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1、5.AccidentWang and Liang worked for a builder.When this story happened they were working on a very large building.Their job was to pick up all the rubbish, put it in wheelbarrows and take it to the rubbish placeIt was not difficult work, but it was a little dangerous. They had to walk beneath where

2、men were working.Sometimes these men dropped their tools Then they fell down from the top of the building to the ground many feet below.One morning Wang was pushing his wheelbarrow towards the rubbish place when a voice shouted, Look out!But Wang did not look out. He looked up. And as he did so, a s

3、aw fell from the top of the building.As it passed Wangs head the saw cut off one of his earsImmediately he put his hand to his ear and cried out, Tve lost an ear. Help! Help!Liang ran up to help his friend.Look for my ear,” Wang told him. Its on the ground somewhere.While Wang held a handkerchief to

4、 his head to stop the bleeding, Liang looked everywhere for the missing ear.At last he found an ear on the ground. He picked it up and carried it to Wang.Here you are;* he said. *Tve found it.Wang looked at it. No, thats not my ear, he saidMine had a cigarette behind it.”New Words and ExpressionsBui

5、lder营造商,建筑工人Rubbish垃圾Wheelbarrow独轮手推车 Beneath在下面Tool工具Saw锯han dkerchief,手帕 missing失去的EXERCISE I1 Choose the best answer a, b c, d or e, to these questions about the story.在a , b ,c ,d ,e中选择一个最合适本故事的答案。A. What were Wang and Liang doing on the building site?(a) They were jumping from tall buildings.(b

6、) They were making wheelbarrows(c) They were looking for ears(d) They were picking up rubbish(e) They were building something.B What did Wang do wrong?(a) He looked up.(b) He saw something fall from the top of the building.(c) He cut himself(d) He pushed his wheelbarrow without help(e) He smoked a c

7、igaretteC. How did Wang lose his ear?(a) He forgot to bring it to work.(b) Liang cut it off with a saw.(c) A falling saw cut it.(d) lt fell in the rubbish.(e) He cut it off while shaving.D. At the end of the story Liang probably found(a) some one elses ear.(b) a cigarette (c) Wangs handkerchief.(d)

8、Wangs ear.(e) a wheelbarrow.2. Complete sentences (a) to (e) with phrases from (f) to ft). 用f至j完成a至z的不完整句子。(a) Wang and Liang (f) his ear because itdidnt have a cigarette behind it.(b) Occasionally, things (g) Wang look for his ear.(c) One day Wangs ear (h) worked on a buildingsite.(d) Liang helped

9、(i) fell to the ground.(e) Wang said it wasn*t (j) was cut by a saw.3. Write T for True or F for False beside the following statements about the story.在下列有关本故事的句子旁标上T (对)或F (不对)。(a) Wang and Liang often found ears in the rubbish(b) They worked under buildings that were being built(c) Wang heard some

10、 one shouting at him(d) Liang refused to help his friend(e) Wang agreed that Liang had found his ear4. Find words in the story which are a different form of the following words and write what part of speech they are as they appear in the story: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.在故事中找出与下列洗有相同词根,蛋词性不同的

11、单词,并指岀这些单词 在故事中属何种词性:名词,动词,形容词或副词。(a) difficulty,(b) fall(c) pick,(d) immediate,(e) blood,5. Write the questions for the following answers 用括号中所给的疑问词,就下列答句提问。(a) Wang and Liang took the rubbish to the rubbish place (Where?)(b) lt was dangerous work because men worked above them. (Why?)(c) The voice

12、shouted, ”Look out!* (What?)(d) Wang asked Liang to help him. (Who?)(e) Liang found it on the ground(Where?)6. Answer these questions about the story in a few words. 用简单几个字回答下列有关本故事的问题。(a) Where did the story take place?(b) ln what did Wang and Liang carry the rubbish?(c) What sometimes fell from ab

13、ove?(d) What did Wang use to stop the bleeding?(e) What did Wang tell Liang to do?Usage川铁说明LOOK AT/UP/OUT/DOWN/FOR1. Look atLook at fI|;11T 样乐广 4 II look + noun I內 III look at + noun 的第构 fcl:Look at this painting. Isn t it good?2 Look outLook out 丿;门门斗八::I-;KJK!W .look out for J 注仗助备 如:The mailman a

14、lways look out for barking dogs3 Look up/downLook up/down 的 J思腿 刨 I.卜look up to欹佩i look down on是轻现東人卡不起K V Qll:Ms Feng was a well-respected teacher. All the students looked up to her.I never felt comfortable with him he always looked down on me.4. Look forLook for的血迴肚找”. 7找fli:Were looking for burie

15、d treasureii:盘门I陌iU各丽!潮介I洱限弘 1衆能峪动词分离如:Were looking for buried treasureEXERCISE IIRead the conversation below and write the missing words in the blanks.仔细阅读卜列对话,在空白处境L合适的词。Chris:What are you doing, Sam?Sue: rm looking (a) my socks Have you seenthem?Chris:Look (b) in the cupboard above yourhead They may be there Look (c)youdont hit your head Sue:Ive already looked there.And before you suggestlooking (d) _in the basement, 111 tell


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