2010-2011学年下学期六年级单元练习( 四) 人教版pep.doc

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1、乡(镇) 学校 班级 姓名 学号 西庄镇中心学校2010-2011学年下学期六年级(英语)单 元 练 习( 四)题号一二三总分累分人得分得 分评卷人线第一部分:听力(共四节 满分40分)第一节 听录音,选择所听到的音标、单词或短语,每小题听三遍。(10分)( ) 1.A.Sunday B. summer C. holiday( ) 2.A.today B. yesterday C. Tuesday( ) 3.A.present B. picture C. parents( ) 4.A.friend B. family C. father( ) 5A.first B. last C. post(

2、 ) 6.A.boat B. coat C. goat( ) 7.A. see B. saw C. say( ) 8.A.take B. took C. takes( ) 9.A/p/ B./f/ C./v/( ) 10.A /e/ B. /ei/ C/i:/ 第二节 听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图片,每小题听三遍。(10分) ( ) 11. A. B. C. ( ) 12. A. B. C. ( ) 13.A B. C. ( ) 14.A. B. C. ( ) 15. A. B. C . 第三节 听录音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的填“T”,不 相符的填“F”,每小题听三遍。(10

3、分) ( ) 16.Mike saw animals in the zoo last Sunday.( ) 17.Tom liked animals.( ) 18.Mikes dad read some magazines.( ) 19.We went by plane on our holiday.( ) 20. When was your last trip?( ) 21. We skied and made a snowman on our holiday.( ) 22. Where did you go on your holiday?( ) 23.People didnt trave

4、l by plane.( ) 24. The word “cat” is before the word “coat”.( ) 25. I climbed a mountain. I also ate good food. 第四节 情景反应,根据你听到的句子选出适当的答语,每小题听三遍。(10分)( ) 26.A.I sang and danced. B.He went hiking. C.Yes, I did.( ) 27. A. By plane. B.Yes, I go. C.Yes, I did.( ) 28. A.I go Beijing. B.I went Beijing. C.Y

5、es, I went.( ) 29.A.Yes, I did. B.No, I didnt. C.My mother.( )30.A.Yesterday. B.I went Hainan. C.By plane.( )31.A. Yes, my pen pal. B.Yes, she did. C.No, she did.( )32.A.Yes, he does. B.He hurts his hand. C.Yes, he is.( )33.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, the flu.( )34.A.Yes, she does B.She is Amy.

6、 C.She is tired.( )35.A.Its July. B.Its hot. C.Its cold.得 分评卷人 第二部分 英语知识应用(共五节,满分40分)第一节 根据图画,选择正确答案。(5分,每小题1分)( )36.Did she buy presents ? A.Yes, he does. B.No,he didnt. C.Yes, he did. ( )37. did you go? I went to Xinjiang. A.Where B.How C. What( )38.I last weekend. A. took pictures B. take picture

7、s C.went hiking.( )39.He often mountains on the weekend. A.climbs Bclimbed Cdid( )40.Its today. A.rainy B.cloud C.cloudy 第二节 选择填空。(10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. Where did he go on his holiday? He A. went to Canada. B. sings and dances C .took pictures( ) 2.Did you see the full noon last night? Yes, I the full no

8、on.A. saw B. see C. talked( ) 3. Zhang Peng music yesterday evening. A. sang B. played C. listened( ) 4.Did you see elephants in the zoo yesterday? Yes, A.I do B.I did C. you are( ) 5. Tomorrow my father a new computer for me. A. buys B.will buy C.bought ( )6. How did people travel years ago? They t

9、raveled by A. plane B. train C. horse( ) 7.Its time A. go B. went C. to go( )8. Monday we went to a restaurant. A. In B. On C. on( ) 9. Where did you ? I went to school. A. went B. do C. go( )10. did you go to Beijing? I go by pane.A.How B.What C.Where第三节、将下列词组补充完整。(5分)51.by (买礼物) 52.eat food(吃美食)53

10、. elephants (看见大象) 54. skiing (去滑雪)55. a boat ( 划船 ) 56.learn (学习英语)57. holiday (在假期) 58. years (许多年以前)59.the first (第一天) 60. plane (坐飞机)第四节 单词分类。(5分,每词0.5分)P.E. spring uncle lobster snowywindy cousin shark winter Chinese61.(学科) 62. (季节) 63. (家庭成员) 64.(动物) 65.(气象) 第五节 按要求写单词.(5分,每词0.5分)66.big(比较级) 67. have(过去式) 68.danced(原形) 69.is(原形) 70.get(过去式) 71.kilogram(缩写) 72.present(复数) 73.buy(同音词) 74.go(过去式) 75.bought(原形) 第六节 用正确规范的手写体抄写下列句子。(10分)76.Where did you go on your holiday? 77. I went to Xinjiang.78.It was a long hol



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