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1、9A Chapter 1 Protecting the innocentI、词组、短语1. 保护无辜_2. 关于侦探的文章 _3. 做侦探工作_4. 安排, 处理 _5. 独自生活 _6. 喜欢收藏 _7. 以价格购买_8. 寻找线索 _9. 否认做过某事 _10. 过早下结论_11. 从偷_12. 破门而入 _13. 承认做过某事_14. 确信,证实_15. 代替, 而不是. _16. 依靠, 依赖 _II、Page 3短文填空PENSY You say that you like working (1)_ a detective. Why?KEN Let me tell you about

2、 a recent case that I (2)_ with, Pansy. Mr Li is a very rich man (3)_lives alone and enjoys collecting things. He purchased a vase (4)_ two million yuan. He showed it to only two people - his friends Jill and Jenny. Then he (5)_ it in the safe at his house. That night, someone (6)_ it. Li reported t

3、he (7)_, and I went to his house to look for clues.PENSY Did you find any? KEN Yes, a black pearl earring near the open (8)_and, outside the open window of the room, I saw a lot of mud on the wet ground. Inside the room, the carpet was (9)_ clean.PENSY So what did you do next?KEN I (10)_Jill and Jen

4、ny. They both denied (11)_the vase. But I (12)_that Jill was wearing a black pearl necklace - (13)_ no earrings.PANSY So Jill was the (14)_?KEN I didnt know. I needed proof. A good detective (15)_ jumps to conclusions. I showed Jill the earring, and she admitted it was hers. She said someone had (16

5、)_it from her house a month before. I (17)_ her story. It was true.PANSY So Jill was no (18)_ a suspect. But what about your other clue - the mud outside and the spotless carpet inside? KEN That told me that probably no thief (19)_ into Lis house. So I questioned Li and, in the end, he admitted stea

6、ling his own vase. He had bought insurance for it. The insurance company would pay him two million yuan (20)_ the vase was stolen.PANSY And who stole Jills earring? KEN Li did that as well. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail (21)_ of him. PANSY So now Li is (22)_ bars. KEN Yes, and Jil

7、l is free. My job is to (23)_ the innocent as (24)_ as find the guilty. Thats (25)_ I like working as a detective.III、Page 4综合阅读 12 SeptemberYesterday I (A)_ two cases. In the first case, the suspect, Zhong, (B)在开始时,否认是银行的抢劫犯. I showed him a (C)photograph of himself in the bank at the time of the ro

8、bbery, carrying a gun. This was all the proof I (D)needed and he admitted that he was guilty.In the second case, the suspect, Brown, (E)pursed a diamond for fifty thousand yuan. She paid for (F)it with fake banknotes. Later, she admitted she had printed the notes herself. When I searched her flat, I

9、 found half a million yuan in fake notes. She kept (G)them in a safe in the wall.1. 在(A)的空白处填入一个适当的词语. _2. 将划线部分(B)译成英语:_3. 写出划线部分(C)(D)同义词或近义词:_ _4. 将划线部分改写为 _ fifty thousand yuan _ a diamond5. 文中能替代划线部分(F) 和 (G)的的短语是:_ _IV、选择填空1. Please remember _ the door before you leave the room.A. lock B. lock

10、ing C. to lock D. locked2. The police told the boys _ on the road.A. dont play football B. not to play football C. not playing football D. dont to play football3. The girl is often heard _ in next room.A. singB. to sing C. sangD. singing4. He knows _.A. what do nextB. what to do nextC. what to do it

11、 next D. what to do the next5. He didnt know _.A. how get thereB. how to get thereC. where to get thereD. when get there6. We didnt stop _ until we reached the end.A. having a restB. to have a restC. to having a restD. have a rest7. Its not easy for me _ the work.A. finishingB. to finishing C. to fi

12、nishD. finished8. Please tell me _.A. to choose which B. which to chooseC. which choose the one D. choose to which9. The traveler was seen _ a horse.A. fell fromB. fall from C. felling from D. to fall from10. We are going to have her _ with Aunt Wang.A. to liveB. living C. live D. lived11. Please gi

13、ve the child a pen _.A. to write by B. to write for C. to write with D. write with12. The teacher expected all his students _ harder.A. studying B. to study C. studied D. study13.It is necessary _ various kinds of food every day.A. of us to ear B. for us eat C. of us eat D. for us to eat14.I would like _ your new bicycle.A. to see B. seeing C. see D. saw15.It is very hot here. Would you mind _ the wi


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