高中英语 BBC听力2012年05月合辑(文本 翻译)0507素材.doc

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1、BBC英语听力2012年05月合辑(文本+翻译):BBC0507The UN special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, has indicated that hes gravely concerned about reports that Syrians who speak to UN observers are being harassed or even killed by pro-government forces. Mr Annans spokesman Ahmed Fawzi commented on reports from activists tha

2、t a number of Syrians had been executed in the city of Hama after the UN team had visited. Mr Fawzi said the reports underlined the need to get more observers into Syria as soon as possible. He also said the UN had evidence that Syrian forces had not withdrawn all their heavy weaponry from urban cen

3、tres.联合国赴叙利亚特使科菲安南称,据悉那些曾与联合国观察员讲过话的叙利亚人正受到政府军的骚扰,甚至被杀害,对此他深表忧虑。有报道称,自从联合国使团访问过后,许多叙利亚人在胡姆斯市被处决,安南的发言人Ahmed Fawzi对此发表评论。他说,报道说明有必要向叙利亚尽快派遣更多观察员。他说,联合国有证据表明,叙利亚军队并未将所有重型武器从城市中心撤出。The ceasefire is indeed extremely fragile, and we are calling upon the Syrian government to fully implement its commitment

4、s under the six-point plan, and this means withdrawal of all heavy armoury (and) from population centres and back to the barracks. And they are claiming that this has happened. Satellite imagery, however, and credible reports show that this has not fully happened.“停火协议非常薄弱,我们要求叙利亚政府彻底实施其对六点方案的承诺,这意味

5、着将所有重型武器从人口密集区撤回兵营。尽管叙利亚军队称已经在这么做了,但据卫星图像显示,还有可信报道表明方案并未完全实施。”China has urged Sudan and its newly independent neighbour South Sudan to show restraint in the conflict over their disputed border. President Hu Jintao urged both countries to respect each others sovereignty during a visit by the South Su

6、danese leader Salva Kiir to Beijing. James Copnall is in South Sudan.中国敦促苏丹及其新独立邻国南苏丹减少在争议边界线上的冲突。在南苏丹领导人萨尔瓦基尔访问北京期间,胡锦涛主席呼吁两国彼此尊重对方的主权。James Copnall在南苏丹报道。Salva Kiir said his Sudanese neighbours had declared war on his country. His remarks came at the beginning of a state visit to China, one of the

7、 few countries with influence on both Juba and Khartoum. On Monday, Sudans President Omar al-Bashir said there was no possibility of negotiations with the South Sudanese. He said talks would be through the gun. The United Nations has condemned an aerial bombardment of Bentiu in South Sudan which too

8、k place on Monday. Sudan denies carrying out the raid.萨尔瓦基尔称,其苏丹邻国已对本国宣战。他是在对中国进行国事访问的一开始就发表这番言论,中国是为数不多的能对南苏丹和苏丹两国均能产生的影响的国家。周一,苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔说,与南苏丹进行协商是不可能的,他说将用武力来进行对话。周一,南苏丹本提乌发生空袭,联合国对此表示谴责。苏丹否认实施了这场突袭。The former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik has been disqualified as a candidate in the forth

9、coming presidential election. He was barred by the electoral commission under a law that prevents former senior officials of the Hosni Mubarak era from standing. Mr Shafik is the latest of a series of candidates to be disqualified from an original shortlist of 23 - only 12 remain in the race.埃及前总理Ah

10、med Shafik失去即将举行的总统选举的候选人资格。选举委员会根据一项法律禁止了他的资格,该法不允许穆巴拉克时代的旧日高官参选。已有一批候选人从最初的候选人名单中被剔除,Shafik是最近被排除的一位。目前只有12位候选人。The United States says its concerned about reports that Israel has legalised the status of three settler outposts in the West Bank and is seeking further clarification from the Israeli g

11、overnment. A State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, said the Israeli move was unhelpful.有报道称,以色列将西岸三处定居哨站的地位合法化,美国称对此很担忧,目前正与以色列就此事做进一步的澄清。国务院女发言人维多利亚纽兰说,以色列此举是无益的。We are obviously concerned by the reports that weve seen. We have raised this with the Israeli government, and we are seeking cl

12、arification. You know where we are on settlements. We dont think this is helpful to the process, and we dont accept the legitimacy of continued settlement activity.“我们对这些报道很是担忧,我们已与以色列政府提起此事,希望能得到澄清。大家都知道我们定居点的位置,我认为这对于该进程是没有益处的,我们不允许将继续的定居活动合法化。”The Palestinians condemned the decision, but Israeli

13、officials have rejected accusations that they have in effect created the first new Jewish settlements for more than 20 years.巴勒斯坦谴责了该决定,称以色列实际上在建设第一个20年的犹太新定居点,以色列官员对此表示否认。A former BP engineer has become the first person to face criminal charges in connection with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill two ye

14、ars ago. From Washington, Jane Little has the details.BP公司一名前工程师成为因涉入两年前墨西哥湾漏油事件而面临刑事指控的第一人。Jane Little在华盛顿报道。Kurt Mix, a former BP engineer from Texas, was charged with two counts of obstruction of justice. According to court documents, he was involved in BPs efforts to stem the major oil spill, in

15、cluding Top Kill, the failed attempt to pump heavy mud into the Macondo wellhead. The Justice Department alleges that Mr Mix intentionally deleted 200 text messages, which included one suggesting that the flow rate was three times what BP was publicly estimating at the time. It alleges he later dele

16、ted a further 100 text messages containing sensitive information, noting that he had received numerous legal notices to preserve such data.Kurt Mix来自德克萨斯州,曾经是BP公司的工程师,他被指控以两项妨碍司法罪。根据法院文书,他涉入BP努力阻止包括顶部压井在内的大漏油事件,未能将重钻泥打入马孔多井口。司法部称Mix故意删除了200条短信,其中一条表明,流速是BP当时公开估算的三倍,并称Mix后来又删除了另外100条包含敏感信息的短信,表明他收到过无数要求保存这些数据的法律通知。A lawyer for the Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko says shes on hunge



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