高中英语 Unit 5 Music全员探究 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、Unit 5 Music全员探究Reading1. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying singing?你曾否梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众,你一边演唱,观众们一边欣赏你的歌唱为你鼓掌?(1) dream of要点导航 dream ofthink of, imagine 梦想;幻想。例如:I have dreamed of being a singer. 我一直梦想当歌星。When he was a y

2、oung man, he dreamt of going to Beijing. 年轻时他梦想去北京。_我梦想买自己的汽车。归纳拓展 dream的过去式和过去分词为:dreamed,dreamed; dreamt,dreamt。dream of/about sb./sth. 表示“梦见”。dream of/about sth.和dream of/about doing sth.表示“梦想;想象”。dream 还可以跟同源宾语,构成dream a dream。例如:I dreamt about my teacher last night. 昨天夜里我梦见我的老师了。May you _tonigh

3、t! 祝你今晚做个好梦!昨夜我做了一个可怕的梦。_We used to_.我们过去曾想去国外居住。(2) with everyone clapping and enjoying singing要点导航 with everyone clapping and enjoying singing是“with+n./pron.+doing”结构,在句中作伴随状语。例如:The singer came into the hall with many fans following him.那位歌星在众多歌迷的簇拥下进了大厅。She fell asleep with the light burning.亮着灯

4、她就睡着了。_(在一位朋友的带领下) I found the post office.归纳拓展 “With+宾语+宾语补足语”结构在句子中多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件;也可以作定语。构成方式如下: 1). with+名词/代词+形容词;He usually sleeps with the windows open even in winter即使在冬天,他也常常开着窗户睡觉。 2). with+名词/代词+副词;One family lived in a house with very tall trees all round 3). with+名词/代词+介词短语;

5、English lessons are broadcast every day on the radio with explanations in English and other languages 4). with+名词/代词 +动词不定式;With so much homework to do,I cant go to the party tonight 5). with+名词/代词 +分词。In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another personHe stood for an instant

6、 with his hand raised他举着手站了一会儿。 6)with 宾语名词 In the centre of London there is a tall white building with the name“Bush House” A little boy_(掉了两颗门牙的) ran into the house. _(由那位小男孩领路),we will find the house easily tomorrow. He lay on the bed _(卧室门关着).There were rows of white houses_(前面栽满了树). She came in

7、to the room,_(鼻子冻红了). _(吃完饭),we all went home. 2If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.如果我们说实话,我们多数人都想过要变得赫赫有名。要点导航 be honest with sb 对某人说老实话。例如:I shall be honest with you.我要对你说实话。他经常不对我说实话。_归纳拓展be honest in sth./in doing sth. 在(干)什么事方面诚实。to be honest with you/hones

8、tly speaking可以作插入语。例如:I think my girl friend _(很诚实)what she is telling me._(说实话), I dont like the gift you have given me.3.But just how do people get to form a band?那么,人们又是怎样在一起组成乐队的呢? 要点导航form vt. 形成;组成;构成;排成;养成。例如:I cant form any idea about it.这件事我形不成什么意见。The states united to form a nation.这些州联合成一

9、个国家。On the playground the students are forming a line now.现在学生正在操场上排成一排。Form good habits when young.年轻时要养成好习惯。归纳拓展 form还可以作名词,表示“.形状,形态,外形,表格,形式”。in the form of 以的形式fill in the form填写表格in form形式上 in fine form 心情很好form into形成,使形成form the habit of养成的习惯take the form of采取的形式如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。_He _(已经养

10、成了拜访我的习惯)on weekends.They are_.(形式上不同)4. They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们也可以多挣一些钱。 passer-by要点导航 passer-by C 路人,过路的人(复数为passers-by)。例如: Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident.警察询问过路的人是否目击了这次事故。问题探究 你知道复合名

11、词怎样变复数吗?提示:一般说来复合名词的复数形式有三种情况: 通常是把最后一个词变成复数形式:boy-friends男朋友 grown-ups 成年人go-betweens 中间人 drawbacks 缺陷 man和woman位于复合名词的第一部分时,两部分都要变成复数:men drivers男司机 women drivers女司机 把表示主要含义的词变为复数:lookerson旁观者 sisters-in-law嫂子,弟媳 earn要点导航 earn 挣得;获利;赢得。例如:She earned a living as a part-time secretary.她靠做半职秘书为生。He e

12、arned a reputation as an expert on tax law.他赢得了税法专家的美名。As a teacher, she had earned the respect and admiration of her students.作为教师,她博得了学生们的尊敬和钦佩。他靠打零工谋生。_earn a/ones living=_ make money_raise money_ (3)so that要点导航 so that conj. 以便,为了(引导的目的状语从句,从句的谓语常由“can/could/may/might/should”等情态动词构成,=in order th

13、at)。例如: She has brought the book in order that she can follow TV lessons.她带上了书以便跟上电视课。I hired a boat so that I could go fishing.我租了条船以便能钓鱼。Speak clearly_.说清楚点以便每个人都能听懂。 思维拓展 so that还可引导结果状语从句,意为“结果,以至于”,前面常用逗号同主句分开,从句中通常不用情态动词。例如:He came late, so that he missed the train. 他来晚了,结果没有赶上过车。He often tells stories that are not true_



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