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1、河北省平泉四海中学九年级英语全册Unit5Lesson30ScienceAffectsus学案(无答案)(新版)冀教版Unit 5Lesson 30Science Affects us知识点解析(New words)1. affect v. 影响The amount of rain_ the growth of crops.Influence v. 影响,对行为性格等较长时间的、潜移默化的影响。表示不良影响要用affect2._ v.建议提议暗示 n._表示建议提议时,其后的从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词 用should+动词原型,表示暗示时从句不需要虚拟语气,其后接的that 从句要用陈述句语

2、序a) suggest doing sth 建议做某事I suggested_(put) off the meeting.b) Thank you for giving me so many_.I suggested that we (should) hold a meeting tonight.She suggested that she did not want me to tell the truth. 3._ n.发展With the development of science,human life has changed greatly._ v.发展 _adj. 发展中的_ adj

3、.发达的4_ . n.移动电话I need to buy a new mobile phone. 5_n. 发现发掘pl._At first, he was pleased with the discovery.Many great _ have been made in the field of science.此句子中的it 是_,真正的主语是_ 帮助打扫公园是好的。6.The air pressure pushing up on the cardboard is higher and higher than that of the water pushing down from insi

4、de the jar.空气给硬纸板向上推的压力比水从广口瓶内向下推的压力更大。a)_向上推,_向下推是动副短语,当宾语为代词时,代词应放在push 和u p 的中间。Push it/ them upc) that 只指物,不指人,可代替可数名词或不可数名词,指的是同类事物中的另一样东西,即同类异物。d) one 可指人,或物只代替单数可数名词,只同类事物,复数用ones. It 代替上文所提到的名词时,是指同类事物中的同一个东西。Mary has a red pencil and Jane has a blue_.I have lost my pen. I am looking for _.T

5、he library of our school is bigger than _ of yours.7. I always wonder what life would be like without computers or mobile phone.我总想知道没有电脑和移动电话的生活会是什么样子。What be like?. 怎么样?What is his life like?_明天天气会怎么样?What be sb like? 可以用来询问人的外貌,成就,品质,性格等内在的东西。What is your father like? 你父亲长得什么样?He is tall and hand

6、some.8.I enjoyed learning about DNA.Enjoy v. 喜欢,喜爱,其后可接名词,代词,或动名词做宾语a) He enjoyed his trip to the zoo.b) I enjoy _ (listen) to music at night.c) enjoy oneself 过得高兴At the party we enjoyed _.9.Can you imagine life without computers or mobile phones?Imagine v.想象,设想a) imagine+名词You cant imagine without

7、electricity.b) imagine +that 从句,意思是认为They imagined that they had learned from the mistakes of the past.c) imagine doing sth 想象做某事You cant imagine _(live) with a stranger.Exercises.1.I suggested _ the sports meeting because of the heavy rain.A. put off B.to put offC. putting off D. puts off2._his shoes on, he ran out of the room.A. Within B. WithoutC. For D. By3 / 3



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