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1、0d_ED祝长生浙江大学,杭州,310027K1:基于电涡流原理提出了一种新型的转子系统径向电涡流阻尼器,分析了这种阻尼器的结构和动力模型,并在不同磁场强度条件下测量、研究了径向电涡流阻尼器所支撑的柔性转子系统在非旋转状态下的传递函数、在恒定转速下的运动轨道,以及在慢加速运行过程中的不平衡响应。结果表明:这种新型的径向电涡流阻尼器不仅具有结构简单、无需工作介质、无机械接触等特点,而且还可以对其动力特性进行控制,能够显著地减小转子系统的振动。1oM:ED;0;0ms|:TH113 cI|:1004132X(2007)19 226904A Journal Eddy Current Damper f

2、or Rotor SystemsZhu ChangshengZhejiang University, Hangzhou , 310027Abstract:Based on the eddy current principle, a novel journal eddy current damper for rotor sys-tems was presented. The basic structure and the dynamics model of the radial eddy current damperwere analyzed. The frequency response fu

3、nctions of a flexible rotor system supported on the radialed-dy current damper in the stationary, the rotor motion orbits at the steady state rotational speeds andthe unbalance response curves in the slow acceleration operation were measured for different magneticflux densities. It is shown that the

4、 dynamics behavior of the radial eddy current damper is easily con-trolled by the applied magnetic field , and the radial eddy current damper can significantly reduce thevibration of the rotor system.Key words:eddy current damper;rotor;vibration;rotordynamicsl:20060809:SE1S(10472101);tbS(02C24007, 0

5、5C24005);81S(R104129)0引言8H3r7EDXBt1 ,70dPEDn。20W80M, Gunter2 、Cunningham 3 、DiRusso 4sYNASAt?f?,0dsvH$ED,|zhrT,EDv,K。Frederick 5 、Kligerman6 、Fung 7VkTED+,T?C,TED0u35,T?K,5TEDCC,7O?Ah9rT。ED8、(、+Ve、aSf,+,._s/?d# J .9/d- CIMS,2005,11(7):975-980.(I R)Te:俞烽,3, 1981M3。2tbt?vpV3。1Z_CAD/CAPP /CAM 、/。廖文和,3,

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7、 Elec-tromagnetic Eddy Current Damper for a Supercriti-cal Shaft J . J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 1994,116:578-589. 6 Kligerman Y, Gottlieb O, Darlow M S. Analyticaland Experimental Evaluation of Instability in Rotor-dynamic System with Electromagnetic Eddy CurrentDamper J . J. of Vibration and Ac

8、oustics, 1998,120:272-278. 7 Fung, R F, Sun J H, Hsu S M. Vibration Controlof the Rotating Flexible - shaft /multi - flexible -disk System with the Eddy - current Damper J . J.of Vibration and Acoustics, 2002, 124:519-526. 8 3.0ED:S,20109716.7 P . 2004-11-07.(I *)Te:祝长生,3,1963M3。vq、pV3=。?V100。1Z_0、H/、e。2325 ydR



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