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1、五年级上册Unit1复习课教案 My Teachers一、教学内容与分析 My Super TeacherMy English teacher is Steven. Hes from America. He is an old man. Whats he like? He has short curly hair and green eyes. Hes very smart. He is good at English, Chinese, math and music. Hes very friendly. He has 100 friends. Is he hard-working? Yes

2、, he is. He often gets up at 5:30 a.m. and goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. Hes very strong. He can do Chinese kung fu very well.This is my super teacher. I like him very much!本语篇是根据PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit1创编的,围绕主题“My Teachers”展开。这是一节复习课,其主要内容为复习本单元描述人物的主要词汇和句型,以及新授单词friendly和hard-working。语篇以笔者自己的英语老师Steven为载体,将形

3、象生动的“Steven自我情况描述”视频引入课堂,让学生乐“看”、乐“听”、乐“说”,帮助学生感知人物形象,自然交流人物体貌特征及性格特点,并在语篇阅读时将策略深入心灵,让学生乐“读”、乐“写”,帮助学生掌握学习语篇的方法和技巧。本节课的教学重点是帮助学生牢固掌握本单元四会单词和句子的书写;教学难点是单词friendly和hard-working的理解及运用,以及帮助学生在原有知识和经验的基础上,运用所学语言进行表达、交流的能力。 本语篇适合小学英语五年级学生学习。二、学情分析授课对象为小学五年级学生,他们通过近五年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的口语表达能力和阅读能力。教师需要不断创造机会,提高

4、学生在阅读中输入和内化语言、重组并输出语言的能力,同时让学生体验学习语言和交流表达的快乐。三、学习目标1. 知识目标a.复习本单元主要词汇:young, funny, tall, strong, kind, old, short, thin, strict, smart, active和quiet。b.复习本单元主要句型Whats he/ she like? He/ She is . He/ She has . Is he/ she ? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/ she isnt.c.能听、说、认读新授词汇friendly和hard- working。d.能通过阅读,

5、学会用不同的方式描述自己的老师,并学会描述身边的人。2. 能力目标a.能用不同的形容词描述人物,培养学生用英语交际的能力。b.能通过在语篇中完成不同的阅读任务,形成提取信息的能力。c.能掌握简单、有效的阅读方法和技巧。T: Is she tall? Yes, she is . Ss: Is she?此处课件阴影图像边有若干描述人物的形容词,学生猜一个可点击相应词汇,肯定或否定判断由课件事先设定,该环节同时教授新词friendly和 hard-working,适当渗透语音教学。设计说明通过出示一位老师的照片阴影,让学生在猜测中复习该组一般疑问句,并在进一步提高学生描述能力的同时引入新词学习,激发

6、学生表达的欲望,启发学生的智力。Pair WorkT: Please guess, whos this woman?Ss: She is Miss Lin.T: Youve got it. Miss Lin is our head teacher. T: Whats she like? Ss: She is . / She has .T: Is she ?Ss: Yes, she is . / No, she isnt. 教师边问边点课件呈现这些句型结构,呈现完毕让学生同桌问答操练。T: Now please talk about Miss Lin with your partner. Her

7、e you go.Mr. ShouT: Miss Lin is a good teacher. What about this man? Whos this man?Ss: He is Mr. Shou. T: Mr. Shou is your math teacher. Now, boys and girls. Lets describe Mr. Shou in groups. T: Wow, you know Mr. Shou a lot. Thats good. He is a good teacher, too. 设计说明通过同桌活动和小组活动,培养学生的合作能力,有效滚动复习旧知。S

8、tep2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)解读语篇,分析文本。1. 看视频第一遍,回答一个问题。T: Now I have a good teacher, too. He is an English teacher. Look, this is his photo. Whats his name? Lets watch the VCR.(看一遍录像)T: So boys and girls, whats my English teachers name? Ss: Steven.T: Youve got it. Look, my English is Steven. 设计说

9、明通过提问,让学生带着问题有针对性地观看视频,训练学生的听力,提高学生听的效率。2. 看视频第二遍,判断Steven是怎样的一位老师。T: What do you think of Steven? Lets watch it again.(第二遍看录像)第二次看了视频后,教师让学生做选择题,课件出示题目。T: What do you think of Steven? Here are three words for you to choose. Steven is a _ teacher.A. quiet B. pretty C. super学生通过思考,一致认为选择C,Steven is a

10、 super teacher. 之后发阅读材料,让学生在阅读材料中填充完整题目:My Super Teacher设计说明通过做题目,让学生宏观把握视频内容,并对Steven这一位老师有初步了解。3. 自读语篇第一遍,圈出关键词。T: Yes, he is my super teacher. Why do you think he is my super teacher? Read the passage and circle the key words. Now take out your paper and read it, please.设计说明通过快速阅读语篇的方式,指导学生如何快速阅读

11、,获得自己所需要的信息,圈出关键词。通过师生互动和生生互动,反馈阅读结果:Steven is smart, friendly, hard-working and strong.4. 自读语篇第二遍,划出关键句(即能印证每一个关键词的理由)。T: Why do you think Steven is smart, friendly, hard-working and strong? Lets read thepassage and underline the key sentences.设计说明遵行循序渐进的原则,提出更深层次的问题让学生再读语篇,指导学生如何读懂课文细节,进一步理解阅读内容。通

12、过师生互动和生生互动,反馈阅读结果:Steven is smart. He is good at English, Chinese, math and music. He is friendly. He has 100 friends. He is hard-working. He gets up at 5:30 a.m. He goes to bed at 11:00 p.m.Hes strong. He can do Chinese kung fu very well. 5. 看着板书复述设计说明通过教师引导学生看板书集体复述,指导学生如何根据关键词及关键句讲述语篇故事,帮助学生养成良好的

13、阅读习惯,掌握有效的阅读策略,培养学生的自主学习能力。Step3拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation)1. Write your super teacherT: Yes, I also have a kind teacher. She is Miss Zhou. Id like to write something about her. Look, 老师将电脑切换成投影仪,并在大屏幕中示范作文书写。T: What about you? Do you have a kind teacher? A pretty teacher? A funny teacher? Letsri

14、ght your teachers and make a teacher show. Now take out your paper and write it.T: Have you finished? Its time to show your teachers. Whod like to have a try?书写完毕,部分学生上台展示自己的文章。设计说明从听、说、读,过渡到写,通过更高层次的作业设计,兼顾到学生阅读、复述、理解、写作等各方面能力的发展,引导学生学以致用,从而激发学生的阅读兴趣。2. HomeworkT: Boys and girls. After class, lets describe your teachers to your friends, or to your teachers. Got it? Well, so much for this. Class is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!



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