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1、.,史 娟 医科院基础所 新科研楼607 E-mail: shijuantt,细胞凋亡和细胞自噬,.,.,Outline,1. History of apoptosis research 2. Characterization of apoptosis 3. Physiological Significances 4. Apoptosis Signaling Pathways 5. Regulation of Apoptosis 6. Apoptosis and Autophagy,.,第一节 凋亡的研究历史,1842 Carl Voget Initial observation that c

2、ell death in part of normal development 1972 Kerr, Wyllie and Currie- - introduced term apoptosis to describe cell death with a set of common morphological features - Cell deletion was controlled under physiological conditions in adults - Deregulation could lead to many diseases - Morphologically id

3、entical to developmental CD and distinct from accidental cell death,.,1980 Wyllie Biochemical changes in apoptotic morphology: - DNA fragmentation -Requires expression of death genes 1988 Bcl-2 was found to be anti-apoptotic 1991 ced genes were identified in C. elegan 1992 Fas/APO-1/CD95 was identif

4、ied 1993 A role of p53 in regulation of apoptosis was described Fas ligand was identified ICE was found to be homolog of ced-3 in mammalian IAPs were identified 1994 The role of mitochondria during apoptosis 1996 The role of caspases during apoptosis Release of cytochrome c from mitochondria during

5、apoptosis was discovered 1997 Apafs were identified,.,Nobel Prize 2002 in Physiology and Medicine,Sydney Brenner John E. Sulston Robert H. Horvitz,for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death,.,“Genetic control of programmed cell death in the nem

6、atode Caenorhabditis elegans”,“You can observe a lot by watching.” Y. Berra,.,第二节 凋亡细胞的特征,.,凋亡(apoptosis)的形态学特征为染色质凝集、边缘化,细胞皱缩,细胞膜内侧的磷脂酰丝氨酸外翻,细胞出泡形成凋亡小体。细胞凋亡受到一系列相关基因的严格调控。 程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD),即是指细胞在一定的生理或病理条件下,遵循自身的程序,主动结束其生命的过程,这种死亡由基因决定的。大多数程序性细胞死亡,呈现细胞凋亡的形态学特征。,.,Necrosis,Apoptosi

7、s,.,细胞凋亡与细胞坏死在形态上的主要区别,细胞凋亡 细胞坏死,发生条件 多为生理性 病理性(偶然刺激) 单个细胞丢失 成群细胞死亡 细胞膜 发泡,完整 破裂,不完整 细胞器 结构保留 破坏 细胞核 核凝集断裂 核破碎溶解 染色质均一浓缩 细胞 皱缩形成凋亡小体 细胞膨胀而溶解 被邻近正常和巨噬细胞吞噬 残余碎片被巨噬细胞吞噬 炎症反应 无,不释放内容物 有,释放内容物,.,细胞凋亡与细胞坏死在生物化学方面的主要区别,细胞凋亡 细胞坏死,基因调节 由凋亡相关基因调控 与基因调控无关 发生条件 多为生理性 病理性(偶然刺激) 能量 需要能量 不需要能量 新的基因转录 有 无 大分子合成 需要

8、不需要 Caspase 依赖性 不依赖 DNA 降解为180-200bp DNA随机性降解成为任意 的整数倍的DNA Ladder 长度的片段 细胞膜 磷脂酰丝氨酸外翻,.,Morphology of Apoptotic Cell,.,Apoptosis,Necrosis,Apoptosis VS. Necrosis,.,.,第三节 细胞凋亡的生理学 病理学意义,.,保证个体正常发育:蝌蚪成蛙、昆虫蜕变、淋巴细胞阳性和阴性选择、表皮和指(趾)甲的形成等。 维持内环境稳定:清除衰老细胞、DNA损伤的细胞等。如果机体对受损、突变或者衰老的细胞不能及时清除话,就会干扰内环境稳定。 防御功能:清除被病

