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3、后、未与时俱进,成本控制制定不当、缺乏市场观,成本方法贯彻不到位、控制分析方法过于单一等问题,从采购制度、生产过程、库存、营销等几个方面,并且站在同仁堂股份有限公司的角度上,为同仁堂等中医药企业提出相应的加强成本控制对策,去思考建立完善采购体系、加强成本控制措施、如何降低成本、获取更大市场竞争优势和提高公司的盈利能力,从战略的高度上推动企业变革,使企业更好的进行转变与发展,提高企业核心竞争力和企业价值,实现企业价值最大化,促进企业占有主导市场,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。关键词:成本控制,路径,同仁堂有限公司ABSTRACTCost control is one of the main aspec

4、ts of cost management and one of the core contents of enterprise management. It is also an important way to improve the economic responsibility system in the company. Meanwhile, cost control is also a signaling mechanism for effective allocation and utilization of internal resources of enterprises.

5、Cost control helps to shape the core of the enterprise, form a flexible and efficient enterprise organizational structure, and enhance the competitiveness of the core business of the enterprise. Cost control includes controls in each process, both before and during production, and post-production co

6、ntrols. Cost control can reduce product costs, increase profits for the enterprise, improve corporate value.The lowest cost products achieve the desired results by using the target cost method, operating cost method, liability cost method, standard cost method and more. Through a reasonable cost con

7、trol system, especially the internal containment system, it will be able to enable enterprises to avoid corruption and other malpractices occurred. Cost control plays an important role in improving the management level of enterprises and increasing economic benefits.In the increasingly competitive m

8、arket economy, the cost of Chinese medicine has risen sharply. How to introduce advanced concepts and reasonable scientific methods of cost control so that enterprises gain competitive advantage in increasingly fierce market has become a problem to be solved urgently. Based on the case of Tongrentan

9、g, this paper studies the current situation of cost control in Tongrentangand its existing problems in procurement, production processes, technical field, inadequate breadth and depth of control in production costs,through the case the analysis of various aspects about enterprise procurement, produc

10、tion, marketing and other aspects, to solve the problems in the enterprise cost control and find more ways to solve the shortcomings in the enterprise. The article also studies the cost control from the traditional Chinese medicine enterprises in the process of cost control, the cost of existing con

11、cepts behind, none advancing with the timing, improper cost control, the lack of market concept, cost method implementation, simplecontrol analysis from shallow to deep based on the basic concept of financial management. From the procurement system, production process, inventory, marketing, and seve

12、ral other aspects, and stand Tongrentang Co., Ltd., compared with other Chinese medicine companies to put forward corresponding measures to strengthen cost control, to establish and improve the procurement system to strengthen cost control Measures. From the strategic height to promote the transform

13、ation of enterprises so that enterprises can make better changes and development, enhance their core competitiveness and enterprise value, realize the maximization of enterprise value, and promote enterprises to dominate the market, stand out in the fierce competition.Key words:Cost control, Ways, T

14、he Tongrentang Co. Ltd引 言企业资源是有限度的,而成本控制作为企业管理的核心内容,其合理运用控制体现在企业资源的有效配置和充分利用上。因此,了解并熟悉企业成本控制的概念,问题及处理方法对每一个企业管理者都具有实际的深层含义,从古至今,成本控制主要基本解决两个基本问题,以何种方式更好配置企业资源优化成本和以何种方式使企业资源发挥最大效用以此实现企业效益最大化。而经过同仁堂案例的探索分析和实际企业的分析,通过企业成本控制的处理,更助于企业规避财务和管理风险且能帮助企业持续增值企业价值。成本控制研究以知识资源的有效配置和充分利用为主,物质资源的有效利用和充分利用的信息为辅,使企

15、业在生产经营过程中发生的各种过程中进行运算、协调及监管。对于成本控制的分析是一个发现问题的环节,同时也是发现企业内部深层潜能,为企业寻获一切能降低成本的过程。成本控制管理的合理科学的进行,更加能加大了企业改善经营的管理,创造企业价值,实现企业利润最大化,只有被量化和具体化,才能成为企业的发展的方向和动力,方使在市场竞争环境日趋激烈的当下,企业能够脱引而出。而如今的我国企业在成本控制研究方面还处于相当薄弱的环境下,随着全球经济的融合,为了使同仁堂股份有限公司能够更好地建立和发展壮大,获得更好的资源配置并且企业充分的利用资源,能更好解决成本控制中的一些有待于解决的问题。第一章概述1.1 成本控制的

16、概念成本一般作为可为企业组织带来当前或未来利益的某种产品和服务而付出的现金或等价物,在企业管理中起到极大的关键性。而成本控制是为了实现企业在一定时期内预先所设立的战略目标,而成本控制的好坏和运行的高低直接关系到企业战略是否能实现,在不同企业所对应的不同企业战略和不同企业流程中,会产生各种影响成本的因素和条件,而成本控制所采取的一系列预防和调节措施,能足够保证成本预先目标的实现。成本控制就是指以成本作为控制的手段,由成本控制企业主体在其职权范围内,通过制定成本指标值、对比产品成本降低率等手段,使企业经济活动实施更合理有效控制的一系列管理行为。1.2 成本控制的意义成本控制是成本管理的主要环节之一。为了建立有效的企业成本控制系统及更好的充分合理利用企业资源,恰当的使企业的经营管理水平提高和经济效益的增大起着重要的作用。成本控制能更好的降低产品成本、来为企业增加赢利,提高企业价值。而企业中产品


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