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1、江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学2013届高三英语错题再练4 1. -Hi, Lisa. Are you the same age as your sister? -No. My sister is the _ of the two of us. She is my elder sister.A. superiorB. designerC. hopeD. senior2. It was _ for both of them to see what the years _ to them when they met 20 years later.A. amazing; had doneB. amazed;

2、had doneC. amazed; didD. amazing; did3. a barbecue is a social gathering, usually held outdoors, _ food is cooked over an open flame.A. thatB. from whichC. whyD. at which4. We are currently seeing big things _ in the world around us.A. take placeB. taking placeC. taken placeD. to take place5. -Excus

3、e me, sir. _ -Id like a big steak and a pineapple dessert.A. May I take your order?B. What do you want?C. This table is reserved.D. I would like to serve you.6. When you take _ chance, you try to do something although there is _ large risk of danger or failure.A. the; /B. a; aC. the; aD. a; /7. The

4、customer didnt choose _ of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.A. eitherB. allC. anyD. both8. The composers usually write exact instructions on how the music _.A. is playedB. is being playedC. is to be playedD. has been played9. It was the words and actions of the actor, not the a

5、ctors appearance, _ caused his fans to scream with excitement.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. when10. I thought my effort _ Bill up didnt have the intended effect because he just kept staring out of the window.A. cheersB. being cheeredC. to cheerD. cheered11. - The works of art on show were beautiful indee

6、d. - True. Its a pity that we _ to take photographs in the museum.A. werent permittedB. didnt permitC. havent permittedD. havent been permitted12. Coronados unique history began when a Spanish explorer caught _ sight of islands seventeen miles off _ coast of southern California.A. /; aB. the; aC. /;

7、 theD. the; the13. We had become kind of addicted to the TV series, even though it _ for children.A. is intendedB. intendedC. was intendedD. is intending14. -Why dont you ask Sam to give up smoking since it is bad for his health? -Though I have spoken to him many times, he never takes any _ of what

8、I said.A. remarkB. observationC. attentionD. notice15. -You seem to be worried about something. What happened? -We have to _ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.A. get throughB. get inC. get acrossD. get away16. The first five of the ten questions on the test paper were very

9、difficult, but the rest _ easy.A. was B. wereC. isD. are17. A way to raise your spirits is to think of a situation _ you did something you are proud of.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. as18. The past 30 years _ his transformation from a poor young man to a millionaire.A. have witnessedB. are witnessedC. wi

10、tnessD. havent been witnessed19. Franklin didnt feel at _ ease in the party, because he was afraid of losing _ face.A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; /20. -I will take a trip to New York next month. -Youd better _ your English before the journey to America.A. examineB. studyC. useD. polish21. The h

11、ouse _ on the north bank of the river was built in 1955.A. stood B. standingC. standsD. to stand22. The thing _ Mr. Black was not too sure was the young mans honesty.A. thatB. whichC. in whichD. about which23. _ theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.A

12、. WhichB. WhetherC. ThatD. What24. The scientists were excited that a satellite _ 10 tons was successfully placed in orbit yesterday.A. weighedB. weighingC. to be weighedD. being weighed25. No one but the workers in this workshop _ allowed to enter the room from now on.A. wasB. isC. wereD. are26. _

13、a discussion with the teacher, we came to have a better understanding of the problem.A. Having heldB. HoldingC. HeldD. Being held27. -_ you _ around the village? -Yes. We really had a good time there and experienced village life.A. Have; been shownB. Have; shownC. Are; to be shownD. Are; shown28. Jo

14、hn, you _ the knife. Come here. Let me check your wound.A. neednt have played withB. mustnt play withC. shouldnt have played withD. wouldnt play with29. The courses will continue until these people reach the point _ they can have simple conversations with others in the foreign language.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. which30. -What do you think of volunteering? -Volunteering is an attitude, _ people can adopt even at an early age.A. itB. oneC. thatD. what- 3 -



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