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1、江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 1 至 2 课时 总 课时课 题Unit 3 Whats their number again课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1.Masterthewordsabout memory andreviewing the past.2.Grasp asking for and confirm informations.3.Master the use of the past tense and the past perfect tense.教学设想重点Usefulwords,phrasesandsentencepattern

2、s.难点1.Howtousetheusefulexpressionsintherealsituations.2.Know how to improve memory.3.Talk about past events.教法学法talking, reading and speaking教学手段Computer Multi-media教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改Step1WarmupActivity1:Among these people, who stand out most in your memory.teachers parents friends doctors policemen

3、 firemenKey: openActivity2:Discuss the following questions with your partner.1. Why do you think those people you chose in Activity1impress you most?2. Can you tell a story about them from your memory?3. What did you learn from them?Step 2.ListeningandspeakingA.WhatI remembered then1.What are your e

4、arliest childhood memories and how old were you then?.Key: open2.Listen to the passage and tick true or false.Key:(1)F (2)T (3)F (4)T3.Listen again and complete the following table. Then retell the story to a partner.(1).How old was the boy? Eight or nine years old.(2).What was the background?The bo

5、y was taken to the theatre the week before Christmas.(3).What happened?The boy cheated to go up to the stage.(4).What happened in the end?The magician let the boy stay on the stage.(5).How did the boy feel?The boy feel awful the whole time he was on the stage.BI dont think thats true4.Listen to the

6、conversation and circle the best answer.Key: a b5.Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversation with a partner.Step 3.PracticePairwork.:Work with a partner. Role-playthe following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Acti

7、vity5.Situation 1:You are asked about the phone number of your friend, John. You give the number and then realize youve made a mistake.Situation 2:Your friend is asking you when the class meeting will be held. Youre not sure whether it will be 6 p.m or 7p.m.this evening. Step4Homework教后反思江苏省中等专业学校集体

8、备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 3 至 4 课时 总 课时课 题Unit3 Reading(1)课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1.Mastertheimportantwordsandexpressionsinthedialogue.2.Understand the passage Bathtub effect.3. Finish the exercises.教学设想重点Usefulwords,phrasesandsentencepatterns.难点1.Howtousetheusefulexpressionsintherealsituations.2.Improvethe

9、studentsreadingability教法学法Reading, listening and speaking教学手段Computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改PassageA Bathtub effect 浴缸效应Step1.New words and expressionschallenging adj. 挑战性的 so-called adj. 所谓的 reflect v. 反应misconception n. 误解 interaction n. 合作;互动 simple adj. 简单的 breed v. 产生;引起 open-ended adj. 随意回答的 succes

10、sful adj. 成功的concentration n. 专心;关注 bathtub effect 浴缸效应 regardas 把看做 quite often经常 according to 根据/按照 with ease 轻而易举地 on average 通常,一般;平均起来be caught by 措手不及 pay attention to 注意 so that 以便 make sure 确保 as to 关于;至于;按着 instead of 而不是 have a difficult time/ difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth. 做有困难concent

11、rate on 专心于 main theme 主题 at/in the end 最后go a long way (towards/in doing sth.) 对帮助大achieve success 获得成功 reach goals 实现目标 Step 2.ReadingLanguage points:1 regardas把看做Foreign media regarded him as a man of charm.外媒称他是一个有魅力的人。2.according to根据/按照.According to Russian scientists, the asteroid may strike

12、the earth in 2036.根据俄罗斯专家预测,这颗小行星可能在2036年撞击地球。3.as if仿佛as if/though 好像Live as if/though you were to die tomorrow.把今天当做人生的最后一天去过。as for 至于As for the boys, let them find their own entertainment.至于那些男孩,让他们自己找乐子吧。as of 自开始As of last week, I no longer have a day job.从上周开始,我就把白天的正职给辞了。4. on average 平均On a

13、verage, he goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. and gets up at about 77:30 a.m.一般来说,他晚上9点半睡觉,早上7点到7点半之间起床。about average 高于平均 below average 低于平均5. find it +adj. +to do sth.发觉做某事Many old people find it difficult to cope with change.许多老人难以适应变化。find it +adj. +to do sth.中的it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式部分。类似的用法还有make itto do和thin

14、k itto do如: We make it more challenging to take this course.我们使这门课更具挑战性。I think it advisable to park our car here.我认为我们将车停在此处比较妥当。6. The first thing to do is do第一件要做的事是The first thing to do is name a doctor for the operation.首先要做的事指定一名医生来做手术。7. have a difficult time(in)doing sth.做有困难类似结构有have trouble/problem/difficulty(in)doing sth.如:I never have trouble/ problem/difficulty(in)sleeping in a strange place.我睡觉从来不认床。8. Following these tips will improve your memory.按照这些技巧去做,你的技巧将会得到改善。following these t



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