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1、农村土地承包及流转合同示范文本农村土地承包合同(适用于家庭承包方式)合同编号:甲方(发包村组): 县(市、区) 乡(镇) 村 组乙方(承包户主):根据物权法、农村土地承包法等法律政策规定,依据甲方依法制定的土地承包(调整)方案,按集体经济组织成员权利将土地承包给乙方家庭经营。为保护和合理使用土地,维护双方权益,订立本合同。一、承包主体乙方分配承包土地的家庭成员共 人,名单为: 二、承包土地情况(见下表)地 块名 称地 类长宽(米)面积(亩)四 至 界 限东南西北 乙方承包土地共 块,面积合计 亩,其中基本农田 亩 注:地类栏是基本农田的填基本农田,非基本农田填一般耕地,水田同时注明。三、承包期

2、限及土地用途乙方承包期限为 年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲方应于 年 月 日前将承包土地交付乙方。乙方承包土地限于从事种植业、林果业、畜牧业等农业用途,对土地进行改造和建长期建筑物,应征得甲方书面同意。四、甲方的权利义务1.监督乙方按照合同约定用途合理利用和保护土地。2.有权制止乙方损害承包地和农业资源的行为。3.维护乙方的土地承包经营权,不得非法变更或解除合同。4.尊重乙方的生产经营自主权,不得干涉乙方依法进行正常的生产经营活动。5.依照约定为乙方提供生产、技术、信息等服务。6.执行土地利用总体规划,组织本集体经济组织内的农业基础设施建设。五、乙方的权利义务1.依法享有承包地使用、


4、知甲方,并在本合同承包期内不得再要求承包土地。除转让以外,乙方以其他方式转出承包地,仍应履行本合同。七、合同的变更和解除1.本合同签订后,任何一方不得单方面变更或解除本合同。2.不得因代表人或户主变动而变更或者解除本合同。3.因不可抗力致使本合同无法履行时,可以变更或解除本合同,双方互不承担责任。八、违约责任1.甲方违法收回乙方承包地,或者干预乙方生产经营活动,使乙方遭受损失的,应承担赔偿责任。2.乙方未按规定用途使用承包地、改变农业用途,或者造成土地永久性损害、土地荒芜的,甲方劝阻制止无效时可依法解除合同,并由乙方承担土地恢复费用。 3.其他违法违约行为依据国家法律、法规和政策规定处理。九、

5、其它约定1.本合同如发生纠纷由双方协商解决;协商不成时,可申请乡村相关机构调解解决;不愿调解或调解不成的,按下列第 项处理:向农村土地承包纠纷仲裁机构申请仲裁;向人民法院起诉。2.本合同双方签字之日起生效。未尽事宜双方协商一致可订立补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。3.本合同一式 份,双方各执一份,报镇农经站备案一份。甲方(盖章): 代表人(签名或盖章):乙方(签字):签约日期: 年 月 日 签约地点:榜样离我们很近,模范就在我们身边。人人心中都有榜样,我们总是在媒体上看到榜样们的事迹,总是觉得榜样在大家的“眼里”implementation of corrective tasks fo

6、r the new problems found in a timely manner into the special rectification and rectification category. In-depth summary of good practices and good experience in educational practice, good around the typical, continue to promote the rectification, to prevent repeated rebound, use of the results of th

7、e activities, timely organization look back again. The theoretical results, continuously consolidate and deepen and expand educational practice to achieve the system results, practical results. Three, the main problems and rectification measures focus on rectification goals, determined to honor the

8、commitment rectification measures to build long-term mechanism style construction bureau Party, improve the ideological style The construction and working level, according to the list of issues to sort it out, with overall requirements to carry out the mass line of educational activities, focus on t

9、he implementation of the rectification, enhance team ability to discover and solve their own problems, focus on building a political firm, pioneering and innovative, wholeheartedly for the people, strive for unity, harmony, strong collective leadership (a honest and clean.) there lack of global awar

10、eness and innovation problem in carrying out the democratic centralism of the party. The party will discuss the main points of the 2014 Bureau of safety production and internal functional components in the labor bureau held a bureau and executive, and discuss specific personnel in 2013, major capita

11、l spending No, strictly implement the decision procedures of three major matters collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations, the meeting decided the working principle of the tight loose, not very good to play the role of all members of the leadership team, in the global c

12、onsultation is not enough, did not fully consider the actual situation of the individual, but by the executive sure, the lack of democracy in different opinions fully discussed and demonstrated. In relation to personal adjustment and the functional group work, individual party members and cadres are

13、 not good put forward their views and opinions, or dare to express their views, the crowd, the lack of global awareness and sense of innovation. Some leading cadres are too strong Adjust the local and local interests, the tendency to ignore the overall interests, focus on immediate interests and loc

14、al interests, in the implementation of the decision and task, and even the existence of do not want to do, want to do such a backlash and cope with the negative17农村土地承包合同(适用于招标、拍卖、公开协商等其他承包方式)合同编号:甲方(发包方): 乙方(承包方): 身份证号: 住址: 联系电话: 为合理利用土地,提高土地效益,根据农村土地承包法等法律政策规定,甲方将土地承包给乙方经营,经双方协商一致,订立本合同。一、承包土地情况承包

15、土地名称为 ,总面积 亩,四至界限为: 二、承包期限乙方承包期限为 年(注:“四荒”地承包期不得超过50年,机动地承包期不得超过3年),自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲方应于 年 月 日前将土地交付乙方。三、承包价款、付款方式和时间各年度承包金按下列第 种方式计算,乙方应于当年 月 日前以货币方式向甲方付清。采取实物折值计算承包金。每亩地年承包金相当于 斤小麦(或玉米、稻谷等)的价值,年总承包金相当于 斤小麦(玉米、稻谷等)。单位价格按交款年中级质量国家收购价格计算。采取浮动方式。第一年每亩地承包金 元,总承包金 元。以后年度以第一年承包金为基数,每年上浮递增 。四、土地用途乙方承包土地限于从事种植业、林果业、畜牧业等农业用途。对土地进行改造和建长期建筑物,应征得



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