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1、河南省郑州市新世纪学校2012届高三英语专题总复习精选强化练习题(一百八十四)逆向推导法。完形填空题的选项往往需要考生根据文章下文提供的暗示进行判断和确定,这就需要考生要想办法在下文中找出这些暗示或依据,从后往前进行推导。此即我们常说的“瞻前顾后”中的“顾后”。Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book.When my _36_,从后文的grandfather可知Sam是“我孙子”。Sam,was born,my heart w

2、as filled with joy.I had been sitting in a wheelchair为41题设伏。 for 20 years before then,and I have been _37_病得很严重。 ill many times.So I wondered if I would have the _38_不知道是否还有机会告诉孙子。词语复现,是后文chance的近义词。 to tell Sam what I had _39_.我一生中所观察到的东西。For years I have been hosting a program on the _40_多年来我一直主持着

3、一个电台节目。 and writing articles for a magazine.为43题设伏。 Being _41_由于行动不方便。 to move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart _42_敞开心扉。,exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners为40题提供暗示。 and _43_.与电台的听众和杂志的读者交换意见。 So when Sam was born,I _44_我决定。 to tell him about school and friendship,ro

4、mance and work,love and everything else.Thats how I started to write these _45_.所以我开始写这些信。 I hoped that Sam would _46_希望孙子有朝一日能读到这些信。 them sooner or later.However,that expectation _47_这种期望得改变了。 when Sam showed signs of autism (自闭症) at the age of two.He had actually stopped talking before the discove

5、ry of the signs.He _48_他拒绝与人交流。 to communicatewith others,even the family members.That was _49_这令我伤心欲绝。 for me but didnt stop me writing on.I realized that I had even _50_我有更多的话要说给他听了。 now to tell him.I wanted him to _51_我想让他明白“与众不同”的意义。what it means to be “different” from others,and learn how to fi

6、ght against the misfortune hell _52_学会怎样同所面临的厄运作抗争。 as I myself,his grandfather,为36题提供暗示。did.I just _53_我只是怀疑能否在余下的时光里把想说的话全部写下来。 if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.暗示病得很严重,随时有生命危险。为37题提供线索。Now,_54_随着这本书的出版,我也有了机会。 the book has been published,I have been given the chanc

7、e.为38题提供暗示。 Every chapter in the book is a letter为45题提供暗示。 to Sam: some about my life,and all about what it means to be a _55_.讲述我的生活以及“男子汉”的意义。Daniel Gottlieb(2010重庆卷)文章概述这是一部书的序言。一位身患重病多年的老人,想在有生之年把自己的经历和体会写出来,希望孙子长大点后能看到并从中受益。不幸的是,孙子在两岁时患上了自闭症,不再与人交流,老人心痛欲裂,促使他尽快把书写完,告诉孙子像自己那样同厄运进行抗争,做个男子汉,乐观地面对人

8、生。难点剖析exchange thoughts with“与某人交换意见或看法”。before the discovery of the signs“在发现这种征兆之前”。communicate with“与某人交流”。different此处指与“常人不同”。他们祖孙二人都是病人呀!长句注解I wanted him to understand what it means to be “different” from others,and learn how to fight against the misfortune hell face as I myself,his grandfather

9、,did.我想让他明白与常人不一样意味着什么,想让他学会怎样同所面临的厄运进行抗争,就像我自己他的爷爷那样同病魔进行抗争。36.A.son Bnephew Cbrother Dgrandson37A.seriously Bmentally Cslightly Dquietly38A.ability Btime Ccourage Dresponsibility39A.written Bsuffered Cobserved Dlost40A.radio Btelevision Cstage Dbed41A.ready Bunable Canxious Deager42A.warm Bbroken

10、Cclosed Dopen43A.hosts Bvisitors Creaders Dreporters44A.began Bstopped Cforgot Ddecided45A.letters Bemails Cbooks Ddiaries46A.find Bread Ccollect Dkeep47A.developed Bdisappeared Cchanged Darrived48A.tried Brefused Cregretted Dhoped49A.exciting Bacceptable Cstrange Dheartbreaking50A.less Beverything

11、Cmore Dnothing51A.understand Bexplain Cbelieve Dquestion52A.fear Bface Cknow Dcause53A.felt Bguessed Csaw Ddoubted54A.as Bonce Cthough Dif55A.teacher Bchild Cman Dwriter答案:36.D37.A38.B39.C40.A41.B42.D43.C44.D45.A46.B47.C48.B49.D50.C51.A52.B53.D54.A55.C错因分析:37,38,40,45题容易做错,原因就是考生没有从下文中找到暗示。- 2 -用心 爱心 专心



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