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1、政治经济汉译英一词汇意义1. 政治经济习俗语的形象表达与指称意义的解读 由于文化差异的影响,不同民族对同一形象往往产生不同的联想和体味,翻译中的形象转换不可避免。 若两种语言中形象与喻义刚好巧合,这种转换就比较顺利。 在形象和喻义难以两全的情况下,是保留形象还是保留喻义呢? 通常舍形象,保喻义,因为意义是第一位的。翻译就是翻译意义。译例: 建立“一站式”服务中心,为外国投资者提供审批业务“一条龙”服务。 Set up the “One-stop” Service Center to provide a coordinated process service for foreign invest

2、ors in obtaining approval. 期间多次实行权力下放,但都只限于调整中央和地方、条条和块块的管理权限。 We tried to delegate power to lower levels on a number of occasions. But this was limited to readjusting the administrative power of the central and local authorities and of the different departments and regions. 以江泽民为核心的党中央坚持两手抓、两手都要硬的方

3、针,从多方面加强精神文明建设 The Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, in adherence to the principle of placing equal emphasis on material progress and ethical and cultural progress, with neither aspects neglected, has promoted ethical and cultural progress in all fields. 必须清楚看到,“一手比较硬,一手比

4、较软”的问题还没有解决。 We must see with a sober mind that “attaching importance to material progress while neglecting ethical and cultural progress” has not been solved. 十年来最大的失误在教育。一手比较硬,一手比较软。 The most serious error in the previous ten years were made in education. Some things were stressed while others wer

5、e neglected. 搞现代化建设一定要坚持以经济建设为中心,要有两手,只有一手是不行的。 In going in for modernization, efforts must be made to keep economic development as the central task, and equal importance should be attached to both aspects for stressing only one aspect is not enough. 2. 政治经济用语的字面意义与内涵表达 指称意义也叫所指意义、认知意义,指词与所指客体、思想或行为

6、之间的直接关系。(denotation, designative meanings, cognitive meaning, referential meaning, conceptual meaning) 蕴涵意义,也称情感意义,指词内含的情感和联想意义. (connotation, affective meaning, implied meaning, suggested meaning ) 不看具体语境究其内涵意义,很难想到他们相应的正确英语表达法。仅仅根据其字面意义,这类用语无法译出,即使查字典,也常常无从查起。因此,必须在吃透原文,从整个篇幅着眼,不拘泥于个别字句,注重特定语境中上下文

7、的关系,注重文化差异,译出其内涵意义。 农转非 Changing from agricultural to non-agriculture status 扫黄打非 wipe out pornographic publications and crack down on illegal publishing practices 分光吃光 total distribution and total consumption 假冒伪劣 fake and low-quality goods 机不可失,时不我待。我们要加大改革的分量和力度 Opportunity knocks but once. We mu

8、st increase the impact and momentum of reform 促进整个经济由粗放经营向集约经营转变。 To bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of the economy as a whole. 积极鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各方面办学的积极性。 We shall encourage the running of schools by non-governmental sectors so as to bring the initiative of all quarters int

9、o play. “摸底”的几种译法 这次我们摸了一下美国军队的底。 This time we have taken measure of the U.S. armed forces. 请同志们摸一下农民用粮的底。 Please investigate how much grain the farmers actually consume. 如果想摸底,这又是一个底,这是一个带根本性的底。 If you want to sound us out, there is one thing you will learn, a thing which is fundamental in nature.

10、我和许多地方同志摸了这个底。 Together with many comrades in the localities, I have made an estimate. 各民族党派什么情况,基层什么情况,恐怕你们这些负责人也不摸底。 How do things stand with democratic parties and at the grassroots? Im afraid you who are in responsible positions havent a very clear idea. 二句法结构 汉语的分句铺排与英语的主干结构 汉语动词连贯句与英语逻辑主次关系 要着

11、眼于搞好整个国有经济,抓好大的,放活小的,对企业实施战略性改组。 Aiming at improving the state sector of the economy as a whole, we shall effectuate a strategic reorganization of state-owned enterprises by well managing large enterprises while adopting a flexible policy towards small ones. 所有二流子都要受到改造,参加生产,变为好人。 All loafers must b

12、e reformed into good citizens through participation in production. 广大文艺工作者要深入群众,深入生活,汲取营养,丰富自己。 Writers and artists should get nutrition, and enrich themselves by immersing themselves among the masses, and by plunging into the thick of life. (be in the thick of sth: involved in the busiest, most act

13、ive part) 中国经济成功地进行了“软着陆”,这是宏观经济调控的结果。它控制了通货膨胀,避免了经济的大起大落,保持了经济的快速增长。 The Chinese economy has successfully made a “soft landing”, a result of macro economic control, which has curbed inflation while maintaining rapid economic growth without major fluctuations. 三修辞特点 汉语繁多的华丽之词与英语直观明快的描写 汉语过多修饰词的使用与英语

14、避虚就实的特点 进一步开展节约能源的宣传,努力提高全社会节能意识。 The idea of saving energy should be promoted to the general public. 各级政府都要切实加强对改革的领导,扎扎实实地做好工作,不断把改革推向前进。 The government at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a solid job of propelling the reform forward. “胜利召开,热烈欢呼,认真执行,彻底粉碎”,“不切实

15、际的幻想,毫无根据的诽谤” 不合逻辑的表达: successfully convened thoroughly smash impractical illusion groundless defamation19世纪英国散文家Thomas H. Huxley 也曾说过:“我们没有必要用修辞的化妆品去涂抹真理的洁白脸孔(to plaster the fair face of truth with the cosmetics of rhetoric)” ,所以,英语的修饰词的使用一般都慎重且不多。相比之下,言语滥用修饰词的问题就严重一些。 政府正式禁止在公共场所吸烟。 Smoking in public is officially prohibited by the city government. “Prohibit” 本身就是“正式禁止”之意 中国政府将采取更加有力的措施,进一步健全耕地保护制度,切实加强基本农田保护。 Chinese government will adopt


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