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1、浙江省东阳中学2011-2012学年高二12月阶段性检测(英语)一听力(30分)第一节:1. What does the man want to drink?A. Coffee.B. Tea.C. Water.2. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Make a phone call to Sandy.B. Attend Sandys birthday party.C. Go to look after her uncle in the hospital.3. What does the man want to know?A. The dorm

2、itory hours.B. The problem with the rules.C. The door number of the dormitory.4. Why would the man prefer an apartment?A. Its more comfortable living in an apartment. B. Life in an apartment is cheaper.C. He is not fond of gardening.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. There are not enough

3、parks.B. Parking areas are full before 10:00.C. Parking areas are closed before 10:00.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why is the woman disappointed?A. The price of that car is rising quickly. B. She lost her credit card.C. She was unable to get a car loan.7. What does she finally decide to do?A. Try to buy the ca

4、r next year. B. Buy a smaller car. C. Complain to the manager.听第7段材料,回答第8-10题。8. When did the speakers buy the washing machine?A. Today.B. Yesterday. C. Last week.9. Why hasnt the woman used the washing machine?A. It is out of order. B. She doesnt know how to use it. C. She cant find the instruction

5、s.10. What is the first step according to the instructions?A. Put the clothes in.B. Put the washing powder in. C. Plug in the machine.听第8段材料,回答第11-14题。11. Where is the conversation taking place?A. In a store.B. At a stadium. C. On the phone.12. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Employer

6、 and employee.B. Salesman and customer. C. Receptionist and visitor.13. How much will the woman pay?A. $ 32.15.B. $35.90.C. $39.15.14. What do we know about the shop?A. It sells things related to water sports.B. All the things in the shop are very cheap.C. It only accepts on-line orders.听第9段材料,回答第15

7、-17题。15. What do we know about the man?A. He is quite familiar with Chinese wine.B. He knows very little about Chinese food.C. He has been in China for a while. 16. Which dish is not on the mans order?A. Crabmeat.B. Sauteed beefC. Fish.17. What drink does the man finally choose?A. Qingdao beerB. Mao

8、tai.C. Rice wine.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题。18. How long did the solar eclipse(日全食) last?A. For 3 minutes and 36 seconds.B. For 6 minutes and 22 seconds.C. For 6 minutes and 39 seconds.19. In what way is a solar eclipse magical?A. One can experience total darkness and light in a few minutes.B. We can gain mo

9、re knowledge about the natural world.C. People can only see it once in a lifetime.20. How should we watch the solar eclipse?A. With just our eyes.B. With common sunglasses. C. With special equipment.二、单选 (10分)21. His mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons. A. put awayB. put upC. put for

10、ward D. put together22. Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one _. A. blamedB. blamingC. to be blamedD. to blame23. Finding information in todays world is easy. The _is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. A. abilityB. competition

11、C. knowledgeD. challenge24. _ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(变体) of genes on human bodies.A. Being exposedB. Having exposed C. ExposedD. After being exposed25. -Whats the general idea of the passage, Bob?-Sorry, I cant make _of it. Its beyond my ability.A. judgment

12、 B. understandingC. ideaD. sense26. The United Nations called on these countries to solve this problem in a(n) _way, adding that any negative measure would cause bad effects.A. immediateB. cautiousC. positiveD. enthusiastic27. Im calling enquiry about the position _in yesterdays China Daily.A. adver

13、tisedB. to be advertisedC. advertisingD. having advertised28. Please remain _; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.A. seatingB. to seatC. to be seatedD. seated29. Mr Brown complained to the company that the washing machine he had had _ went wrong again.A. to repairB. it repairedC. repaire

14、dD. to be repaired30. -Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.-Sorry. With so much work _my mind, I almost break down.A. filledB. fillingC. to fillD. being filled31. _ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.A. BlamingB. BlamedC. To blameD. To be blamed32. Always read the _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A. explanationsB. descriptionsC. instructionsD. introductions33. Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. result fromB.


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