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1、湖北大学知行学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译湖北大学知行学院本科毕业论文(设计)题 目 工程项目成本控制研究以大顶子山码头项目为例副标题在第二行,右顶格。 经济与管理系 系 工程管理 专业学 号 1411420028 学生姓名 王 来 指导教师 胡歆珮 起讫日期 2017.11.20 2018.03.01 工作地点 湖北大学知行学院工程项目成本控制研究以大顶子山码头项目为例摘 要工程成本控制是工程项目三大控制(成本控制、质量控制、进度控制)之一,是施工项目成败与否、盈利与否的关键。我国工程建设项目众多、投资巨大,但针对工程施工项目的成本控制研究和应用则相对滞后。随着改革的不断深化,市场竞争机制


3、行分析和预测,保证项目控制目标的实现。尤其是在该成本控制体系中,对工程施工过程中的项目成本控制的即时化及应用进行了研究,选用挣值理论应用到实际工程的成本控制中去,取得了良好的经济效益,提出进行项目成本即时控制的基本思想。项目成本控制是一项系统工程,要围绕成本控制这个中心,合理设置控制目标,明确成本控制责任,并分解和落实到各有关责任单位和个人。以期努力为构建完善包括各部门、各环节直至全体施工人员的项目成本控制体系,实施全员、全程和全面控制,促进项目施工、技术和管理水平的全面提高做出努力。【关键词】工程项目 成本控制 方法研究 挣值理论Research on Project Cost Contro

4、l - A Case Study of DadingziGadding Mountain Terminal ProjectAbstractProject cost control is one of the three major project control (cost control, quality control, schedule control), the success of the construction project, the key to profitability or not. China has a large number of construction pr

5、ojects and a huge investment, but the research and application of cost control in construction projects lags behind. With the deepening of reform, the market competition mechanism has gradually taken shape. The production and management of construction enterprises have undergone profound changes. Pr

6、oject cost control is the key to determining the market competitiveness of construction enterprises and the center of project management. Therefore, the project cost Control has very important practical significance to improve the market competitiveness of construction enterprises. Based on the curr

7、ent general construction project management progress and quality management, light cost management background, this article focuses on the problems existing in the cost control of DadingzishanShading Wharf for a more in-depth analysis of the cost control awareness, objectives, content, links , The o

8、rganization and implementation of control, ways to reduce costs and cost assessment. Based on the actual project, this paper constructs the project cost control system of DadingzishanShading Wharf and achieves good application results in this project. In the process of project construction to achiev

9、e the scheduled cost goals, effective measures should be taken to control the costs, the trend of project costs analysis and forecast to ensure the realization of the project control objectives. Especially in the cost control system, the project cost control in the construction process of the real-t

10、ime and application are studied, the use of earned value theory applied to the actual cost of the project to go, and achieved good economic benefits, put forward to carry out Project cost real-time control of the basic idea. Project cost control is a systematic project, we should focus on cost contr

11、ol center, set reasonable control objectives, clear cost control responsibilities, and decomposition and implementation to all relevant responsible units and individuals. Efforts to build and improve, including all sectors, all aspects of the project until all the construction staff cost control sys

12、tem, the implementation of full, full and full control, and promote the construction of the project, an overall increase in the level of technology and management.【Key words】project Cost Control Methodological research Earned value theory目 录绪论11 成本管理与控制概念综述22 项目成本控制理论综述22.1 项目成本控制概念22.2 项目成本控制的对象32.

13、3 项目成本控制的内容42.4 成本控制方法中的挣值理论43 大顶子山码头工程项目成本控制现状及问题分析53.1 大顶子山码头工程项目概况53.2 工程项目成本控制现存主要问题53.2.1 成本控制责任意识谈薄53.2.2 成本控制目标确定偏高53.2.3 成本控制责任不明确53.2.4 成本控制时间滞后63.2.5成本控制因素单一63.3工程项目成本控制存在问题的分析63.3.1忽视成本责任中心作用63.3.2忽视成本控制目标的确定63.3.3忽视质量成本的管理与控制63.3.4成本控制体系不明晰73.4工程项目成本控制体系的框架7结论7参考文献8致 谢91、 格式,2、 目录到二级标题即可





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