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1、写作话题:生肖文化写作任务假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim来信说对中国的生肖文化感兴趣。请你回复邮件,介绍:1. 十二生肖的含义和文化内涵;2. 今年的生肖年;3. 你的生肖。注意:1. 词数120-150左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_审题1)文体:以书信为载体的说明介绍文2)时态:一般现在时3)人称:第一人称与第二人称为主小贴士:“生肖文化”属于2017年新课标中“人与社会”主题语境下的“不同民族文化习俗与传统节日”主题群。该选题旨在鼓励学生使用英语介绍中国传统文化,主动传播和弘扬中华文化。4)分析:本题中的三个要点各有侧重,学生在写作时应做到详略得当。要点一可以简要概述生肖

2、的来历及其在中国文化中的地位。要点二需要介绍今年即猪年。如果对于自己的生肖年不够了解,也可选择一个你熟悉的生肖介绍其文化寓意,注意语言表达要灵活多样,段与段之间衔接要自然恰当。写作语料I. 十二生肖概述及文化内涵1. Chinese people use 12 animals to represent the years. This system is called the Chinese zodiac.2. In order, the 12 Chinese zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Go

3、at, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.3. The Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao, refers to the circle of 12 animals that measures the cycles of time. Your sign or animal is decided/determined by the lunar year in which you were born.4. Chinese zodiac animals have lucky meanings. Chinese people associate each a

4、nimal with certain characteristics. Its believed that people born in a given year have the personality of that years animal.5. In ancient times people were faithful to Chinese zodiac compatibility (相容) and often referred to it before a romantic relationship began. Even nowadays some people still ref

5、er to it.6. As the Chinese zodiac recurs (重现) every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, etc. People who are in their animal year are likely to wear red clothes for good luck in the year.7. Similar to Western horoscopes (星座), many Chinese people believe that Chine

6、se signs decide what your character will be like.II. 介绍生肖年及寓意(以猪年为例)1. This year is the Year of the Pig. It starts on Feb 5 2019 and ends on Jan 24 2020.2. Many Chinese mothers like to give birth in the Year of the Pig, as it is said that people who are born in this year will lead wonderful lives.3.

7、 The zodiac animal for 2019 is the pig; it represents abundance and happiness.4. Pigs have some fine qualities cuteness, patience and innocence. In China, there is a cartoon movie named McDull. McDull is a piglet who works hard toward his dreams even though he keeps failing.5. The pig is the 12th of

8、 the zodiac animals. According to a myth (传说), the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The pig was late because he overslept.6. In Chinese culture, the pig, with its chubby (圆胖的) face and big ears, is a symbol of wealth/prosperity (富裕)

9、 and a sign of fortune/luck.7. Clumsy (笨拙的) and lazy as it may be, the pig is a lucky animal representing carefree fun, good fortune and wealth.8. It is said that those who are born in the Year of the Pig are gentle, artistic, compassionate (热情的), and generous, making them good teachers and coaches.

10、III. 介绍自己的生肖1. I was born in the Year of the Rabbit. Just like the animal itself, I am quiet and alert (警觉的). People who belong to the rabbit zodiac sign always treat people politely. They have a gentle smile that makes people feel that they are credible and sincere.2. Last year was my animal year t

11、he Year of the Dog. The dog is a symbol of loyalty and sincerity; a dog is always ready to help others.3. Rats are believed to be imaginative, charming and generous to those they love, although they do have a tendency (倾向) to be quick-tempered.4. I was born in 2002 the Year of the Horse. The horse i

12、s the seventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac signs. People born in this year impress other people with their diligence and generosity.5. I belong to the Year of the Tiger. Tigers are born leaders. People born in this year are courageous and active, enjoying challenges and adventures.6. I was

13、 born under the sign of the dragon. The dragon symbolizes power, nobility and bravery in traditional Chinese culture. It is the only fictional creature among the 12 Chinese zodiac animals.7. The snake is my animal. Though snakes are given negative traits in some parts of the world, they stand for in

14、telligence and mystery in China.重点表达一览表u1. get further insights into /get a glimpse of 更多地了解,领略2. consist of /be made up of /be composed of 由组成3. be a symbol/sign of /be a typical example of 是的代表/化身4. symbolize/represent/embody 象征, 代表5. animal year 本命年6. be considered/deemed/reckoned/regarded/seen/viewed as 被视为7. Its believed/said that 据说8. be famous/renowned for /have a reputation for 以而著称9. be derived from 起源于小试牛刀1. 中国的十二生肖每12年一轮回,每年都有一个代表的动物。_2. 一些人认为,中国的生肖和西方星座(astrology)一样,决定了人的性格。_3. 中国人认为,猪年象征着吉祥与幸福。_4.



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