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1、Unit 2 Language points,1.贯穿历史,有史以来 L1 2. 由组成 L2 3. 与不同 L6 4. 事实上 L6 5.由构成(无被动) L10 6.以命名 L11 7.除之外 L12 8. 在末尾/尽头 L13 9.把与混和 L16 10.对困惑 L18 11.在中起作用 L25 12.控制 L27,all through history,be made up of,be different from,in fact,consist of,name after,aside from,at the end of,mix with,feel puzzled about,pla

2、y a part in,take control of,13. 导致,通向 L29 14.另一方面 L31-32 15.向借 L32 16. 导致,结果是 L32-33 17.对作出贡献 L40 18.也,同样的 L40 19.代替,而不是 L42 20.母语 L49 21.由于,因为 L52 22.经历 L54 23. 继续做 L56 24. 一直做L57,lead to,on the other hand,borrowfrom,result in,make contributions to,as well,instead of,mother tongue,because of,go thr

3、ough,keep on doing,keep doing,1.The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary (these people brought to Britain.) L2,一只足球队由11名队员组成。 A football team is made up of 11 players. A football team consists of 11 players.,consist of,英语是由这些人带入不列颠的语法和词汇构成的。,定语从句,sth. be made up of=consist of,.由

4、.构成,2020/7/2,指出下列句中make up 的词义: 1) It took her more than an hour to make herself up before going to the party. 2) Dont make up stories. I cant believe what you say. 3) We need $50 to make up the loss. 4) Girls make up 56% of the student numbers.,化妆,编造,弥补,补足,组成,构成,拓展: be made of 由.制成(看得出原料) be made f

5、rom 由.制成(看不出原料) be made in 在.(地方)制造 be made into 制成.,仿写句子,这就是为什么越来越多人想上大学的原因。 This is why so many people want to go to university,2020/7/2,3.Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland-the Angles and the Saxons -occupied Britain. L8-10,2020/7/2,然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族-盎格鲁人和撒克逊人-占领了不列颠,occupykjpa,翻

6、译下列句子并思考划线部分的意思,1.Our army occupied the city. 2.The table occupies too much room. 3.Reading occupies most of my free time. 4.She is now fully occupied with her homework.,占领,侵占,占据(空间),占据(时间),sb. be occupied with sth be occupied in doing sth.使忙碌,归纳总结,occupyoccupiedoccupied 占领,侵占;占据(时间,空间);使忙碌,occupy o

7、neself with sth. (in) doing sth. sb. be occupied with sth. (in) doing sth. 格林夫人忙于照料她的三个孩子 。 1. Mrs Green occupies herself in looking after her three children. 2. Mrs Green is occupied in looking her three children. 3. Mrs Green is occupied with her three children.,4. Aside from place names became pa

8、rt of Old English. (lines 12-13) aside from 除 之外 e.g. 教室里除了他之外,其他人都在认真听课。 Everyone _, _ him.,is listening carefully,aside from,besides: 表示除外的部分包括在内。 except: 表示除外的部分不包括在内。 except for: 表示被除外的部分是不同类的事物, 意为“要是没有.的话” aside from或apart from: 相当于except, except for, besides.,几个“除了.”,1. We study French _ Engl

9、ish. 2. He goes to work every day_ Saturday and Sunday. 3. The room is almost empty _ a chair or two. 4. _ this young man, I can find no one to help you.,except besides except for aside from,besides/ aside from,except/ aside from,except for / aside from,Except / Aside from,45.This is because English

10、 has many words and phrases from different languages , but with similar meanings. L19st:,2020/7/2,1.because引导一个名词性从句,做is的表语,所以该从句为:表语从句。 This/That is because 这是/那是因为,z这是因为英语有很多来自不同语言但意思相同的词语和词组,仿写句子,这是因为你昨天晚上没有按时睡觉。 This is because you didnt go to bed on time.,2020/7/2,6. The most important contribu

11、tion was from the Normans, a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066. 最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。 contribution n. kntrbju()n 贡献,促成因素,contribution to,contribute v. kntrbjut 贡献,促成,make a contribution to sth.为.做出贡献,e.g. He made a very positive _ th

12、e overall success of the project.,control n.&v. 控制,take control of,take control of,控制,取得对的控制,e.g. 我们应该要掌握自己的命运。,We should _ our own destiny.,control相关的词组: in control of 控制,管理 in/under the control of 由控制 be/get under control 处于控制中,out of control 失去控制,The boy is no longer _ his parents. With the help

13、of firefighters, they got the fire _. Mum was angry to see her children _. Who do you let be _ your class while youre out?,in/under the control of,under control,out of control,in control of,6. which led to Old English replacing Celtic. (lines 28-30) 这导致了古英语取代了凯尔特语。 lead to 导致,引发 e.g. Too much work a

14、nd too little rest often lead to illness. 过多的工作和过少的休息会引发疾病。 This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误给人造成了极大的费解。,lead to 还能表示“通往” e.g. All roads lead to Rome. 注:to为介词,其后可跟名词,也可构成结构lead to sb. doing,表示“导致某人做某事” 。 e.g. As a child, she showed an interest in small animals, which led to her taking up

15、the study of biology when she grew up.,2020/7/2,2.That is why English has so many difficult rules (that confuse people).L3,分析: 1.why引导一个名词性从句,做is的表语,所以该从句为:表语从句。 2.why在表语从句中充当原因状语。 3.that引导的这个从句属于定语从句,修饰先行词rules,that指代rules,在定语从句中充当主语,因此这里的that不可省略。,那就是为什么英语有那么多令人困惑的很难的(语法)规则的原因。,句型一:The question (of whether English will) is easy to answer. sth./sb. + is + adj. + to do (to-v主动表被动 ) Japanese is not difficult to learn. The man is hard to deal with. The room is comfortable to



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