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1、,Unit1 Whats the matter?,Language goals: 1. Talk about your health. 2. Give advice(建议).,body,feet,tooth,teeth,ear,face,nose,eye,mouth,head,knee,leg,finger,hand,head,foot,t,t,back,shoulder,neck,arm,sing a song,I had a cold.,Whats the matter?,I have a sore back.,I have a stomachache.,1a Look at the pi

2、cture. Write the correct letteram for each part of the body. _arm _back _ear _eye _foot _hand_head _leg _mouth _neck _nose _stomach _tooth,h,e,g,i,b,a,j,i,c,d,m,k,f,Whats the matter? (你)怎么了?,have a (bad) cold,have a stomachache,感冒,胃痛,have a toothache,have a headache,have a (high) fever,发烧,牙痛,头痛,have

3、 a sore back,have a sore throat,背痛,喉咙痛,I have a (bad) cold.,=I have got a (bad) cold.,Whats the matter with you ?,=Whats the trouble with you?,=Whats wrong with you?,你怎么啦?,我患感冒了。,Whats the matter with him ?,He has/has got a stomachache.,他胃痛。,Whats the matter with him?,He has/has got a sore back/back

4、ache.,他背痛。,Whats the matter with him ?,He has a sore throat.,他喉咙痛。,She has/has got a (high) fever.,Whats the matter with her ?,她发烧。,She has a (bad) toothache.,Whats the matter with her?,她牙痛。,He has a (bad) headache.他头痛。,Whats the matter with him?,He has a sore back,He has a sore neck.,She has a sore

5、 throat.,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,He has a headache.,He has a toothache.,He has a stomachache.,Grammar Focus,1.Whats the matter with sb? = Whats the trouble with sb? = Whats wrong with sb? 注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格, 如her,him,them等。 eg:Whats the matter with your mother? Whats wrong with you? What

6、s the trouble with her?,怎么了,Grammar Focus,在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构: (1)主语+have/has+a 病症 have a cold/fever (2)主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位 sore 是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sore back, sore throat,sore back,sore neck. (3)主语+have/has+a+部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,如:toothache , headache , stomachach

7、e .,(4)have/has a pain in/on the +身体部位 I have a pain in the arm. 我胳膊疼。 (5)(There is)something wrong with +ones+部位 某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病。,1. have a cold,2. have a fever,3. have a headache,4. have a stomachache,5. have a toothache,6. have a sore throat,7. have a sore back,a. 喉咙痛,b. 背痛,c. 牙痛,d. 头痛,e. 胃痛,f. 感冒,

8、g. 发烧,Look and match,Nancy_ Sarah_ David_ Ben_ Judy_,1b: Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names (1-5).,4,2,1,3,5,He has a cold.,He catches/gets a cold.,Whats the matter?,Work in pair,have a cold catch/get a cold have a cold 可以接一段时间,不能用于进行时 catch/get 不能接一段时间,瞬间动作 Eg. How long have you

9、had a cold? I have a cold for 6 days.,She has a toothache.,Whats the matter?,He has a headache.,Whats the matter?,She has a fever.,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,She has a sore throat.,A:Whats the matter with him? B:He talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.He has a very sore th

10、rout now.,too much 太多 可修饰不可数名词 I always worried too much. He drinks too much water every day.,much too太 修饰形容词和副词 much too dear/fast,enough 足够的,enough water/food adj.+n enough 在前,old /hard enough adv. adj.+adv.enough 在后,The dining hall is - to hold 300 people. A small enough B enough small Cbig enoug

11、h Denough big,Whats the matter?,He has a stomachache.,Whats the matter?,He has a sore back.,Listen and match the problems with the advice.,2a,4. toothache,2. stomachache,3. cough and sore throat,1. fever,a. lie down and rest,b. drink some hot tea with honey,c. see a dentist and get an X-ray,d. take

12、your temperature,5. cut myself,e. put some medicine on it,2b .Listen again. Fill in the blanks in 2b,2b .Listen again. Fill in the blanks in 2b,drink lots of water,B: I have a fever.,A:Whats the matter?,A: Yes,you dont look well. You should drink lots of water.,should 应该 情态动词,后接动 词原形,lots of =a lot

13、of 许多,可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词,drink hot tea with honey,B: I have a sore throat.,A:Whats the matter?,A: You should drink some hot tea with honey.,B:That sounds like a good idea.,honey n. 蜂蜜,hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的茶,1.用,使用工具或手段 He is writing with a pen. 他用钢笔写字。,2.和,表陪伴 Will you go home with me? 你和我一起回家吗?,3.随

14、着,与.什么同时 The shadow moves with the sun.影子随着太阳而动。,4.表本身拥有 The girl with two big eyes is my sister. 那个大眼睛的女孩是我的妹妹。,lie down and rest,B: I have a stomachache.,A:Whats the matter?,A: Thats too bad.You should lie down and rest.And dont eat anything for two hours.,B:I guess I should.,lie down 躺下,rest/have

15、 a rest 休息,lie (1)躺,位于 lie lay lain lying,The girl lying on the road is my teacher.,All the motels lie beside the road.,所有的汽车旅馆都位于公路两边.,(2) 说谎 lie lied lied lying,A half truth is often no better than a lie. 半真半假的话不见得比说谎要好。,He lied that his school lay in the north of the city. 他撒谎说他的学校位于城市的北面。,see a

16、dentist,B: Oh,I have a toothache.,A:Whats the matter?,A: You should see a dentist.,B:I guess I should.,dentist n. 牙医,problem n. 问题,难题,习题(有待解决),question n. 问题(有待回答),This question is a problem.,They are doing some math problems/exercises.,May I ask you a question ?,should,s the matter?,shouldnt =should not,advice n. 建议,忠告,


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