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1、第四章 维度,4.1 半导体低维电子系统 4.2 二维体系中的相变 4.3 准一维体系的Peierls 不稳定性和电荷密度波,4.1 半导体低维电子系统 1.维度 三维自由电子气体,沿z方向对体系的尺寸限制:,z,W,n=1,k,n=2,电子只占据n=1的子带,二维体系 n1也占据,准二维体系,2. Si反型层及GaAs-AlGaAs异质结,金属,SiO2,耗尽层,反型层,导带,价带,价带,导带,z,Split gates and one-dimensional electron gases,This split-gate technique was pioneered by the Semi

2、conductor Physics Group at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, in England, in 1986, by Trevor Thornton and Professor Michael Pepper.,3.量子化霍尔效应(Quantum Hall Effects (QHE) ) (1)霍尔效应基础,E. Hall, Am. J. Math. 2, 287 (1879) = Hall effect,根据德鲁特电导理论, 金属中的电子在被杂质散射前的一段时间t内在电场下加速, 散射后速度为零.

3、 t称为弛豫时间. 电子的平均迁移速度为:,电流密度为:,若存在外加静磁场, 则电导率和电阻率都变为张量,此处,仍成立,有磁场时, 加入罗仑兹力, 电子迁移速度为,稳态时, , 假定磁场沿z方向, 在xy 平面内,易得,如果 , 则当 为0时 也为0.,另一方面,由此, 当 时, , 为霍尔电导,在量子力学下(E沿x方向),选择矢量势,波函数为,经典回旋半径,解为:,Landau 能级,In two-dimensional systems, the Landau energy levels are completely seperate while in three-dimensional s

4、ystems the spectrum is continuous due to the free movement of electrons in the direction of the magnetic field.,计算平均速度,与经典结果相同.,在Landau能级上, 纵向电流为0.,(2)整数量子霍尔效应,1975年S.Kawaji等首次测量了反型层的霍尔电导, 1978年 Klaus von Klitzing 和Th. Englert 发现霍尔平台, 但直到1980年, 才注意到霍尔平台的量子化单位 ,K. von Klitzing, G. Dorda, and M. Peppe

5、r, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 495 (1980) for a sufficiently pure interface ( Si-MOSFET ) = integer quantum Hall effect,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1985,for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect.,K. von Klitzing(1943),实验设置示意图,实验观测到的霍尔电阻,1, 霍尔电阻有台阶, 2, 台阶高度为 , i 为整数, 对应于占满第 i 个Landau能级, 精度大约为5ppm. 3, 台阶

6、处纵向电阻为零.,由于杂质的作用, Landau能级的态密度将展宽(如下图). 两种状态: 扩展态 和 局域态 只有扩展态可以传导霍尔电流(0度下), 因此若扩展态的占据数不变, 则霍尔电流不变. 当Fermi能级位于能隙中时, 出现霍尔平台. Laughlin(1981) 和 Halperin(1982)基于规范变换证明:,When these levels are well resolved, if a voltage is applied between the ends of a sample, the voltage drop between voltage probes along

7、 the edge of a sample can go to zero in particular ranges of B, and the Hall resistance becomes extremely accurately quantised,AB效应、Berry位相与拓扑不变量,量子自旋霍尔效应与拓扑绝缘体,应用: (a)电阻标准,应用: (b)精细结构常数的测量,(3)分数量子霍尔效应,1982年, 崔琦, H.L. Stomer 等发现具有分数量子数的霍尔平台, 一年后, R.B.Laughlin写下了一个波函数, 对分数量子霍尔效应给出了很好的解释.,D. C. Tsui,

8、H. L. Stormer, and A. G. Gossard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1559 (1982) for an extremely pure interface ( GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction ) where electrons could move ballistically = fractional quantum Hall effect R.B.Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, No.18 (1983),The Nobel Prize in Physics 1998,Robert B. Laughl

