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1、编号 无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)题目: 我国中小企业融资存在问题及解决对策 经管 系 会计学 专业摘要近年来,我国的中小企业得到了空前的发展,中小企业的数量在持续的增加,在国民经济发展以及产业结构的升级过程中所发挥出来的作用也越来越大。从中小企业的分布来看,则主要集中于一、二、三产业当中。从分布领域来看,几乎涉及到了所有的竞争性领域和行业,然而,我国的金融体系的改革还相对滞后,资本市场还不发达,以及中小企业自身的一些情况,让我国的中小企业融资非常的困难。然而随着经济的不断发展,中小企业对经济所起到的作用也更加受到各国的重视。然而,一些金融机构为了追求自身发展的机会,产生歧视中小企业的想法,在


3、中小企业;融资;现状;问题;对策13ABSTRACT ABSTRACTIn recent years, Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises have been an unprecedented development, the number of small and medium enterprises continued to mount, played out in the development of national economy and the upgrading process of industrial structure is

4、more and more big role in. From the distribution of small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly concentrated in the one or two, the three industry. From the distribution of field of view, almost involved all competitive field and industry, however, the reform of Chinas financial system is relatively

5、backward, the capital market is not developed, some cases and small and medium-sized enterprises, to Chinas SMEs financing is very difficult.However, with the development of economy, the small and medium-sized enterprise to the economic role played by more and more attention all over the world. Howe

6、ver, some financial institutions in the pursuit of their own development opportunities, have the discrimination of small and medium enterprises ideas, in the community formed a despise the concept of SMEs, resulting in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, the lack of a market environ

7、ment for fair competition, and the operators of the social status of uncertainty. Restriction factors faced in present private enterprises have: we have not yet set up free entrepreneurial environment; lack of perfect socialized service system; social credit system, the construction of legal system

8、is not perfect; the shortage of funds, financing channels are sluggish. Therefore, we should pay special attention and efforts to solve the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises. At the national macro-control background, enterprises, especially the financing of small and medium-siz

9、ed enterprises and the relationship between banks and enterprises, has become a focus that people pays close attention to again. How to solve the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, has aroused widespread concern in the community of scholars, this article from the conce

10、pt of small and medium-sized enterprises start, then analysis of the present situation of the financing of small and medium enterprises. Then according to the small and medium-sized enterprise development present situation, analyze the existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding proposal.K

11、eyword:small and medium-sized enterprises; financing;present situation; problems;countermeasures目录目 录摘要IABSTRACTII第1章 绪论11.1选题背景11.2研究目的与意义11.3国内外研究现状11.3.1国外研究现状11.3.2国内研究现状2第2章 我国中小企业融资存在的问题32.1中小企业融资内部问题32.1.1融资机构比较的单一,内源融资比重过高32.1.2低银行贷款率和中小企业高负债率之间的矛盾非常突出32.1.3中小企业自身的原因42.2中小企业融资外部问题52.2.1市场化现象

12、严重,资本市场发育不良52.2.2政策性的干预非常严重52.2.3信贷政策限制了金融机构对中小企业的贷款6第3章 改善我国中小企业融资的对策63.1为企业自身建立良好的服务机构73.1.1打开多种融资渠道服务中小企业73.1.2设立专门服务于中小企业的金融服务机构73.1.3加强中小企业自身建设83.2借鉴其他企业融资模式93.2.1借鉴国外中小企业融资模式的经验93.2.2建立和健全一些中介服务体系93.2.3制定中小企业的行业信贷支持政策9第4章 总结与展望104.1 总结104.2 展望10参考文献11致 谢11我国中小企业融资存在问题及解决对策 第1章 绪论1.1选题背景最近几年中,为



15、企业考虑的一项头等大事。1.3国内外研究现状1.3.1国外研究现状和肖(Shaw,1973)和麦金农(Mekinmon,1973)对于发展中国家的金融抑制理论的研究,有助于对于向我国这样的发展中国家的一些中小企业的如何获得金融提出了更多的建议。一般而言,在金融压抑之下,政府往往依照自身的偏好将金融资源投入到了一些比较大的或者说是国有的部门去。这样的一种支持方式,对于中小企业以及非国有的部门的发展而言,是非常不利的。韦兹和斯蒂格利茨(Weiss&Stiglitz,1981)主要采用信贷配合理论对于中小企业为何难以获得信贷支持给予了解释。他们认为,信息不对称容易导致些道德风险和逆向选择的发生,而这也让中小企业很难获得贷款。其次,该理论还从信息的经济学角度上分析了中小企业融资的障碍。班纳吉(Baher jee,1994)则认为,中小金融机构为中小企业提供金融的服务方面拥有信息上的一些优势。为此,他提出了共同监督假说和长期互动假说,前者主要是认为即便是中小金融机构不能够真正的了解中小企业的经营状况,但是,为了一些共同的利益,中小企业间就会实施自



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