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1、Module 6 Old and NewThe most fabulous streets in the world 世界上最神奇的街道1. Champs Elysees, Paris, France 法国巴黎的香榭丽舍大道Embodying all the celebrated beauty of Paris, the Champs-Elysees is generally regarded as the grandest street on the planet. Moreover, it is also known as the most beautiful street in the

2、world. Home to illustrious monuments like the Arc de Triomphe, the thoroughfare is also strewn with luxury shops, cafes, hotels, and boutique hotels. No visit to Paris would be complete without a stroll along the Champs-Elysees.香榭丽舍大道体现出了所有巴黎的美,它通常被认为是世界上最繁华的街道。此外,它也被誉为世界上最漂亮的街道。同时那里还有凯旋门等许多名胜古迹,整条大

3、道两旁遍布着各类奢侈品店、咖啡馆、饭店以及精品酒店等。如果你到巴黎了却没有去香榭丽舍大道逛逛的话,那你这场巴黎之行就是不完整的。2. La Rambla, Barcelona, Spain 西班牙巴塞罗那的兰布拉大街Connecting Plaa de Catalunya with Port Vells Christopher Columbus Monument, this central Barcelona street is like a party that never sleeps. Frequented by tourists and locals alike, La Rambla

4、has its own energy and symbolic beauty. Filled with cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, and street performers, it is one of the best-loved stretches in all of Europe. People who have walked the street have often lamented that it had an end as they wished it would go on and on.把加泰罗尼亚广场和旧港的克里斯托弗哥伦布纪念碑连接起

5、来的这条巴塞罗那的主干道就像一个永不散场的宴席。就像经常光顾的游客和当地人一样,兰布拉大街有着属于自己的活力与标志性的美丽。大街两旁遍布着咖啡馆、酒吧、饭店、商店与街头艺人,它是全欧洲最受人喜爱的大道之一。漫步于兰布拉大街的人们常常会因路有尽头而感到惋惜,因为他们希望可以一直沿着这条大街上走下去!3. Las Vegas Strip, Nevada, US 美国内华达州的拉斯维加斯大街Perhaps the best lit street on the planet, the Las Vegas Strip is known world-wide for its magnificent dis

6、plays of illuminated signs, luxury hotels, and, of course, casinos. Tourists come from all over the world to shop, attend shows, and people watch along this strip that has become synonymous with gambling, risk-taking, and thrill-seeking!它或许是这个星球上最灯火辉煌的一条大道了,拉斯维加斯大街以其流光溢彩的灯光招牌、豪华酒店当然还有著名的赌场举世闻名。来自世界各

7、地的游客在此购物、观看演出,也望着这条已成赌博、冒险与寻求刺激代名词的大道!4. Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China 中国上海的南京路Once known as Nanking Road, todays Nanjing Road still continues as the most famous shop and market-strewn street in all of China perhaps even all of Asia! As the worlds longest shopping street, Nanking Road is six kilomet

8、ers (nearly four miles) long and filled with everything from antiques to foodstuffs. It is also home to a staggering array of hotels and restaurants. The street is said to be visited by as many as one million people each day.历史上便闻名于世的南京路如今继续着它作为全中国乃至全亚洲最繁华商业街的威名。全长6公里(近4英里)的南京路是世界上最长的商业街,在这里,上至古董下至日

9、常食品等应有尽有。这里更遍布着令人眼花缭乱的旅馆和饭店。据说,南京路每日客流量达100万人次。5. Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem 耶路撒冷的苦路Known as the way of sorrows, Via Dolorosa traces the route walked by Christ toward the cross where he was crucified. People come to this road from around the world to pay homage to Christ in this city that is filled wit

10、h religious monuments and sites. Marked by Nine Stations of the Cross, Via Dolorosa is the site of weekly symbolic processions that lead from the Fortress of Antonia all along a route that twists and turns.以悲痛之路而著名的苦路是当年耶稣被钉在十字架上押往刑场时走过的路。来自世界各地的人们来到这个拥有许多宗教纪念碑和宗教遗址的城市、来到这条路上向耶稣表达崇敬之情。以9处耶稣受难像为标志的苦路

11、是人们每周的象征性游行之地,是从安东尼亚堡开始的一条迂回曲折的路线。6. Nevsky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, Russia 俄罗斯圣彼得堡的涅瓦大街Illustriously planned by Peter the Great, this grand avenue is celebrated for its historic importance as well as its literary connections. Famously depicted in Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment, the thoroughfare

12、has captivated people from all over the world as it embodies Russias mystery and, of course, royal grandeur so evident in this remarkable city, the one-time home of the tsars. Cathedrals, palaces, and other major architectural attractions stud this celebrated street.由彼得大帝精心策划的涅瓦大街以其历史重要性和与文学的紧密联系而著名

13、。在陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品罪与罚中,他极好地描绘了这一大道,其象征着俄罗斯式的神秘,当然,这座古时作为沙皇住所的著名城市,显而易见地弥漫着庄严的皇室气息,涅瓦大街俘获了全世界人们的心。教堂、宫殿还有其他重要的建筑古迹遍布于这条著名的大街两旁。7. Broadway, New York City, US 美国纽约百老汇大街The oldest north-south street in the city, Broadway is best known as the most important theatre district in the entire nation. Moreover, the

14、 street runs along famous New York City sections like Central Park and is studded with important buildings like the Woolworth Building, Alexander Hamilton US Custom House, Morgan Stanley Building, Grand Central Hotel, and Trinity Church. No visit to this city is complete without a stroll down Broadw

15、ay!这是纽约市贯穿南北的最古老的大街,百老汇大街以全美最重要的戏剧区而著名。此外,百老汇大街还有着纽约市最著名的一些地方,比如中央公园,以及伍尔沃斯大厦、美国亚历山大汉密尔顿海关大楼、摩根士丹利大厦、中央大酒店和三一教堂等重要建筑物。如果你去了纽约却没有去百老汇大街逛逛的话,你的纽约之行也是不完整的!8. Via Appia, Rome, Italy 意大利罗马的阿庇亚大道Among the earliest Roman roads, it remains one of the most famous roads today. There is a section of the Via Ap

16、pia used in Rome today for busy traffic, yet much of this road that leads out of the city is in ruins. Even so, these ruins and the archeological sites along the road attract people from all over the world. To walk part of the Via Appia or Appian Way as it is often called is a memorable event one is never likely to forget. Moreover, the quality of Roman construction is evident in this roads classical design.位于罗马最古老街道之列的阿庇亚大道


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