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1、第一章 文献综述Chapter 1: Literature Review藠头(Allium chinensis G. Don),英文名rakkyo,又名薤头、荞头、火葱、野韭等,属百合科(Liliaceae)葱属(Allium)形成小鳞茎的多年生宿根草本植物,主要食用嫩叶和鳞茎,系中国南方特有的稀缺蔬菜品种之一,属辛香类蔬菜。藠头的叶片绿色、细长、中空,有大葱样辛辣气味,叶鞘基部膨大形成长卵或纺锤形鳞茎。藠头作二年生栽培,分蘖力强。其鳞茎的加工产品质地洁白,口感脆嫩,具防暑、开胃、助消化等保健功效。盐渍、甜酸藠头深受消费者欢迎,并出口东南亚及日本、韩国等国(文惠玲等,2003)。在中医中,藠头

2、的干燥鳞茎又称为薤白(祝之友,2000),其味辛、苦,性温,无毒,具有宽胸、理气等功效,用于治疗胸闷刺痛、肺气喘急等疾病已有2000多年的历史。现代医学研究发现,薤白还具有抑菌消炎、解痉平喘、抗血小板凝聚、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、降低血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化的作用(张卿等,2003)。藠头既可食用又能入药,具有多种药理作用和保健的功能,是复合型功能食品,被誉为“菜中灵芝”。Allium chinensis G. Don, with the English name of rakkyo, is also known as allium bakeri, scallion, shallot and allium

3、 ramosum. It belongs to the category of Allium genus of Liliaceae family, and is a kind of perennial herb with cloves. The main parts of this plant for food are leaves and bulbs. It is one of the unique scarce vegetable varieties in South China, and it is classified as spicy vegetable. The leaves of

4、 Allium chinensis G. Don are green-colored, slender and cannular. It has spicy odor like that of a green Chinese onion. The leaf sheath base enlarges so as to form long ovoid or spindle-shaped bulb. It is biennially cultivated, and has a strong tillering capacity. The processing products of its bulb

5、s are white in texture and crisp and tender in taste, having health care effects such as sunstroke prevention, appetite promotion, and digestion aid. Salted and sweet & sour Allium chinensis G. Don products are well received by customers, and are exported to South Asia, Japan, South Korea, etc. (Wen

6、 Huiling, 2003). In traditional Chinese medicine, the dry bulb of Allium chinensis G. Don is also called allium macrostemon (Zhu Zhiyou, 2000) with pungent and bitter taste, and wild nature, which is free from toxicity. It has the functions such as comforting the chest and regulating the flow of vit

7、al energy. It has been used in the treatment of diseases like chest tightness and twinge, lung dyspnea for more than 2000 years. According to the findings of modern medical research, allium macrostemon is also capable of inhibiting bacteria, eliminating inflammation, relieving spasm, calming breathi

8、ng, resisting platelet aggregation, oxidation and tumors, reducing blood fat, and fighting atherosclerosis (Zhang Qing, et al.). Allium chinensis G. Don is not only edible but also capable of being taken for medicine purpose. It has multiple pharmacological effects and health care functions, and is

9、a kind of compound functional food. Therefore, it is hailed as “ganoderma lucidum of vegetables”.藠头原产于我国,已有3700多年的种植历史,先秦时已广为利用。以江西、湖南、湖北、广西、云南、四川、贵州等省(区)栽培较多,目前在江西新建、云南开远以及武汉江夏梁子湖等地区有大面积植。在浙江和西藏还有野生种群(陈静芬,1989)。俄罗斯、朝鲜、日本都有分布和少量栽培(柳荣成,1995)。Allium chinensis G. Don is originated from China, and has a

10、 planting history over 3700 years. It was widely used as early as Pre-Qin Dynasty. It has been mostly planted in Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. Currently, it is planted with large areas in regions such as Xinjian in Jiangxi, Kaiyuan in Yunnan, and Jiangxia Liangzi Lake

11、in Wuhan. Also, there are wild population in Zhejiang and (Chen Jingfen, 1989). Allium chinensis G. Don is also distributed in Russia, North Korea and Japan with limited planting quantity (Liu Rongcheng, 1995).藠头栽培种多为三倍体、四倍体等多倍性植株(2n=4x=32,2 n = 3 x =24)(利容千,1989;杜武峰等,1993)。虽然在自然条件下能够开花,但因其小饱子败育空瘪,不

12、能形成精子;大饱子及雌配子体发育异常,不能形成正常胚囊结构,故花而不实(董庆华等,1997)。因此,生产上仍然采用营养繁殖,不仅用种量大,繁殖系数低,而且种藠的贮藏和运输增加成本,限制了许多名优品种的大面积推广。营养繁殖还使病毒积累导致种性退化严重,产量和品质下降,严重影响其经济价值和食用性,给生产消费和出口创汇带来了严重的障碍,是目前生产上需要解决的问题。The cultivated species of Allium chinensis G. Don are mainly polyploidy plants like triploid and tetraploid (2n=4x=32,2

13、n=3 x=24) (Li Rongqian, 1989; Du Wufeng, et al., 1993). Although it can blossom under the natural condition, its small spores abort and are empty and cannot form sperms; the development of big spores and female gametophytes is abnormal, and no normal embryo sac structure can be formed; as a result,

14、it can only blossom, but is unable to fruit (Dong Qinghua, et al., 1997). Therefore, vegetative propagation is still adopted in production, which is large in seed consumption and low in reproduction coefficient. Furthermore, the storage and transportation of the seeds of Allium chinensis G. Don will

15、 add cost which restricts the large-area promotion of many famous cultivated varieties. Also, vegetative propagation may facility the accumulation of virus, causing the serious degradation of the seed nature, the reduction of output and quality, which will severely influence its economic value and e

16、dibility and bring serious obstacles for the production consumption and earning of foreign exchange through export. It is at present a problem required to be solved in the production.利用组织培养方法获得无毒或少毒再生植株,并在短时间内快速增殖,获得大量组培苗是解决这些问题的有效途径。最近几十年,组织培养技术在葱属植物的离体培养及研究中发挥了巨大作用,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但目前利用组织培养技术获得藠头再生植株,国内外对这方面的研究很少, 仅有鳞茎盘(傅德明等,2006;Xu等,2008)、茎尖(黄钊等,2006)组织培养成功的报道。因此,利用组织培养技术建立一套较为完整、系统的藠头脱毒、快繁体系,对其育种、种资创新将具有重要价值。It is an effective approach to handle these problems by utili



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