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1、2012届硕士研究生学位论文 学校代码:10269 学号:51109602216新动态国际英语公司市场开发策略研究院 系:MBA教育中心 专 业:工商管理 研究 方向:营销管理 姓 名: 指导 教师: 副教授 二一二年三月完成Master degree graduate thesis by 2012 School Code:10269 Number:51109602216East China Normal UniversityMarket Development Study on New Dynamic InstitutionCollege: MBA Education Center Spec

2、iality: Business Administration Interests: Market Management Name: Zhiying Lu Preceptor: Associate Professor. Jianqing LuMar ,2012华东师范大学学位论文原创性声明 郑重声明:本人呈交的学位论文新动态国际英语公司市场开发策略研究,是在华东师范大学攻读硕士学位期间,在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日

3、期: 年 月 日华东师范大学学位论文著作权使用声明新动态国际英语公司市场开发策略研究系本人在华东师范大学攻读学位期间在导师指导下完成的硕士学位论文,本论文的研究成果归华东师范大学所有。本人同意华东师范大学根据相关规定保留和使用此学位论文,并向主管部门和相关机构如国家图书馆、中信所和“知网”送交学位论文的印刷版和电子版;允许学位论文进入华东师范大学图书馆及数据库被查阅、借阅;同意学校将学位论文加入全国博士、硕士学位论文共建单位数据库进行检索,将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版,采用影印、缩印或者其它方式合理复制学位论文。本学位论文属于(请勾选)( )1.经华东师范大学相关部门审查核定的“内部”或“涉

4、密”学位论文*,于 年 月 日解密,解密后适用上述授权。( )2.不保密,适用上述授权。 导师签名 本人签名 日期: 年 月 日* “涉密”学位论文应是已经华东师范大学学位评定委员会办公室或保密委员会审定过的学位论文(需附获批的华东师范大学研究生申请学位论文“涉密”审批表方为有效),未经上述部门审定的学位论文均为公开学位论文。此声明栏不填写的,默认为公开学位论文,均适用上述授权。硕士学位论文答辩委员会成员名单姓名职称单位备注主席IV摘要在我国,英语培训产业的产生是伴随着人们试图通过各种英语考试应运而生的,在升学、就业、留学、旅游的过程中,都需要用到英语,因此人们越来越重视英语的学习,巨大的市场



7、力现状、主要制约因素、市场开发策略以及提高竞争优势的策略做一些分析和探索。经过分析发现,公司的市场开发策略很重要,需要根据行业特性和企业的自身特点,设计符合公司战略扩张的市场开发策略和营销策略,即差异化以及地域布局选择的策略。关键词:营销,差异化,市场开发,竞争优势AbstractThe industry of the English training came into being as people wanted to pass all kinds of English tests in China. English is valued more and more since it is

8、used in the process of attending, employment, going abroad, tourism and so on. An enormous market demand produced the fast development of many individually-run enterprises of English training. There will be an increasingly fierce market competition as many international capitals are becoming valued

9、the English training industries in China. The English training institutions must adapt to the demand of individuation and diversity in the English training industry. In particular, people are increasingly becoming valued the progress of practical communication ability that is the progress of spoken

10、English ability. The major problem of the English training industry in China included market development, marketing, train teachers and capital. At present, the first question that is thought in the English training industry is how to realize the difference and localization and occupied the major ma

11、rket share. Currently, the most important issue that must be considered is that the international English training companies in China is not defeated in the competition with EF, Wall Street. The major problem of the English training industry is lack of experience, short time of industrial developmen

12、t, disorderly competition and lack of innovation.New Dynamic Institution as the high-level English training industry occupies an important proportion of the business, it is to become the founder of a higher quality of service of the domestic English language training industry. In the industry with a

13、 high degree of homogenization of marketing, the New Dynamic Institution wants to continue to expand market share, to achieve ambitious business development goals, there must be correct and reasonable market development strategy as a support. Market development strategy is an important means of ente

14、rprise development and expansion in todays fierce market competition, it is an important way of which the enterprise wanted to be in an invincible position in the market. The thesis based on the theoretical knowledge such as Marketing and Management, Competition on Difference, Experiential Marketing, combined wit


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