9、原体感染的细胞等。,生理学意义,.,保证个体正常发育:蝌蚪成蛙、昆虫蜕变、淋巴细胞阳性和阴性选择、表皮和指(趾)甲的形成等。,.,Sculpting the digits in the developing mouse paw by apoptosis.,Tissue remodeling.,.,脊椎动物的神经系统的发育,.,CTL杀伤靶细胞 。,.,免疫细胞凋亡,细胞凋亡:95%的细胞凋亡 胸腺细胞成熟过程中的凋亡 阳性选择 阴性选择 激活诱导的细胞凋亡:(activation-induced cell death,AICD) CTL诱导靶细胞的凋亡: 穿孔素介导的靶细胞凋亡 Fas介导的靶

10、细胞凋亡,.,lymphoid progenitor (CLP) double negative (DN) double positive (DP),Apoptosis and survival during T lymphocyte development,.,Apoptosis and survival during B lymphocyte development,.,物理因素:X-射线、热休克等; 化学因素:过氧化氢、乙醇、8氯腺苷、氨 甲蝶呤、苯丁酸氮芥、三尖杉酯碱等; 生物因素:某些细胞因子表达水平变化、蛋白分 子的激活、修饰、降解或构象改变、 活性氧的产生等。,Apoptosis

11、 Inducers,.,病原体侵染; 诱导凋亡HIV 抑制凋亡Poxvirus 细胞凋亡不足 肿瘤,自身免疫疾病; 细胞凋亡过度 神经退行性疾病(AD,帕金森症)、心肌梗塞、 再生障碍性贫血、骨组织坏死。,病理学意义,.,HIV infection causes apoptosis,.,第四节 细胞凋亡的信号传递,.,细胞外部刺激信号介导的死亡受体信号传递途径(extrinsic) 细胞内部的信号传递途径 (intrinsic or mitochondrial),.,连接分子( adaptor): 具有一些特殊的功能结构域,如 DD、DED、CARD等,同种结构域间具有相互结合的倾向,.,Th

12、e TNF and TNFR superfamilies,Aggarwal BB。Nat Rev Immunol. 2003,3(9):745-56,.,CRD:Cys-rich repeats extracellular DD: death domain cytoplasmic essential,.,.,Structure of Death Receptors,胞外区结构相似,有多个富含半胱氨酸保守序列; 胞内区均有特殊死亡功能区(约90个氨基酸残基组成的基序, death domain, DD); 死亡功能区无任何酶活性,但可与具有相似死亡结构域的蛋白结合。,.,Mechanisms o

13、f TRAIL Functioning,Two functional death receptors (DR4/DR5) Three decoy receptors (DcR1, DcR2 457(7232):981-9.,.,Caspase 1 ICE Caspase 2 ICH-1/Nedd-2 Caspase 3 CPP32/Yama Caspase 4 TX ICH-2 ICErel II Caspase 5 ICErel III Ty Caspase 6 Mch-2 Caspase 7 Mch-3 Caspase 8 MACH FLICE Mch-5 Caspase 9 ICE/LA

14、P6 Mch-6 Caspase 10 Mch-4 FLICE-2 Caspase 11 ICH3 Caspase 12 ER apoptosis-specific Caspase 13 ERICE Caspase 14 MICE Caspase 15 Caspase 16 Caspase 17 Caspase 18,Caspases: cysteine aspartic acid specific protease “C” = cysteine, “asp” = cleave after Asp; family of proteases with similar amino acid seq

15、uence, structure, substrate specificity,.,根据Caspase 家族成员之间大小亚单位的同源性, 可将他们分为3 组: 炎症组(inflammatory mediators):Caspase1,4,5,12,13,14 凋亡起始组(apoptotic initiators):Caspase2,8,9,10 凋亡效应组(apoptotic executioners):Caspase3,6,7,DED: death effector domain CARD: caspase recruitment domain,.,Structure and Function of Caspases,DED: death effector domains CARD: caspase recruitment domains,.,Caspases are produced as zymogens,Lavrik IN, J Clin Invest. 2005;115:2665-72,.,Scheme of procaspase-8 processing



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