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1、课时作业1集合基础达标一、选择题12020四川凉山州第二次诊断性检测若集合AxN|x21,a1,则下列结论正确的是()AaA BaACaA DaA22019广东深圳高级中学期末已知集合AxZ|1x4,B2,1,4,8,9,设CAB,则集合C的元素个数为()A9 B8C3 D232020北京海淀一模已知集合Px|0x2,且MP,则M可以是()A0,1 B1,3C1,1 D0,542019浙江卷已知全集U1,0,1,2,3,集合A0,1,2,B1,0,1,则(UA)B()A1 B0,1C1,2,3 D1,0,1,352020广东广州一测已知集合Ax|x22x1,则()AAB BABRCBA DAB

2、62019广东实验中学期中满足条件1,2,3,4M1,2,3,4,5,6的集合M的个数是()A2 B3C4 D57已知a,bR,若a2,ab,0,则a2 021b2 021为()A1 B0C1 D182020安徽芜湖四校联考已知全集UR,集合A2,1,0,1,2,Bx|x24,则图中阴影部分所表示的集合为()A2,1,0,1 B0C1,0 D1,0,192019河南郑州第二次质量预测已知全集UR,Ax|yln(1x2),By|y4x2,则A(UB)()A(1,0) B0,1)C(0,1) D(1,0102020安徽安庆五校联盟考试已知集合M0,x,N1,2,若MN2,则MN()A0,x,1,2

3、 B2,0,1,2C0,1,2 D不能确定二、填空题11设集合A3,m,B3m,3,且AB,则实数m的值是_12已知Ax|x23x20,Bx|1xa,若AB,则实数a的取值范围是_132020江西南昌模拟已知集合Ax|5x1,集合BxR|(xm)(x2)0,且AB(1,n),则m_,n_.142020安徽质量检测已知集合A1,2,3,4,B2,3,6,7,C3,4,5,6,则图中阴影部分表示的集合是_能力挑战152020安徽天长一中第三次质量检测设集合P,集合Tx|mx10若TP,则实数m的取值组成的集合是()A. B.C. D.162020江西九江七校联考设A是自然数集的一个非空子集,对于k

4、A,如果k2A,且A,那么k是A的一个“酷元”,给定SxN|ylg(36x2),设MS,集合M中有两个元素,且这两个元素都是M的“酷元”,那么这样的集合M有()A3个 B4个C5个 D6个17已知集合Ax|2x5,Bx|m1x2m1,若BA,则实数m的取值范围为_1解析:集合AxN|x210,1,a1,根据元素和集合的关系得到aA.故选A项答案:A2解析:AxZ|1x41,0,1,2,3,4,B2,1,4,8,9,则CAB1,4,集合C的元素个数为2,故选D项答案:D3解析:0x|0x2,1x|0x2,0,1x|0x2,故选A项答案:A4解析:由题意可得UA1,3,则(UA)B1故选A.答案:

5、A5解析:Ax|0x0,故AB,故选D项答案:D6解析:由题意可知M1,2,3,4A,其中集合A为集合5,6的任意一个真子集,所以集合M的个数是2213.故选B项答案:B7解析:由已知得a0,则0,所以b0,于是a21,即a1或a1,又根据集合中元素的互异性可知a1应舍去,因此a1,故a2 021b2 021(1)2 02102 0211.答案:C8解析:由韦恩图可知阴影部分对应的集合为A(UB),Bx|x24x|x2或x2,A2,1,0,1,2,UBx|2x0(1,1),By|y0,所以UBy|y0,所以A(UB)(1,0,故选D项答案:D10解析:集合M0,x,N1,2,若MN2,则x2,


7、内所给单词的适当形式填空。1I cant find my ruler.May I use yours(you),Jenny?2Is the woman who is dancing over there your teacher?Yes,she teaches us(we) music.3Im sure I can improve my(I) spoken English in a year.4The little girl learned how to dress herself(she) with the help of her mother.5You cant put anything(

8、something) more in the box because it is already full.6There are lots of foreigners in our city.And most of them(they) are very friendly.7Please come in and make yourselves(you) at home,guys!8I have many photos about the friends of mine(I)9She lost her(she) watch this morning.What bad news!10Its ver

9、y dangerous for children to play by the river by themselves(they)11Larry has put on too much weight because of his(he) unbalanced diet.12Your task is to draw a picture.Ours(we) is to make up a story.13Doing some chores at home helps to develop childrens independence and make their(they) future lives

10、 easier.14My sister is waiting for me(I) in the hall.We are going to see a film together.15Its better to keep your(you) voice down in public even when youre with your friends.B)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。both,neither,any,little,another16We have got two TV sets,but neither works well.17If you want tickets

11、for a round trip(往返旅行),youll have to pay another 100 yuan.18Keep together.I dont want any of you to get lost.19Come on!The school bus is coming.We have little time left.20Ill take both of the cameras.One for my brother,and the other for Jim.单项选择。人称代词、物主代词及反身代词的辨析(B)1.My bike is old,and I want to ask

12、 my parents to buy a new one for _.Amy BmeCmine DI(C)2.Who is singing in the classroom?_ must be Susan.AYou BHeCIt DShe(C)3.Is this Kates red pen?No,its not _.She only has a black pen.Aours BtheirsChers Dhis(A)4.Are Lucy and Lily _ friends?Yes.And _ are twin sisters.Ayour;they Byour;weCyours;they Dyours;we(D)5.What d


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