河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit5 Topic2 Section C教案 仁爱版.doc

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1、河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit5 Topic2 Section C教案 仁爱版时间参加人员课题Unit5 Topic2地点主备人Section C教学目标 The main activities are 1a and 2. 重 难点及考点分析Who,which,that引导的定语从句课时安排1 period教具使用 孔子、孙中山、郑和、的教学图片/多媒体课件/ /录音机/小黑板/、刘翔等明星卡片 教 学 环 节 安 排备注Step 1 Review 展示名人图片,让学生复习定语从句,引出有关孙中山的介绍,并呈现新词。 1. (教师给学生展示一张郑和的图片。复习含有who,w

2、hom引导的定语从句。) T: Please look at the picture, do you know the man? Ss: Yes, he is Zheng He. T: Last class we talked about Zheng He. Now who can say something about him? You must use attributive clauses as many as possible. S1: He is a great explorer who led seven ocean journeys. S2: He is a man who/wh

3、om all the Chinese people are proud of. S3: He is a man who lived in the Ming dynasty. S4: . 2 (展示一张孙中山的图片,向学生介绍并展现新词。) T: Could you tell me who he is? Ss:He is Sun Zhongshan. T: Yes. Hes Sun Zhongshan. We often call him Sun Yat-sen. I think you know little about him. Now I give you some introductio

4、n about him. Sun Yat-sen was the first president of the Republic of China. He and Huang Xing set up Tongmenghui in Tokyo. He brought down the Qing dynasty and achieved the victory of Xinhai Revolution. He created the Three Principles of the People. Unfortunately, he broke down from his hard work and

5、 passed away with deep regret. (教师也可用小黑板出示以上的介绍。教师可先用汉语讲一遍,板书新词并领读。) president n. 总统 set up 建立,创立 bring down 推翻 achieve v. 取得,达到 revolution n. 革命 Three Principles of the People 三民主义 break down (健康状况)变得恶劣;损坏 pass away 去世;消失 regret n.& v. 遗憾,懊悔 from=because of因为Step 2 Presentation 听录音。以回答问题的形式呈现关键内容,并

6、再次学习新词和词组。 1. (1)(教师挂出小黑板,展出部分关键问题,播放录音,学生不看课本,听录音,然后作答。) T: Now, first listen to the tape with the books closed. Listen carefully, then answer the questions on the blackboard. (1) Who brought down the Qing dynasty in China? (2) When and where did he set up Tongmenghui? (3) What theory(理论) did he ha

7、ve? T: Are you clear? Lets listen again.(4) When did he die? (播放完第一遍录音后。) (播放第二遍录音后,全班核对答案。) T: Understand? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Lets check the answers to the questions. Volunteers? Hands up, please. S1, please. S1: Sun Yat-sen. T: Well done. Sit down, please. Next! S2: He set up Tongmenghui in 1905 in

8、 Japan. S3: The Three Principles of the People. S4: He died in 1925. T: Very good. (2)(要求学生打开课本翻到第13页,朗读1a,并加深记忆新词和词组。) T: Now, please open your books, and turn to page 13. Read the passage about Sun Yat-sen and pay attention to the new words and expressions that we have just learned. (学生阅读完毕,教师稍作说明

9、,领读板书内容。) Step 3 Consolidation 巩固1a,完成1b。 1. (教师带读一遍课文,学生再齐读一遍,然后完成1b。) T: Lets move into the passage again. First read after me aloud. T: Good. Read it again together, please.One, two, three, go! (读完后,完成1b。) T: Very good. Next, lets read the following sentences in 1b and mark True (T) or False (F).

10、 2. (学生阅读小黑板上的短文,然后根据短文填空。) Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866. When he was in his_ , he took an active part in the battle_ the Qing dynasty. In 1905, he and his friend, Huang Xing,_ Tongmenghui. And they _the Qing dynasty. He was selected the first _of the Republic of China. But his Three Principles of t

11、he People didnt_ China and the Chinese people. Sun Yat-sen died in 1925. He lived in the_of the Chinese people forever. (与学生一起核对答案并板书。) Answers: thirties, against, set up, brought down, president, save, memory Step 4 Practice 完成2。 1. (教师向学生展示刘翔跑步夺冠图片,然后示范用定语从句进行口语操练。) Example: T: Now, look at the pi

12、cture. Do you know the young man? S1: Which one? T: The one in the middle. S1: He is Liu Xiang. He is a famous runner. T: Thats right. . 2. (两人模仿练习后,全班学生互动练习,运用2。) T: OK, everyone, please open your books and turn to page 14. Make dialogs like the example in pairs, OK? Ss: OK. Example: S4: Can you se

13、e that nice woman? S5: Which one? S4: The woman who is with the children. S5: Oh, she is Bingxin. She was an excellent woman. (全班学生两人一组进行操练,然后抽几组出来表演,给予掌声鼓励。) (板书,教师领读一遍,以巩固本话题的语法。) The man who is riding a horse. The man who is giving a speech. Step 5 Project 完成3。 1. (让学生用自己喜爱的伟人图像(图像可以是本书中的,也可以是其他学科的),两人一组讨论,再完成3。) T: Today we have learned more about some great men. Next, lets discuss the person who influences you in your life with your partner. (学生根据3中的问题进行讨论。) 2. Homework 用who whom 或 whose 填空,完成下列定语从句。 4


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