs Concentration and balance Informational complexity Diversity of competitors Corporate stakes Exit barriers,Entry barriers Economies of scale Capital requirements Expected retaliation Proprietary pro

7、duct differences Brand equity Switching costs Access to distribution Absolute cost advantages Proprietary learning curve Access to necessary inputs Proprietary low-cost design Government policy,_?_ Differentiation of inputs Switching costs of suppliers and firms Presence of substitute inputs Supplie

8、r concentration Importance of volume to supplier Cost relative to total purchases in the industry Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation Threat of forward integration relative to threat of backward integration,Determinants of substitution threat Relative price performance of substitutes Product

9、 issues Switching costs Buyer propensity to substitute,Buyer power Bargaining leverage Buyer vs. firm concentration Buyer volume Switching costs Buyer information Ability to backward integrate Substitute products Pull-through,Price sensitivity Price / total purchases Product differences Brand identi

10、ty Impact on quality/ performance Buyer profits Decision makers incentives,-9-,七、下列文字描述了一个著名的战略矩阵,请说出这个矩阵的名称,并以图表方式画出这个矩阵,The strategies associated with this matrix are to hold stars, build question marks, harvest cash cows, and divest dogs. In other words, as a corporation looks at its business uni

11、ts, it should use cash cows to provide funds to build its question marks and to maintain its stars. It should sell its dog businesses to keep them from dragging-down the others. This framework can be easily overused and oversimplified, but it can provide some insight.For example, if a company has a

12、cash cow among its business units and it is investing a great deal of money in that business, you may conclude that they should use the money elsewhere. Likewise, if a corporation is mostly a collection of dogs, then you may conclude that it has a rough future ahead.,-10-,八、请你说出下列财务报表的名称,Net Income

13、- Cost of Good Sold (COGS) Labor Materials Overhead/Delivery Gross Margin - Depreciation - Sales, General & Administration (SG&A) Operating Profit - Interest Expense Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) - Taxes Net Income,-11-,九、案例题,案例1:Your client is in the trucking industry. Their profits are declining, an

14、d they have already determined that their cost structure is comparable to competitors. What is the problem? 案例2:A major greeting card company is considering a proposal from Yahoo to advertise its e-commerce product, a greeting card that is sent to the recipient as an e-mail attachment. Your client w

15、ill get an exclusive position on the websites front page that will help drive traffic to its greeting card site. The Yahoo exclusivity costs $2 million per year for the next two years.Is it a good deal? Should your client do it? Will they make money? 案例3:把高手身影第一章中远修船案例缩写成一篇1000字左右的短文,确保分析完整、逻辑清晰、言简意

16、赅、文字干净。,-12-,十、评论题:下列是5条王明夫微博,请你就每一条微博作不超过100字的简短评论,1.和君王明夫微博一:怎么预知一个企业未来十年的命运?对很多中小民企来说,最重要的战略命题是辞旧迎新、从“新”开始:从机遇导向型企业转型成为能力构筑型企业,从老板驱动型走向组织驱动型,从项目型或生意型走向战略实施型,从“问题处理”状态走向“系统管理”状态。完成这个转变者将走向未来,完不成者将无疾而终。 2.和君王明夫微博二: “走出去,使自己成为有用的人。”彼得.德鲁克对吉姆.柯林斯说。柯林斯是个才华横溢的人,但德鲁克却告诫他:“要把才能应用于实践之中因为才能本身毫无用处。许多有才华的人一生碌碌无为,通常是因为他们把才华本身看作是一种结果”。 3.和君王明夫微博三:百年柯达因连亏6年,近日欲出售其1100项专利。柯达8月30日市值为8.75亿美元,比1990年代巅峰时300亿美元市值,下降了97%。又听说松下的股价跌回到了29年前的水平,这意味着29年来松下的发展和积累(品牌、技术进步、管理等)都未反映到公司价格里去。一叶知秋,



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