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1、毕业设计(论文)题 目: 压力传感器温度补偿的研究 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师(职称): 专 业: 班 级: 所 在 学 院: 2013年 6 月 目 录摘 要 . IIAbstract . III第一章 绪论. 11.1 压力传感器概述 .11.2 压力传感器的现状及发展趋势. . .11.3 硅桥式压阻压力传感器的简介及特点. . .31.4 温度补偿的意义. . .31.5 论文安排. . .4第二章硅桥式压阻压力传感器的原理及分析.52.1 硅桥式压阻压力传感器工作原理. 52.2 硅桥式压阻压力传感器温度漂移产生的机理. .72.3 压力传感器的性能指标. .8第三章硅桥式压阻压力

2、传感器温度补偿研究. .113.1 温度补偿的技术指标. .113.2 常见的补偿方式简介. 113.3 传感器的输出温度特性研究. .133.4 补偿思路. 13第四章温度补偿电路的设计. 154.1温度补偿电路结构分析. 154.2带隙基准电压源的电路设计. 154.3 PTAT电压和激励电压源的产生. 294.4电压缓冲器的设计.304.5总体电路设计. .31总结 .33致 谢 .34参考文献 .35摘要随着现代工业向着微型化、集成化、精密化发展,实现精确测量就显得非常重要,对传感器的精度要求越来越高成为必然。硅桥式压阻压力传感器以其线性度好、灵敏度高、体积小、便于集成等诸多优点,成为



5、需温度特性的激励电压。在激励电压之间增加了一个电压缓冲器来解决传感器的输入电阻较小的问题。电压缓冲器是一个两级运算放大器,其输出跟随激励电压直接驱动传感器。关键字:硅桥式压阻压力传感器;温度补偿;PTAT电路;带隙基准电压源Abstract With the modern industrial developing towards miniaturization,integration and precision,accurate measurement is important.Therefore,there are higher requirements.The silicon bridg

6、e piezoresistive pressure sensor with its good linearity, high sensitivity, small size, easy integration and many other advantages, has became the most widely used pressure sensor.The silicon bridge piezoresistive pressure sensor can fulfill the function from acting force to electticity signal by us

7、ing the semiconductor piezoresistive effect. Compared with traditional resistance strain-gage transducer, The silicon bridge piezoresistive pressure sensor has the advantages of good linearity, high sensitivity,small lag ,small size,higher performance and response speed, and it can be integrated to

8、conditioning circuit with high measurement precision, good stability, wide working frequency range and being miniaturized and produced easily, all of which make it rapidly developed and widely used to each field. But due to materials and processes of this sensor,the consistency ,the temperature drif

9、t inevitably and nonlinearity occur. Owing to the characteristic, in the unstable temperature environment, its application is limited. So its very important to research the temperature compensation.From the structure and principles of the silicon bridge piezoresistive pressure sensor, based on the m

10、echanism of temperature drift,zero temperature drift and sensitivity temperature drift are analyzed. According as the temperature characteristic equation of the sensor output sensitivity under 5V supply voltage with a constant input pressure, the scheme of using a excitation voltage source with incr

11、easing output voltage linearly by increasing temperature to drive the sensor is designed. he temperature characteristic equation of the voltage source is presented, and the conditions to achieve temperature compensation are analyzed.On the basis of the temperature characteristic equation of the volt

12、age source, the modules of compensation circuit are designed, including: , the voltage buffer ,PTAT voltage and the bandgap reference voltage source. The core circuit of the bandgap reference voltage source is Kujik structure, and it has been improved by adding cascade devices to improve power suppl

13、y rejection ratio in this research. Using a two folded cascade operational voltage amplifier in deep negative feedback state to ”clamp voltage The PTAT voltage is obtained from the bandgap reference voltage source circuit, which is summed with the reference voltage can get the excitation voltage of the de



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