
上传人:野鹰 文档编号:1369800 上传时间:2017-06-09 格式:PDF 页数:10 大小:2.82MB
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1、 2014 10 25 . currency1 “.A famous sport starAn old person you respectA museumSomeone you think beautiful or handsomefifl An experience of fixing a broken-down machineAn interesting conversationA good service offered by a restaurant or a companyA project or homework youve doneAn event youve done wit

2、h a group of peopleA meal you invented others to your home or restaurantAn experience that you waited for someone elseA traffic jam that you remembered wellSomething you did thats a waste of timeA kind of activity that is good for your health” A phone app that you often useA handmade gift to your fr

3、iendThe last book you readSomething you borrowed from your family or friendAn important job for your countrySomething you took home from a foreign country An outdoor place that you likeAn interesting building in your hometown Do you want to be a teacher? Do you want to talk about thecurrent situatio

4、n of teachers?What activities do Chinese people do in family? What do youdo with your families during picnic or festival union with families?Do you talk about the experience you have ever been talkingwith a stranger?Which book do you enjoy to read? What book do people toread now? How do we improve t

5、he interest of reading books?What season do you like? Do you like to go outside in coldor hot days? What impact of weatherdoes it have for peoplesworking?Do you talk about the special meal you took before? Dochildren and young people have differenttastes of food? What isthe different about food in r

6、estaurant and home?What type of sports like balls do you like? What is the mostpopular sports activity in China now?Why some people do not want to do sports activity?Part1Name , Study or work School / / 时 科 科Hometown哪里 方 变化 希望住 方适合 轻或老 居住吗Sunny day阳光灿烂天气吗都做去 方阳光天 好吗Part1Rainy day下雨天吗 哪些区雨多雨天们生活 影响居住

7、天气变化快吗Lateness and punctuality经 带手表吗自己经 吃到吗 时“吗 时感觉Public transport居住 何公共 何 方式 何改善城市 Trees and forest/plant居住 树多吗 树著 森林吗爬 树吗植了解多吗 何种植植自己亲自种植 吗Sleeping几 睡几 起床睡前干 睡 着 办老需睡多久Happiness快乐吗快乐快乐和金钱 关系Living住方 哪 房间现 居住 好 方 理 居住场所Cooking家里谁做饭多会做饭吗 时候与 做饭吗 孩子 cooking“吗Relatives亲戚多吗 时候跟亲戚玩多还邻居多亲戚和邻居谁更“亲戚会因为时间或

8、距离疏远吗Park居住公园多吗 去吗 公园做Music音乐吗类型 类型吗会乐器吗孩子应该 吗Shopping and online shopping吗 线吗线 好处 线 会取代street shopping吗Clothing衣服颜色会影响 衣服吗居住 衣服贵吗 去和现 衣服 City and countryside住 大城市还 城市 城市方 郊区吗去 吗 住 郊区 郊区会变化Sportsport会 吗 做 吗Cycling自 吗自 吗自 好处自 会 多还 Dictionary多吗 “吗为 还 子 Politeness “吗谁 会 场合需 Concentration“吗 好吗 何 Patienc

9、e“吗 何 何 好 Busy or not还 时候 时候 吗Language吗 了 还会 吗为 做 哪些fiToy 玩现 玩和 去 区 为些currency1 “玩Advertisement家 多吗 fifl 到影响吗History时候 吗 吗 或fiflTrain 吗 多吗 时”到 fiDaily Routines天做 天 时间 时间做好 吗 谁 会好 Walking吗去哪里 好处, 吗Photography影吗影 吗 和 子区 现 都 ps了 还会 影吗Painting and drawing 吗 吗 孩子 吗好处TV programfi 吗类型 老 和 轻fi 区 Birthday生 天

10、做生 前还“吗 生 Party经 party吗party多 party Animal 吗 去 园吗 孩子去 园 好处Computer and internet时 多吗 都干 们生活带影响Mobile phone手 多吗更 还 会 取代吗News 何取 类型 national/international/localBoating吗 哪 时候 好处Dancing吗 老 何Part2A person in historyHouse movingAn intelligent personA comic actor/actressA future plan you haveA family busine

11、ssA science classA film you dislikeA TV program you like/dislikeA competition you took part inAn ancient/old buildingA restaurant impressing you a lotA place where you learnt about a new cultureAn antique or old object your family has kept for a long timeSomething you saved money forA recent change

12、to your lifeA difficult time you went throughSomething you forgot /Something you forgot todo(fifl)A training course you hadA positive event in your teenager timeA subject you disliked in high schoolAn old man you enjoy talking toA famous/successful person in your countryA friend you havent met for a

13、 long timeSomeone with an important jobA stranger who helped you/who you helpedSomeone who paid you a visit at your home recentlyFavorite singer/musician/music bandA foreign place(been to/want to go to)A city (been to/want to go to/important city in your country)A place you go for musicA park or gar

14、den you likeA beautiful flat or house you visitedA room you spent a lot of time inA book( you read for many times/you want to read again)A photo which you are inAn important letter or email you receivedA popular product made in your countryAn electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for yourhomeA piec


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