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1、摘 要 随着中国经济步入新常态,经济增长速度从高速转变为中高速,但与此同时从2008年到2015年,中国个人可投资资产1000万以上的高净值人群的人数和可投资资产却始终保持了强劲的增长速度。特别是资产规模在1个亿以上人群的资产,从2008年到2015年,8年的平均年化增长率为94.64%;而在同一时期,资产规模在1000万到5000万人群的资产平均年化增长率仅为35.25%,1亿元以上超高净值客户的资产增长速度大大超越普通的高净值客户资产的增长速度,这充分证明了全球高净值人群的财富越来越明显的呈现集中化趋势。作为最顶尖的财富拥有者,他们对私人银行的专户业务拥有很高的潜在需求,不仅仅要求专户产品


3、阶段,不仅仅需要业务理论的支撑、业务架构的设计,更需要营销人员勇于接受和了解新的业务,在实际工作中去推动新业务的落地,才能使理论结合实际,让专户业务在不断地尝试中获得客户反馈,又通过客户反馈让专户业务不断地发展,更加的完善。希望通过本文的研究,能够为工行私人银行专户业务的发展,特别是专户业务体系的完善和我国其他商业银行开展私人银行专户业务带来具有价值的参考和借鉴。关键词:私人银行专户;SWOT;建议;发展趋势AbstractAs Chinese economicdevelopment has entered into the new normal, its economic growth ra

4、te has also turned from the high speed into the high& moderate speed, at the same time, from 2008 to 2015 actually the number and the investment assets of the high net worth individuals with the available personal investment assets with more than RMB10 million in China have always kept the powerful

5、growth.Especially for the groups whose assets sizes are more than RMB100 million, the average annual growth rate of their assets in the 8 years from 2008 to 2015 was 4.64%; and in the same period for those groups whose assets sizes were between RMB 10 50 million, the average annual growth rate of th

6、eir assets was only 35.25%, the asset growth rate of those high net worth individuals with more than RMB100 million assets is greatly higher than the assets growth rate of those ordinary high net worth individuals, such phenomenon completely proved the concentration trend that was more and more obvi

7、ously represented by the global high net worth individuals. As the top owners of wealth, they may have much higher potential demand on the special account business of private bank, not only requiring the higher benefits of the special account products than those ordinary products, but also having mo

8、re detailed comparison on the details of products design mode, investment period, liquidation arrangement, guarantee of security etc. Based on above reasons, in this paper Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) was selected as the sample, though the introduction of the special account produc

9、t of ICBC private bank, the development process of special account product of ICBC private bank and the financial service it could provide were also analyzed accordingly, and the portfolio analysis on the strategy of the special account product of ICBC private bank was also made with the SWOT method

10、. Then with the basis of the analysis on the conclusion, this paper puts forward the targeted suggestion on perfecting the special account product of ICBC private bank, and forecasts the development trend of the special account product of ICBC private bank. In addition, different cases of customer m

11、arketing are quoted against different types of special account in research and analysis of this paper. Advantages and characteristics of different special accounts are expected to highlight through practical customer cases. Special account business is still at its primary stage now in China. It not

12、only needs support of business theory and design of business structure but requires marketing personnel to bravely accept and know new business and promote launch of new business in practical work. Based on theory and practice, customer feedback for special account business could be obtained by cons

13、tant attempt and makes it develop better continually.Hopefully it can bring the valuable references for the development of special account product of ICBC private bank, especially the perfection of the special account business system and other commercial banks in China developing the special account

14、 product of their private banks. Keyword: special account of private bank;SWOT; suggestion;development trend目录第1章 绪论71.1研究背景71.1.1全球高净值人群财富持续高速成长71.1.2全球高净值人群财富呈现集中化趋势81.1.3 中国个人高净值人群的财富分析91.1.4 居民资产配置多元化时代已经到来101.2 国内外研究现状121.2.1 国外研究现状121.2.2 国内研究现状131.2.3 现有文献的总结与评述141.4研究思路与主要框架151.5 创新和不足16第2章

15、工商银行私人银行业务概述162.1 工商银行私人银行业务概述162.2 工银私人银行大类投资品介绍172.2.1 货币市场类投资品172.2.2 固定收益类投资品172.2.3 权益类投资品182.2.4 股权类投资品182.4.5 另类市场投资品182.2.6 绝对收益类投资品192.2.7跨境投资品192.3 工银私人银行管理模式及产品概述192.3.1 工银私人银行管理模式192.3.2 工银私人银行产品概述202.4 工银私人银行专户产品212.5 工行专户业务的SWOT分析242.5.1 工银私人银行专户的优势(S)242.5.2 工银私人银行专户的劣势(W)242.5.3 工银私人

16、银行专户的机会(O)252.5.4 工银私人银行专户的威胁(T)26第3章 工银私人银行专户发展历程及具体案例分析273.1 专户全权委托业务273.1.1 专户全权委托业务概述273.1.2 专户全权委托业务具体案例分析293.2 专户投资账户303.2.1 专户投资账户概述303.2.2 投资账户的七大基础服务323.2.3 投资账户的资产负债管理服务333.2.4 投资账户之全球投资账户服务333.2.5 专户投资账户具体案例分析343.3 家族财富基金363.3.1 家族基金的业务背景363.3.2 工行家族基金的业务介绍383.3.3 家族基金具体案例分析40第4章 业务建议及发展趋势



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