2013年高考英语一轮复习 专题01 School life精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、2013年高考英语一轮复习精品学案专题01 School life(牛津译林版)核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式二、译出下列短语27.通知某人某事_ 28.赞同这个想法_29.负责 _ 30.不仅仅是音乐_重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. 对我来说,到英国的一所高中去读书一年是一次非常令人愉快和令人兴奋的经历。_ _ was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组)experience 做名词时的可数与不可数?当experience 译为_时,为_ 名词当experience

2、 译为_时,为_ 名词experience 做动词时,译为_experienced的词性为_, 译为_【即时巩固1】用experience的恰当形式填空。1. Nowadays people prefer to hire someone with _(工作经验).2. Getting caught in the flood was _(一次特别的经历)for me. 3. Everyone_(经历) these problems at some time in their lives.4. Tom _(在有经验) dealing with difficult customers.词汇-2. r

3、espect 【教材原句】He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (P2)【例句研读】说出下列句中斜体部分的意思。(1)She shows great respect for the old man who has helped her. _(2)In this respect, we are no different from other people. _【即时巩固2】一、完成句子:(1) Please _(代我问候

4、) to your parents.(2) She had always been honest with me, and I _(敬重她这一点)。二、用respect短语填空:He is very like his father _. For example, he _for old people. When seeing an old person, he always says hello to him _.词汇-3. devote 词汇-4. struggle【教材原句】 It was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and na

5、mes. (P2)【例句研读】翻译下列句中struggle的不同含义。(1) She struggled to keep back tears. _(2)She picked the child up, but he struggled and kicked. _(3)Our struggle to win freedom turned out to be successful. _(4)The struggle between the two football teams was hard. _(5)Its a struggle for him to learn how to cook. _

6、【自主归纳】意思为: _词汇-5. prepare 【课文原句】Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food. (P3)【例句研读】翻译句中斜体部分:(1)Jenny, come and help, we need to prepare more food. _(2)He is preparing for the meeting to be held tomorrow. _(3)She said so because she wanted to prepare her father for the ba

7、d news._(4)Have you prepared to go on a trip? _(5)We have been prepared for the coming examination. _词汇-6.inform 【教材原句】We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.(p16)【例句研读】理解下列各句的意思并体会inform的用法。(1) I came to inform you of the t

8、ime and place of the lecture.(2) Newspapers keep us informed of the latest news.(3) He informed the police that his money was missing.【自主归纳】根据例句写出inform的常见结构:告知/通知某人某事 随时向某人报告情况 _告诉某人某种情况 _【即时巩固6】一、改写句子:(1)I informed her mother that she had arrived safely. I _ _ _ _her safe arrival.(2) If you get so

9、me information about it, please tell me in time. _ _ _ if you get some information about it.二、完成句子:_ _ _ _(为了知晓)what is happening in his own country, he watches TV and surfs the Internet every day. 【即时巩固7】句型转换:The guests of the hotel can use the swimming pool free of charge.The guests of the hotel c

10、an use the swimming pool _ _.The swimming pool _ _ _ the guests of the hotel.词汇-8.look back on 【教材原句】I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. (P3)词汇-9.make use of 【教材原句】With so much free time, students who do not make good use of

11、 their time my not pass their exams. (P11)【例句研读】说出下列句中粗斜体字的意思。You should make full use of such a good chance. _If you can make use of the opportunity,I think you will do your best. _【自主归纳】写出下列短语的意思。make full use of _ make good use of _make the best of _ make the most of _come into use _in use _【即时巩固

12、10】用上面的三个短语填空。(1)I saw _one notebook in that shop. Will you go and buy it?(2) Its a popular hotel_ ten minutes from the nearest park.(3)Mrs Johnson is _ a neighbour to us. She is our best friend.二、重点句型梳理(含重点语法):【即时巩固12】 (1)A modern city has been set up on _ was a wasteland ten years ago.(2)I think _ he said is true.(3)_ he does doesnt agree with _ he says.(4)Our school is no longer _ it was ten years ago. 3.【教材原句】I am r



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