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1、20162017学年度第一学期阶段性考试八年级英语试题总分:120 时间:90分钟 第I卷(55分)一、 单项选择:(选择最佳答案。共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.We saw _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant was from India. A. a; The B. the; An C. an; The D. the;A( )2. Do you believe _ he says? A. how B. what C. when D. where ( ) 3. The Maths problem is so difficult that _st

2、udents can work it out. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 4. The teacher will give us a talk on how_ English well. A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned ( ) 5. Mum, Im feeling even _ than yesterday. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst( ) 6. My friend Jack looks fine, he always _a smi

3、le _his face. A. wears; on B. puts; on C. puts; in D. wear; on ( )7. Funny jokes can always make us _ when we are sad. A. laughing B. laugh C. laughed D. laughs( )8.If you live near the shopping mall, you go far to buy things. A. have to B. havent to C.dont have to D. neednt to( )9. I think you shou

4、ld not buy clothes_ animals fur. A. made of B. be made of C. making of D. is made of( )10. My school has _teachers than Johns school , but _than Daniels. A. more, less B. many more, fewer C. more, fewer D.fewer, fewer( ) 11. Thanks for _ the secret for us. A. to keep B. keeping C. kept D. to be keep

5、ing ( )12.Tom should share things _ me and help people _ need. A.with,in B. with,on C. to,in D.for,in ( ) 13._ you _ to share your toys with friends? A. Are; willing B. Do; willing C. Are; will D. Do; will( ) 14. Which city is_, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. much more

6、 beautiful D. the most beautiful( )15.What about_for help when you cant finish_the story by yourself?A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. asking; writing D. asking; to writeB.二、完形填空:(选择最佳答案。共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)Do you know May, one of my best friends in China? She is my true friend. She never 16 other

7、s my secrets. She is a good girl 17 she has poor eyesight, 18 she likes watching TV and reading books 19 bed. She always 20 funny glasses. Now she has a new image.Her hair is curly and long. She 21 , Its great. I can go 22 in the supermarket and nobody 23 me. So nobody will say 24 to me in the stree

8、t. But most of her friends dont like this new image. I dont 25 its great.( ) 16. A. says B. talks C. speaks D. tells( ) 17. A. and B. if C. while D. so( ) 18. A. but B. because C. and D. Then( ) 19. A. on the B. in the C. in D. on( ) 20. A. puts B. wears C. takes D. with( ) 21. A. thinks B. as C. sa

9、ys D. speaks( ) 22. A. swimming B. boating C. skating D. shopping( ) 23. A. gives B. takes C. knows D. looks( ) 24. A. hello B. yes C. no D. OK( ) 25. A. like B. say C. think D. call三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)ABritains smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class,

10、a famous British newspaper reported in May.The newspaper said the six-year-old girls parents were unhappy with a teacher who just got the new job to teach the only pupil.The school had been closed for the last nine months after its former (前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to

11、 a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen the school.But the girls mother is keeping her daughter at home.“I was not pleased with the new teacher,” the mother said, “I had told the old teacher as far back as last September that if Ms Puckey got the jo

12、b, my children would not be going to school.”The school lies on an island off the northeast coast of Scotland. Although there was only one pupil, the school is very good in many ways and has a headmaster, three computers, a television and an art room as well as a school house with three bedrooms.( )

13、 26. The reading is about_.A. the smallest school that was closed down B.the only pupil in the smallest school C. the new teacher and her teaching D. the old teacher who just retired( ) 27. “turn up” in the reading means_. A. pass an exam B. go to school C. pay money D. hand in homework( ) 28. From the reading we can know that the school_. A. is too far for the students B. does not have enough teachers C. does not have many pupils D. is new but small3(


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