高中英语 Unit22 Environmental Protection单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修6.doc

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1、【英语】北师大版 单词典句考点(Unit 22Environmental Protection)名师导航 四点剖析 单词典句考点1. bounce vi. 反弹经典例句:The football bounced off the goalpost.足球击中球门门柱弹了出去。考点聚焦:1)派生词:bouncing adj. 跳跃的, 活泼的2)bounce vi. 反弹, 蹦蹦跳跳。如:Upon hearing shouts of “Help”, he bounced out of the house.一听到有人叫“救命”, 他就冲出屋子。3)bounce vt. 使弹起。如:The childr

2、en were bouncing a ball.孩子们在拍皮球。4) bounce vt. 经通信卫星等反射, 转播。如:That TV program was bounced from a satellite in space.那个电视节目是由太空卫星转播的。活学活用:汉译英1)股票正在反弹。_2)就在这时他弟弟猛然冲进房来。_答案:1)The stocks are bouncing.2)Just at the moment his brother bounced into the room.2. condemn vt. 宣判死刑, 注定毁灭经典例句:The murderer was con

3、demned to death for what he had done.那个杀人犯因为自己的所作所为被判死刑。His attempt was condemned to failure because he had not got prepared.他的尝试注定要失败, 因为, 他没有准备好。考点聚焦:1)派生词:condemnable adj. 该罚的, 该受责备的, condemnation n. 定罪, 谴责2)同义词:sentence vt. 判决3)反义词:excuse vt. 原谅, 申辩;praise vt. 赞扬, 歌颂4)常见搭配:condemn sb. to death s

4、entence sb. to death判某人以死刑或无期徒刑。如:The judge condemned the drug dealer to death.法官判这个毒品交易商死刑。condemn sb. for sth. 为某事谴责某人。如:We condemned him for his bad conduct.我们因为他行为不良而责备他。sth. condemn sb. to sth. 某事迫使某人处于不幸的状态。如:His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.他的残腿使他离不开轮椅。condemn sb. 谴责某人。如:The foreign

5、countrys invader was being condemned by the youths.轻人正在声讨外国的侵略者。活学活用:单项填空1) She had never expected that she would _to five years.A. was condemnedB. have condemnedC. be condemnedD. been condemned2) What the boy had done _ his classmates.A. condemnsB. was condemning byC. condemnedD. was condemned by答案

6、:1) C2) D3. sacrifice vt. &vi. 牺牲, 献出经典例句:Li Hulan sacrificed for the peoples freedom and liberation.刘胡兰为了人民的自由和解放牺牲了。考点聚焦:1)sacrifice n. 牺牲品。如:He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.他为国牺牲了。2)常见搭配:at the sacrifice of 牺牲sacrifice ones life to do sth. 做某事奉献出自己的生命fall a sacrifice to成为的牺牲品make

7、all sacrifices不惜一切牺牲sacrifice.for为而牺牲活学活用:单句改错1)He sacrificed his life to saving the drowning child._2)We know how to work, to fight, and sacrifice._答案:1) savingsave2) sacrifice前加to4. advocate vt. 主张, 提倡巧记提示:ad-( 前缀, 表示“运动,方向,变化”) voc(词根,“声音,叫喊”)-ate(动词词缀,表示“使成为”)经典例句:Our premier advocates higher sa

8、laries for teachers.我们的总理主张提高教师的工资。He advocates reforming the prison system.他提倡改良监狱制度。考点聚焦:1)派生词:advocation n. (=advocacy) 拥护;advocator n. 拥护者, 提倡者;advocatory adj. 拥护者的2)同义词:maintain v. 主张3)派义词:oppose vt. 反对4)advocate vt. 主张, 提倡, 后可接动名词。如:He advocates building more schools.他主张多建几所学校。活学活用:用所给动词的适当形式填

9、空Mr. Wang has been advocating_ (listen to)the English news program over the radio.答案:listening to5. recycle vt. 回收利用巧记提示: re-(再)cycle(循环)经典例句:Recycling is a sign that a country has improved his science and technology.使用再循环是一个国家提高科技的标志。考点聚焦:1)recycle“使再循环, 反复使用”, 常作及物动词。如:It is really a pity that our

10、 textbooks are only used once but not recycled.太遗憾了, 我们的课本只用了一次而不能反复循环使用。2)recycle后可接具体的数字。如:Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.丹麦的纸张回收率达85。3)recycling“循环”, 动名词形式,常作定语。如:He borrowed money to set up a recycling plant.他借钱办了个回收加工厂。4)recycled“被回收利用的”, 过去分词形式,常作前置定语, 修饰物。如:This envelope is made fro

11、m recycled paper.这信封是用再生纸制作的。活学活用:单项填空His job is to collect the sorted old paper and then have it_.A. to recycleB. recycleC. recyclingD. recycled答案:D6. threaten vt. 威胁巧记提示:threat(威胁)+-en(动词后缀)经典例句:The owner threatened to drive us out of the pub if we got drunk.酒店老板威胁说, 如果我们喝醉了就把我们赶出酒店去。考点聚焦:1)派生词:th

12、reatening adj. 胁迫的, 危险的;threateningly adv. 胁迫地, 险恶地2)threaten指“扬言将以伤害或惩罚迫使某人去做(或不做)某事”。如:I was threatened by him with a beating if I didnt obey.如果我不服从, 他扬言要打我。3)常见短语:threaten sb. with death用死威胁某人threaten to do sth. 威胁要做某事活学活用:单词拼写His father t_ to beat the boy if he stole again.答案:threatened7. seize

13、vt. 依法没收, 扣押经典例句:If you break the traffic rules, the police have rights to seize your car at once.如果你违反交通规则, 警察有权立即扣押你的车。考点聚焦:1)派生词:seizer n. 抢夺者, 扣押者;seizable adj. 可捕捉的, 可夺取的2)同义词:grasp vt. 抓住, 抓紧3)反义词:loosen v. 解开, 放松4)seize 还可意为“抓住, 捉住”。如:The police seized an escaping convict.警察抓住了一个在逃犯。5)还可意为“抓住

14、时机等, 利用”。如:He seized the chance of a trip to Singapore.他抓住了那次去新加坡旅行的机会。6)还可意为“理解”。如:I cant quite seize your meaning.我不太理解你的意思。7)常见短语:seize political power夺取政权seize the city攻占城市be seized of占有,拥有be seized with被侵扰;突然感觉到seize on/upon抓住,占有seize up失灵活学活用:单项填空All the drugs _ by the policemen, though hidden in the bottom of shoes.A. were seizedB. seizeC. to be seizedD. seized答案:A8. construct vt. 建造巧记提示:con-(com-, 一起)struct(堆在一起)经典例句:He is learning how to to construct a bridge.他正在学习怎样建桥。考点聚焦:1)派生词:constructive adj. 建设性的constructively adv. 建设性地, constructivenessn. 组织,


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