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1、吉大20春学期新视野英语(一)在线作业二-0001试卷总分:100 一、 单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.You?will?see?this?product?_?wherever?you?go.A.to be advertisedB.advertisedC.advertiseD.advertising正确答案:B2.There are signs _ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.A.thatB.whichC.in whichD.whose正确答案:A3.Beer is the most popular

2、drink among male drinkers, _ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.A.whoseB.whichC.thatD.what正确答案:A4.In a sudden _ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.A.attackB.burstC.splitD.blast正确答案:B5.Some diseases are _ by certain water animals.A.transplantedB.transformedC

3、.transportedD.transmitted正确答案:D6.Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _27%.A.byB.forC.toD.in正确答案:A7.The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle on the new land.A.go along withB.go back onC.go throughD.go into正确答案:C8.She ought to stop work; she has a headache becau

4、se she _ too long.A.has been readingB.had readC.is readingD.read正确答案:A9.Id _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A.take into accountB.account forC.make up forD.make out正确答案:A10.He is _ about his chanc

5、es of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A.optimisticB.optionalC.outstandingD.obvious正确答案:A11.Putting in a new window will _ cutting away part of the roof.A.includeB.involveC.containD.comprise正确答案:B12.The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining s

6、chemes, _ more women to take advantage of employment opportunities.A.have allowedB.allowC.allowingD.allows正确答案:D13.She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat.A.mildB.slightC.lightD.tender正确答案:D14.Wouldnt you rather your child _ to bed early?A.goB.wentC.would goD.goes正确答案:B1

7、5.Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _ at the next town.A.to stopB.stoppingC.stopD.having stopped正确答案:B16.In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year.A.swallowB.disposeC.consumeD.exhaust正确答案:C17.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his arguments in favour

8、 of the new theory.A.to be based onB.to base onC.which to base onD.on which to base正确答案:D18.Niagara Falls is a great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors every year.A.attentionB.attractionC.appointmentD.arrangement正确答案:B19.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Co

9、lumbus found it _ in Cuba.A.being cultivatedB.been cultivatedC.having cultivatedD.cultivating正确答案:A20.Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A.assembledB.accumulatedC.piledD.joined正确答案:A21.The hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich

10、 and the poor.A.alterB.shiftC.transferD.vary正确答案:D22.Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _.A.grantedB.impliedC.exaggeratedD.remedied正确答案:C23.It is said that the math teacher seems _ towards bright students.A.partialB.beneficialC.p

11、referableD.liable正确答案:A24.The words of his old teacher left a _ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.A.longB.livelyC.lastingD.liberal正确答案:C25.Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _ will happen to her private life.A.thatB.whatC.itD.this正确答案:B以下内容不需要的请自行删除 德国企业是欧洲企业的代表

12、 1.企业培训。德国企业培训的突出特点是注重能力的培养,解决实际存在的问题。通过探讨和实验寻求解决问题的最佳途径和方法,给每个员工充分的自由发挥的空间,极大地调动了他们的积极性,也大大地提高了参训学员的素质和解决问题的能力。德国企业培训工作还有一个十分重要的任务,就是让员工认同企业的价值观。 2.牢固的质量意识。德国企业对产品质量一向是最重视的。他们认为没有物美价廉的产品,只有精品和次品。他们的许多产品都是以精取胜,成为世界知名的品牌。德国企业精益求精的价值观已深入人心,成为员工的一种自觉行为。德国企业员工追求技术完美和注重质星的强烈意识,技术不断进步,保持良好的质量,制造一流产品,是德国企业

13、具有较强竟争力的重要原因。 3.注重独创性研究开发。德国研究经费占国民生产总值2.9%,居世界前列。德国人相信研究与开发决定企业未来,因而不论经济如何不景气,也不削减开发费用,并在研究中重视独创性和高度专业性,最大限度发挥个人创造潜力,这是德国研究与开发体制的长处。附件2个人所得税预扣率表一(居民个人工资、薪金所得预扣预缴适用)级数累计预扣预缴应纳税所得额预扣率(%)速算扣除数1不超过36000元的部分302超过36000元至144000元的部分1025203超过144000元至300000元的部分20169204超过300000元至420000元的部分25319205超过420000元至66




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