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1、9.A Pain in the NeckFor many years Eric Hong worked on a farm, but then an uncle died and left him his business 球亠八 厂&门 in the city.Eric left the farm and went to work in the city.卜冷For the first time in his life he dressed like businessman. His uncle had been about the A jsame size, so he wore his

2、clothes.晶丄*But city life was not good for Eric, because after afew days he began to get very badpains in his neck He had never had pains in his neck before, and he was quite worriedEach day the pains got worse Fin ally he we nt to a doctor.He undressed and the doctor examined him.Whe n the exami nat

3、ion was over, the doctor told him to sit dow n.*Tve got very bad news for you,” he saidYouve got six months to live. Have a good time Enjoy yourself while you can.Eric took the doctors advice He sold his uncles business and decided to travel around the worldBut first he had to buy himself some nice

4、clothesHe went to the most expensive tailor in the city.Td like a dozen of your best shirts, he saidCertainly, sir. III take your measurements/*The tailor measured Eric and wrote down the measurementsEric saw that he had written down a size 16 neckYouve made a mistake, he told him. ”My neck size is

5、14. All my shirts are size 14.“No, sir, the tailor saidYou may be wearing a size 14, but your neck is a size 16. And if you continue to wear a size 14, sooner or later youll get very bad pains in your neck.”New Words and Expressions裁缝Examine tailordozen一扌measurement 尺寸 neck颈项,EXERCISE I1 Choose the

6、best answer a, b, c, d or e, to these questions about the story.在a, b, c, d, e中选出一个最合适本故事的答案。A. Why did Eric move to the city?(a) He preferred the city life.(b) He accepted his uncle*s offer of work.(c) He was given his uncles business(d) He wanted to visit a tailor*s.(e) He worked on a farm.B. What

7、 did Eric do about the pains in his neck?(a) He visited a doctor.(b) He saw atattot.(c) He got undressed.(d) He examined a doctor.(e) He complained to his wife.C The doctor told him(a) he needed a rest.(b) to go on holiday.(c) he was dying.(d) to buy a new suit(e) to wear his uncles clothesD. Why di

8、d Eric get pains in his neck?(a) Because he was wearing the wrong sized shirt(b) Because he was dangerously ill.(c) Because he didnt exercise enough.(d) Because the tailor gave him the wrong shirt.(e) Because he had never worn suits before.2. Complete the following paragraph by putting in the missin

9、g verbs from the story in their correct tense.从故事中找出适当的动词,并变成止确的时态填入下列段落中。Eric (a).on a farm for many years but he(b) to the city after his uncle died Eric(c) his uncles suits and very soon he(d) pains in his neck. He (e) tothe doctor who (f) him to enjoy himself because he was (g) He went to the ta

10、ilors who told him that he would (h) very bad pains in his neck if he (i) the wrong sized shirt3. Write what part of speech the words underlined in the following sentences are: noun, verb, adjective or adverb写出下面划底线的词属于何种词性:名词,动词,形容词或副词。(Certminlv.” said the tailor to Eric(b) Eric visited the most e

11、xpensive tailor in the city.(c) When you go to a tailor, he will take down your measurements _ :(d) The tailor had written down a size 16 neck.(e) Erics uncle was about the same size as Eric4. Use a different form of one of these words from the story to complete the following sentences把故事中的这几个词变成适当的

12、形式后填入下列句子中。pains advice travel businessmistake(a) Sue decided to go see her class , whocould help her decide which classes to take next year.(b) ”lm sorry, sir, you must be , my name isntMr. Liu.(c) There are a great many in China thesedays, now that China has better tourist facilities.(d) Mrs Ander

13、son is a very successful , and has many years* experience in marketing.(e) ”l cant go to school today Mom, my toothache is just too5. Find words or phrases in the story si mi liar in meaning to the following.在故事中找岀与下列意思相似的词或短语。(a) have a good time(b) took off his clothes(c) twelve(d) eventually(e) s

14、uggestion6. Answer these questions about the story in a few words. 用简单儿个字回答下列有关本故事的问题。(a) Who was about the same size as Eric?(b) Like what kind of person did Eric start to dress?(c) What did Eric decide to buy for his trip?(d) What had the tailor written down?(e) What size did Eric think he should

15、wear?Usage用:伦明TO LEAVE1. To leaveLeave常用的词北是收 “离紂伴不及詢动何用.膚面不ftll:The train leaves at 2:30 pm.Well leave after lunch.2. To leave +直按安诒这也的直接实讲可以是地名.也町以尼人诫物K恫义必须视上 下丈而定请軒以F例的:He left the city.He left her sitting on the side of the road.She will leave the piano with us.3. To leave + 克接宾ifr + on/off这甲leave的意思足wil电陳开布/林 如:Did you leave the TV on?Please leave the electricity on when you move out.We should have left the air conditioner off, now its too cold here.4. To leave + 产或金钱这里leave的优恩堆吃阳把出产或金丽堆



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