
上传人:王*** 文档编号:136908494 上传时间:2020-07-03 格式:DOC 页数:24 大小:205KB
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3、者队伍。本文的研究,对于提高我国机构投资者稳定市场功能有着重要的实践意义。关键词:机构投资者;证券市场;稳定性ABSTRACTInstitutional investors in the country as a novelty, fund shady, price manipulation and other issues at the same time exposed. Whether such institutional investors to stabilize the stock market, caused controversy. Behavior and the role

4、of institutional investors, Chinas securities market determines whether a healthy, stable and sustainable development. In this paper, combined with Chinas national conditions, in-depth analysis of the relationship between the investment behavior of institutional investors and stock market stability,

5、 in order to promote healthy and orderly development of Chinas securities market. Effect Through theoretical studies, empirical research, standardized research methodology, conducted a qualitative study of institutional investors on the stability of the stock market, including institutional investor

6、s exacerbated market volatility herding, short-sighted, excessive or inadequate response and effects of institutional investors reduced market volatility analysis that institutional investors can enrich market investment products and expand market capacity, has a relatively rational investment philo

7、sophy and investment behavior, improving the market structure, improve the financial system and improve the securities market degree of internationalization. In this paper, the empirical research to institutional investors and the stability of the stock market, for holdings of securities investment

8、funds for statistical descriptive analysis, and then analyzed the proportion of securities investment fund holdings and stock price volatility. This paper presents policy recommendations to improve our institutional investors to stabilize the market functions, including improving stock market, secur

9、ities market measures to strengthen supervision and establish a correct concept of regulation, improve the quality of listed companies, to increase the supply of quality stock, improve the market structure, a multi-level marketing system, improve market arbitrage mechanism, strengthen the supervisio

10、n and management of institutional investors, improve relevant laws and regulations, strengthen information disclosure system for institutional investors, construction, supervision and institutional investors a sound internal control mechanism, improve corporate governance structure, grow and optimiz

11、e institutional investors. This study, to improve Chinas institutional investors to stabilize the market function has important practical significance. Keywords: Institutional Investors; Securities Markets; Stability19目录1绪论11.1研究目的及意义11.2研究方法11.3研究框架22文献综述32.1市场稳定性的内涵32.2机构投资者相关概念32.2.1机构投资者的内涵32.2.




15、国证券市场效率。但是,机构投资者在我国作为新生事物,基金黑幕、操纵股价等问题同时暴露出来。这样机构投资者是否能稳定证券市场,引起了争议。机构投资者是否能稳定证券市场?我们怎样加强对机构投资者的监管?这些问题的解决与否,决定着我国证券市场是否能健康、稳定、持续发展。本文结合我国的国情,深入分析我国机构投资者的投资行为与证券市场稳定性的关系,以促进我国证券市场健康有序的发展。1.2研究方法1、文献研究文献研究贯穿研究的始终,作为本文的研究基础和出发点。2、现场访谈通过对金融从业者、个人投资者、学者、官员进行面对面的交流,试图找出机构投资者与证券市场稳定之间的关系。3、实证研究通过实证研究,定量分析机构投资者与证券市场稳定之间的关系。4、规范分析根据理论研究、现场访谈、实证研究的结果,对促进机构投资者发展与证券市场稳定提出合理的建议。1.3研究框架机构投资者对证券市场稳定性影响的理论分析 文献查阅 机构投资者对证券市场稳定性影响的定性研究 我国机构投资者与证券市场稳定性的实证研究 现场访谈 实证研究 提高我国机构投资者稳定市场功能的政策建议 2文献综述2.1市场稳定性的内涵市场的稳定性表现在股票的价格围绕着


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