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1、2019年高考听说考试真题CPart A: Reading aloudExercise. I know I should. But I dont particularly enjoy it, and I never seem to make much progress. So I wanted to find out what I should be doing, how much and why. I have been meeting scientists who are changing our view of exercise. They discovered that we all

2、respond to exercise in very different ways. And Ive looked at some extraordinary new research, which suggests we can get many of the health benefits of exercise from just three minutes a week. And research is also showing us how, without breaking a sweat, we can all live healthier and longer lives.

3、(60)PART B:Role Play角色:你是Mary。 任务:(1)与同学Tom谈论竞选学生会主席的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:candidate 候选人;opportunity 机会视频文稿:W: Congratulations, Tom. I heard that you were elected as the president of the student union.M: Thanks. I hope that I could do something for the students.W: I am sure you can. I know you s

4、tarted preparing for the election at the beginning of last term.M: Yes, it was a nice experience. And I have learned much from it.W: Did you have a team to help you run for the position.M: Yes, I had a team of three members. They were really helpful.三问:1.对你来说竞选中最困难的部分是什么? What was the most difficult

5、 part in election for you? It was a challenging process. For me, the most difficult part was the speech that every candidate had to make to the whole school. You know, I am not good at speaking in public. I spent a whole week preparing for it. It turned out to be a great success. 2. 为什么你想当学生会主席? Why

6、 do you want to be the president of the student union?I think its a great opportunity for me to learn to be a leader. You know, if one wants to succeed in his future work, leadership is very important. Whats more, I want to make the student union and organization providing more support for the stude

7、nts. 3. 你打算如何改进学生会的工作?How do you plan to improve the work of student union? I am going to reorganize the departments of the student union because there is no clear division of work among the departments. Also, the student union should carry out more interesting activities. 五答:1. When did Tom start p

8、reparing for the selection? At the beginning of last term.2. How many members were there in Toms team? There were three members. 3. What was the result of Toms speech in the election? It turned out to be a great success.4. What is important for ones future success? Leadership. 5. Why will Tom reorga

9、nize the departments of the student union? Because there is no clear division of work among the departments. PART C:Retelling梗概:地震后,Tom从音乐学校辍学。修鞋为生,闲时拉琴,引来更多顾客。关键词:music school (音乐学校) destroy (摧毁) skill (技术) give (送给) attract (吸引) Shoe Repairer and the ViolinTom was the son of a shoe repairer and wa

10、s taught to repair shoes by his father. But Tom showed great interest in music and dreamed about becoming a violinist. So he was sent to a music school to learn to play the violin. Unfortunately, an earthquake destroyed everything Tom had. So he could not continue his study at the music school. To m

11、ake a living, Tom had to repair shoes on the street. Many people liked him because he could repair shoes nicely and quickly. One day, an old lady brought a pair of old boots to Tom. He managed to repair the boots perfectly. They looked as shiny as new ones. The old lady was amazed at Toms skills and

12、 asked him how he could be so good at repairing old shoes. Tom said that repairing shoes with needles and threads was just like playing the violin. The old lady learned that Tom loved playing the violin, so she gave her violin to him. Although it was not a very good one, Tom liked it very much. When he was not busy, Tom would play the violin. His music attracted more and more customers.



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