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1、American drama,A little horrible,Full of blood and death,but also full of love,The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记,New word,Vampire 吸血鬼 Werewolf 狼人 Doppelganger 二重身 Witch 巫师 Hybrid 混血儿(狼人和吸血鬼的混体) Hunter 猎人,First ,I will show you the characteristic of vampires,Live forever (永生):Some vampires are 300 -500 years

2、 old .Even Vampire ancestors(祖先) are more than 1000 years old. Blood thirsty (嗜血成性) The wound will soon heal(伤口瞬间愈合) Great strength (力大无比) Even far away from him ,he will hear clearly! Afraid of Sun (怕阳光) Magnify fellings(所有感觉会放大) Erase memories of human beings(消除人类的记忆),Now,lets introduce the leadin

3、g roles.,主角介绍,Elena Gilbert,Elena is a brave and very kind girl. She always protects her friends and familes from being in danger. She loves Stefan, but to Damon, she also has a kind of inexplicable feelings . She is Doppelganger , who is the key to break the curse of mixed.,她勇敢和善良,很保护自己的朋友和家人,不希望自己

4、的家人和朋友因为自己而身处险境,她勇于与恶势力作斗争,不是那种柔柔弱弱的花瓶(从她杀死吸血鬼祖先可以看出)。她爱着Stefan,但是对于Damon,她也有一种不可言喻的感情存在。她是二重身,是打破混血诅咒的关键。,英俊、自制力强,有礼、沉稳、善良、不会让人有对吸血鬼的恐惧感,不愿吸人血,靠吸动物血维持。然而几百年前却是个嗜血成性、难以自拔的坏人 一心希望能与人类和平共处。145年前被Katherine控制意念喝血而转变。被他深爱着Elena,相信哥哥Damon心中还存在着“人性”(善良)。,Stefen Salvatore,Stefen Salvatore He is a vampire .H

5、andsome、strong Self-control, polite, staid, kind, doesnt suck the blood of human,but by sucting animal blood to live on. Hundreds of years ago, however, he is a bad bloodthirsty man.,Damon(达蒙) 他是Stefen的哥哥,吸血鬼,300多岁 性格:飘忽,不在乎任何生命,凶残, 冷酷无情,他用自己的方式保护他在乎的人 如果他爱你,就会用他的全部来保护你,哪怕要与世界为敌!不相信任何人,但信任Elena,是Ele

6、na让他成为了一个拥有“人心”的吸血鬼,他爱着Elena却没告诉她,担心造成Elena的困扰,所以在 人人上总会有这样的说法: 全世界的女人都爱Damon!,Damon Salvatore He is the brother of Stefen. Vampire 300 years old. Personality: fleet, dont care any life, ruthless,he used his own way to protect his care .If he loves you, he will use all of him to protect . Even if it

7、 should be against the world! So some one says: All of women love Damon!,Damon,Katherine,已有500岁,与Elena长得一模一样, 因为Elena是她的后代(二重身), 150年前,与Stefen和Damon兄弟俩同时 相爱,后将他们转化为吸血鬼。 性格:老练、邪恶、圆滑、充满诱惑力 只爱自己, 但有时会为朋友挺身而出,For 500 years old, she is identical to Elena,Because Elena is her Doppelganger ( 二重身) 150 years

8、 ago, brother Stefen and Damon at the same time.Love her, she turned them into vampires.Personality: Sophisticated, evil, tactful, charming,selfish .Only love herself, but sometimes throws herself into the breach for friends.,Bonnie 邦妮 巫师,Caroline 卡罗林 吸血鬼,Tyler 泰勒 狼人,当挚爱女主角(Elena)的Stefen,受到吸血鬼鼻祖 Kla

9、us的控制。 计时器归为零时,Stefen将不得不去吸Elena的血。 在这危急关头,Stefen会怎么办? 让我们看段视频!,喜欢吸血鬼日记的原因,“唯一比你嗜血欲望更强烈的,竟然是对这个女孩的爱。”即便鼻祖Klaus命令Stefen把人性关掉,但是Stefen却毅然决然地说“No” 因为爱给了他一切力量! 看吸血鬼日记让我了解到了美式的幽默,看到了吸血鬼的本性和被他们掩埋已久的人性,尽管剧中处处充满了打斗、吸血的恐怖场面,但同样也有美国party的热闹、欢快,充满了理智、爱和感动。,“The only thing stronger than your craving for blood i

10、s your love for this one girl.”Although Klaus odered Stefen turn human nature off,Stefen said“No!”Because love gave him power. Watch “vampire diaries” I learned the American humor, see the vampire nature and human nature which they buried already a long time, although the play is full of fighting, horror, but also has the partys lively, cheerful, of course, it is also full of reason, love and moving.,



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