9、in(1950),DANIEL C. TSUI(1939),Horst L. Stormer(1949),for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations.,分数量子霍尔效应: 崔琦, Stomer 等发现, 当Landau能级的占据数,有霍尔平台,分数量子霍尔效应不可能在单粒子图象下解释, 引入相互作用,在超强磁场下, 电子位于第一Landau能级. 其单粒子波函数为,这一状态对应于电子在一由下式给出的面积内运动,Laughlin 建议了如下形式的波函数,这一状态的

10、占据数为,Laughlin 计算了m=3, m=5时这一波函数的能量, 发现比对应密度下CDW的能量要低. 这一状态称为分数量子霍尔态, 或Laughlin态, 当密度改变从而偏离占据数1/3, 1/5时, 对应于准粒子激发, 激发谱具有能隙, 准粒子的电荷为分数(1/3, 1/5). 因此Laughlin态是一个不可压缩的量子液体状态.,FQHE 态. 绿球代表被暂时冻结的电子, 蓝色为代表性电子的电荷密度, 黑色箭头代表磁通线.,同 IQHE一样, Fermi 能级处于能隙位置时, 出现FQHE 平台. 不同之处在于IHQE的能隙来源于单粒子态在强磁场中的量子化, 而FQHE的能隙来源于多

11、体关联效应. Haldane 和 Halperin, 利用级联模型, 指出Laughlin 态的准粒子和准空穴激发将凝聚为高阶分数态, 如从 1/3 态出发, 加入准粒子导致 2/5态, 加入空穴导致2/7态. 准粒子由这些态激发出来并凝聚为下一级的态 .,P 为偶数,对应于粒子型元激发,对应于空穴型元激发,级联模型的特点: 1. 无法解释那一个子态是较强的态. 2. 几次级联后, 准粒子的数目将超过电子的数目. 3. 系统在分数占据数之间没有定义. 4. 准粒子具有分数电荷.,复合费米子模型 (CF) 一个复合费米子由一个电子和偶数个磁通线构成. 复合费米子包含了所有的多体相互作用. FQH

12、E是CF在一个有效磁场下的IQHE. CF 具有整数电荷. CF 模型可以给出所有观察到的分数态, 包括这些态的相对强度及当减小温度, 提高样品质量时出现的次序. CF 指出: v=1/2 态, 对应的有效磁场为0, 是具有金属特征的特殊状态.,新进展,观察到分数电荷涨落. FQHE 的Ginsburg Landau 理论. 费米, 玻色 和分数统计. 边缘态和共形场论. ,利用一维结观察分数电荷 C.L. Kane and M.P.A. Fisher, Shot in the Arm for Fractional Charge, Nature 389, 119 (1997).,The Qua

13、ntum Hall effect (QHE) is one example of a quantum phenomenon that occurs on a truly macroscopic scale. The signature of QHE is the quantization plateaus in the Hall resistance (Rxy) and vanishing magnetoresistance (Rxx) in a magnetic field. The QHE, exclusive to two-dimensional metals, has led to t

14、he establishment of a new metrological standard, the resistance quantum, , that contains only fundamental constant. As with many other quantum phenomena, the observation of the QHE usually requires low temperatures (previously reported highest temperature was 30 K). In graphene, a single atomic laye

15、r of graphite, however, we have observed a well-defined QHE at room temperature owing to the unusual electronic band structure and the relativistic nature of the charge carriers of graphene.,Room-Temperature Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene PI: Philip Kim, Department of Physics, Columbia Universty Su

16、pported by NSF (No. DMR-03-52738 and No. CHE-0117752), NYSTAR DOE (No. DE-AIO2-04ER46133 and No. DE-FG02-05ER46215), and Keck Foundation,NHMFL,T=300 K B=45 T,Novoselov, K.S.; Jiang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Morozov, S.V.; Stormer, H.L.; Zeitler, U.; Maan, J.C.; Boebinger, G.S.; Kim, P. and Geim, A.K., Science, 315 (5817), 1379 (2007).,Figure: Magnetoresistance (Rxx) and Hall resistance (Rxy) of graphene as a function of the back gate voltage (Vg) in a magnetic



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