浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《unit11 Could you please clean》知识讲解及练习 人教新目标版.doc

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1、浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册unit11 Could you please clean知识讲解及练习 人教新目标版【单元话题】1. 学习向别人提出请求的礼貌语言.2. 学习如何争得别人的允许或许可.3. 能写出一篇短信, 要求你的朋友或家人当你不在时为你所做的事情.【重要句型概览】1. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.2. Could you please do the dishes?Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.3. Could I please go to the movies?

2、 Yes, you can.4. Could I please use the car? No, you cant. I have to go out.【重要词组概览】do the dishessweep the floortake out the trashfold your clothes clean the living roomdo choresget a ride have to do sth. forget to do sth.do the laundryhate to do (doing) sth.like to do (doing) sth.make dinnermake yo

3、ur bedinvite sb to a place take sb. for a walkplay with sb.give sb sth.=give sth to sbtake care of= look after 【语法聚焦】表示请求、允许、许可表示允许时用can, could, may, might表达。它们没有时态上的差别,只是could比can, might比may语气上要客气。(用can或could表示“许可”,虽然很普通,但在正式、庄重的场合用may。)例如:A: Could I borrow your dictionary?劳驾,我可以借你的字典用用吗?B: Yes, of

4、 course (you can).当然可以。Can表示“允许、许可”时,和may的意思相近,即can=may.此时的否定式是cant (=must not)Could/Can you please tell me how to get to the post office?劳驾,您能告诉我怎么去邮局吗?Mr Li asked me whether I could go with him.李先生问我是否可以和他一起去。(此句中的could不能用can代替。)表示请求时还可以用句型:Will/Would you ? 请(为我)好吗? 该句型用于请求对方做某事。 Would you?比较客气。语气

5、比Will you?要委婉。例如:Will you pass me the spoon? 请把勺子递给我好吗?Would you lend me your dictionary? 请借你的词典用一下好吗?答句为:Yes, I will.是的,可以。Sure.当然了。All right.好啊。Certainly.当然可以。Yes, please.好的,可以。No, I wont. 不,不行。Im sorry. I cant.对不起, 不行。No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。Shall I ? 我要吗?Shall we? 我们一起 好吗?Shall we? 与Lets. 意思上很相近。Sh

6、all I carry it for you? 我来帮你搬它好吗?Yes, please./ Yes, thank you.好吧。/好吧,谢谢。Shall we sing a song?我们唱一支歌好吗?No, lets not. 不, 别唱了。 【能力测试】 一. 选择填空1. A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: _. I have to do my homework.A. Yes, sure. B. Why not? C. Sorry, you cant D. Sorry, I cant2. A: Could you please buy _ d

7、rinks and snacks? B: Sorry. I dont have _ money.A. some, any B. any, anyC. some, some D. any, some3. Nancy, thanks for _ care of my goldfish.A. take B. takes C. taking D. took4. Well have _ to do in English class.A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anythi

8、ng5. This shirt is a little _ than that one.A. cheap B. Cheaper C. the cheapest D. cheapest6. A: Could I please _? B: Sorry, you cant. Your father has to use it.A. do chores B. go to the movies C. use the carD. go to school 7. Yao Ming was born _ September 12,1980.A. on B. in C. at D. of8. There _ a

9、ny sharks in the aquarium.A. are B. arent C. isnt D. is 9. “How was the movie?” “It was _. I dont like it”.A. funnyB. goodC. wellD. boring10. _ readers said they were going to learn a new language.A. A little B. Little C. Few D. A few11. You look tired. You need _ a good rest.A. has B. have C. to ha

10、ve D. having12. Beckham is a popular soccer _.A. singer B. actorC. player D. doctor13. I _ my aunt in Australia this winter vacation.A. visit B. am going to visit C. Visited D. was going to visit14. Dont forget _ the lights when you leave.A. to turn off B. turning off C. turn off D. turned off15. I

11、like _ the car because I can be outside.A. wash B. washing C. washes D. washed二. 完型填空We got over 1,000 1, faxes, and e-mails from our readers about their New Years resolutions. Thank you! Many readers are going to work 2in school this year. Lots of readers are going to 3. Some readers said they were

12、 going to eat 4vegetables. A few readers 5they were going to learn a new language. Some 6said they were going to exercise more to keep fit. Some 7said they were going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They said they 8to communicate better with their kids. An old lady said she fou

13、nd a job 9a foreign language teacher. She is going to 10a teaching job in China next year.( ) 1. A. stamps B. fruitsC. letters( ) 2. A. hard B. harderC. hardest( ) 3. A. play sports B. play gamesC. play with( ) 4. A. manyB. more C. a little( ) 5. A. say B. says C. said( ) 6. A. girls B. boys C. men(

14、 ) 7. A. fathers B. mothers C. parents( ) 8. A. want B. wantedC. wants( ) 9. A. like B. as C. for( )10. A. look forB. look at C. find三. 阅读理解 (A) Betty is an American school girl. She is very happy because her parents will take her to China for a visit. They are going to fly from New York on June 30

15、and get to Beijing on July 1. They will stay at Lido Holiday Inn. Their Chinese friends will show them around Beijing. They are going to visit the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall. They will also visit some Chinese homes and try some Chinese food. They will spend a week in


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