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1、必修8 Unit 5.用所给的词的适当形式填空1. The pencil was not _, so he _ it with a_. (sharpen)答案sharpsharpenedsharpener2. In the final _,I think we must try to _the causes of his many shallow and wrong _that he showed to the pupils. (analysis)答案analysisanalyzeanalyses3. His familys wealth is _into four parts, but th

2、ey dont think the _is fair. (divide)答案divideddivision4. She used to suffer from _ but now she _herself to try to lose weight. (starve)答案starvationis starving5. While working out the problem, you should pay more attention to the _. You must measure the length _in order to get the _number. (accurate)答

3、案accuracyaccuratelyaccurate.完成句子1. The game _(因下雨中断了)答案was interrupted by the rain 2. I didnt see your car,so I _(认为你出去了)答案assumed that youd gone out 3. My teacher is always smoking in class, _(不管学生的健康)答案regardless of the health of the students 4. You cant even cut up meat with the knife,it _ (需要磨一下

4、)答案needs sharpening5. Efforts _(维护和平) have failed.答案to preserve the peace 6. The book gives a _(贫困及其根源的详细分析)答案detailed analysis of poverty and its causes.完形填空(2008年浙江)In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call_1_

5、and love.I dont remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did_2_the water. Any kind of _3_ride seemed to give him pleasure.And he loved to fish;sometimes he took me along.But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being in the water, moving through

6、 it,_4_it all around me. I was not a strong _5_,or one who learned to swim early, for I had my _6_. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father s office and_7_those summer days with my father, who would come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand ther

7、e in his suit, the_8_person not in swimsuit.After swimming, I would go inside his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me_9_anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes,if I was left alone at his desk_10_he worked in the lab,an assistant or a student might

8、come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn t be playing with his_11_. But my father always_12_and said easily,“ Oh,no,it s_13_.”Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get _14_an ice cream.A poet once said,“ We look at life once,in childhood;the rest is_15_.”And I think it is not only what we“ look a

9、t once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but who,in that childhood,looks at us.解读:儿时的美好回忆总让人终生难忘,慈祥、宽容而又与众不同的父亲给作者幼小的心灵留下了深深的爱的烙印。本文是唱给父亲的赞歌。1. A. desireB. joyC. anger D. worry解析下文叙述的是作者与父亲度过的“愉快”时光,所以选择此项,空后的love也有提示。A项在文章中没有信息支持,C、D两项与下文的内容不符。答案B2. A. avoid B. refuseC. praise D. love解析根

10、据下一句的内容可知虽然作者不曾记得父亲下过游泳池,但是父亲的确“喜欢”水。C项表示“赞扬”,在文章中没有提到。答案D3. A. boat B. busC. train D. bike解析此处谈论的是与水有关的事情,四个选项中只有此项与水有关。答案A4. A. having B. leavingC. making D. getting解析作者喜欢在水中走动,让周围都“有”水。B项表示“听任”,语意不恰当;后两项表示动作,与本句的语境不符。答案A5. A. swimmer B. riderC. walker D. runner解析此处叙述的是作者在水中的情况,四个选项中只有此项与水有关。答案A6.

11、 A. hopes B. faithsC. rights D. fears解析本句的前半句提到作者不是游泳好手,由此可知作者心怀“恐惧”。前三项都与本句的前半句在语意上不符合。答案D7. A. spending B. savingC. wasting D. ruining解析文章叙述的是作者对过去美好时光的回忆,因此四个选项中只有此项最能表达作者的意图。B项表示“节省”,语意不通。答案A8. A. next B. onlyC. other D. last解析第二段的开头一句提到作者从不记得父亲下过游泳池,由此可知他是“唯一”不穿游泳衣的人。答案B9. A. put up B. break do

12、wnC. play with D. work out解析作者的父亲允许作者“玩弄”他抽屉中的任何东西。第11个空格前面的playing with也是暗示。put up表示“张贴”,break down表示“坏掉”,work out表示“做出”,都不符合所给语境。答案C10. A. the moment B. the first timeC. while D. before解析此处表示的是动作同时发生,即作者的父亲在实验室工作的同时作者独自一人在父亲的办公桌旁。A项表示“一就”,相当于as soon as,B项表示“第一次的时候”,D项表示“在之前”,都与本句的语境不符。答案C11. A. fi

13、shing net B. office thingsC. wooden chair D. lab equipment解析根据前面的at his desk可知,他们告诉作者不应该玩弄父亲的“办公用品”。A项在文章中没有信息支持;上文提到的是作者在玩弄父亲抽屉中的东西,因此C项不恰当;作者当时是在办公室里,而不是在父亲的实验室里,所以D项不正确。答案B12. A. stood up B. set outC. showed up D. turned out解析每逢有人干涉作者时,作者的父亲总是“出来”制止。作者的父亲当时在实验室中,所以A项不正确;B项表示“出发;动身”,D项表示“结果是,证明是”,

14、不符合语境。答案C13. A. fine B. strangeC. terrible D. funny解析作者的父亲是在庇护作者,认为孩子这么做没有什么过错,别人不应该干涉,所以选择A。答案A14. A. the student B. the assistantC. myself D. himself解析作者的父亲有时候给作者几个硬币让作者自己买冰淇淋吃。答案C15. A. memory B. wealthC. experience D. practice解析根据下一句中的memories可知其余的都是“回忆”。后三项都与下一句内容不符。答案A.阅读理解A(2009年湖北,A)My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I


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