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1、课题:Module 3 Making plansUnit 2 We are going to cheer the players. 课型:新授(Listening, reading and speaking) 计划课时:2 实际课时: 主备人: 审核人: 【学习目标】知识与能力目标:1.单词: fan, shirt, cheer, player, hope, win, myself, during, May, walk, country, late, something, second, fun, 2.短语:make friends, get on well with sb., May Day

2、, be ready to do sth. get up, take /have a walk, go out, summer holiday3.句型:1. I get up at 2. , but I dont like football. 3. Im looking forward to 4. Im going to4.能读懂包含计划、安排的短文,并且判断出文中人物的计划、安排。5.能把新知识迁移到实际生活中来,结合范例用be going to写作。情感目标:养成良好的、有计划的生活和学习习惯,培养自主学习的能力,做一个乐于助人、能与同学和谐相处的学生。学习重难点:读懂包含计划、安排的短文

3、;结合实际生活,用be going to进行写作。学习策略: 小组合作讨论如何制定学习、生活计划,如何度过有意义的周末、假期。【学习过程】课前预习I think I can(我能行) 生词:名词(n.):1. 迷,支持者_ 2. 球衣,衬衫_ 3.运动员,选手_ 4. 五月_ 5. 乡下,乡村_ 6. 垃圾_ 7. 娱乐,乐趣_ 8. 营地,帐篷_ 9. 海滩_ 10. 行走,散步_ 11观光,游览_动词(v.):12. 为喝彩_; 13. 希望_; 14.赢得_; 15. 收集_代词(pron.):16. 我自己_ 介词(prep) 17. 在期间_数词(num.) 18. 第二_ 形容词(

4、adj.) 19. 澳大利亚的 _短语:1.盼望_ 2.交朋友_3.为运动员喝彩_ 4.赢得比赛_5.玩得开心_ 6. 暑假_7.在乡下散步_ 8.收集垃圾_9.去观光_ 10.五一劳动节_ 句型:1. 你打算做什么?_2. 我期待着明天的足球比赛。_3. 我们将穿上我们队的队衣,为球员加油。_ _4. 五一假期,我将好好地玩一玩。_5. 这将会是很棒的假期, 忙碌而有趣。_ _6. 今年将会不同,因为我将要参加一个在澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营。This year _ _7. 我们还会好好地游览一番,并且在海滩上野餐。_ _自主探究 1. Im looking forward to the fo

5、otball match tomorrow. 我期待着明天的足球赛。look forward to “期待,盼望”,后面接名词或动名词(v-ing)。例如:I _ _ _ _ my holiday. 我盼望着假期的到来。The children _ _ _ _ visiting Beijing.孩子们期待着去北京游览。2. Were all going to wear the team shirt. 我们将穿上我们队的队衣wear和put on 的区别wear强调穿的状态,如She is_ a red skirt.她穿着红裙子.put on强调穿的动作,如He is_ _ his shoes.

6、他在穿鞋.课前准备 通过预习,你还有哪些问题不懂?请在书上或讲学稿上标出来。 _课堂学习研讨I. Checking (预习情况检查)II. Speaking 1.Talk about the pictures on P16. 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. (Activity 6)III. Reading (阅读理解)1.Read the passage and match the people with the pictures (Activity 1)2. Check what they are going to do. (A

7、ctivity 2) 3. Ask and answer the questions. (Activity 3)4. Complete the passage with the given words. (Activity 4)IV. Writing(写作训练)1. 1) Look at the questions and answer. (Activity 5)2) Write answers to the questions. Use because.2. 1) Answer the questions (Activity 6) 2) Write about your partner巩固练

8、习I. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空:1. We are going to cheer the _(play) during the football match.2. We _(visit) our teacher this Sunday.3. Mother often_(do) some cleaning in the evening.4. What about _(go) shopping tomorrow? 5. They _(go) to the park next Sunday.6.Im looking forward to _(visit) the Forbidden City

9、in Beijing.7.He likes _(swim) in the river.8.We enjoyed_(oneself) during the May Day holiday.9.He would like_(have) supper at home. Lets_(go)sightseeing at the weekends.II.选择填空:( ) 1. Winter comes. The children are _ thick clothes. A. put on B. putting on C. wear D. wearing( ) 2. Here is your rainco

10、at. Please_. A. wear it B. put on it C. put it on ( ) 3. I enjoyed _ very much at Linglings party. A. I B. me C. mine D. myself( ) 4. Im going to spend the weekend_ my new friend Alice. A. with B. in C. on D. atIII. 完型填空: Its a 1 Sunday morning. Some good friends are going 2 a field trip to the Yell

11、ow Mountain. They are going to 3 a picnic on the top of mountain. Everyone takes some food and drink 4 them. 5 two hours later, they are all tired and thirsty. They have to stop 6 a rest and drink. Then they go on 7 . They have a lot of problems 8 to the top. Linda often goes the 9 way. Hill trips over a stone(石头). Sam has to tie his shoes. Ed cant 10 his heavy bag. Lucy hikes too slowly. But they help each other , and at last they get to the top. They have a nice lunch and hav


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