2013届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练 Unit 3 Under the sea 新人教版选修7.doc

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1、课时知能训练.完形填空Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century.Early in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a town.This street was _1_on both sides with many _2_ businesses.Here,shoppers walke

2、d into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise:clothing,furniture,hardware,groceries._3_,some shops offered _4_.These shops included drugstores,restaurants,shoerepair stores,and barber or hairdressing shops._5_ in the 1950s,a change began to _6_.Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street w

3、hile too few parking places were _7_ shoppers.Because the streets were crowded,merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces _8_the city limits.Open space is what their cardriving customers needed.And open space is what they got when the first shopping centre was built.Shopping centres,or

4、 rather malls,_9_ as a collection of small new stores _10_crowded city centres._11_ by hundreds of free parking space,customers were drawn away from _12_ areas to outlying malls.And the growing _13_ of shopping centres led _14_to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.By the late 1970s,man

5、y shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the _15_ of one stop shopping,malls were transformed into landscaped parks,with benches,fountains,and outdoor entertainment.1A.builtBdesignedCintended Dlined【解析】本句的意思是“街道的两旁排列着很多各种各样的商店”,build的意思是“建造,修建”;desi

6、gn的意思是“设计”;intend意思是“打算”;line是“沿排列”的意思。【答案】D2A.varied BvariousCsorted Dmixedup【解析】varied是“变化多端”的意思;various为“各种各样的”;sorted意为“分类的”;mixedup意为“困惑的,迷惘的,不适应社会的”。本句意为“各种各样的商店”。【答案】B3A.Apart from BHoweverCIn addition DAs well【解析】本句的意思是“除了各种各样的商店销售各种各样的商品之外,有些商店还提供服务”。apart from意为“除此之外”,后必须接名词或动名词;however是连词

7、“然而”的意思;in addition可单独使用,意为“除此之外”;as well用在句末。【答案】C4A.medical care BfoodCcosmetics Dservices【解析】medical care意为“医疗护理”。food是“食物”;cosmetic是“化妆品”;service是“服务”。根据上题意思,services一词放在这里最合适。【答案】D5A.Suddenly BAbruptlyCContrarily DBut【解析】本句的意思是“在五十年代,情况发生了变化”,有转折的意思。suddenly和abruptly都是“突然的”意思;contrarily指“相反地”;b

8、ut是“但是”的意思,表转折。【答案】D6A.be taking place Btake placeCbe taken place Dhave taken place【解析】take place只有主动语态,故可排除C,而begin to后接动词原形,且为一般现在时,故只有take place“发生”可用。【答案】B7A.available for Bavailable toCused by Dready for【解析】be available to sb.为固定搭配,意为“对某人来说可用的,可得到的”,本句意为“顾客可用的停车场地”,故选B。【答案】B8A.over BfromCout of

9、 Doutside【解析】本句意为“商人们开始对城市界限以外的开阔地感兴趣”。out of表示“的外面”而outside指“超过某一个界限,范围等”。【答案】D9A.started BfoundedCset up Dorganized【解析】本句的意思是“购物中心是从聚集一些小的店铺开始的”,只有started as有此意。【答案】A10A.out of Baway fromCnext to Dnear【解析】本句意为“远离拥挤的市中心”,out of指“在之外”;away from表示距离;“远离”,next to指“靠近,下一个”;near是“近”的意思。【答案】B11A.Attracte

10、d BSurprisedCDelighted DEnjoyed【解析】本句意为“被所吸引”,surprise意为“使惊奇”;delight意为“使喜悦”;enjoy意为“欣赏,喜爱”。【答案】A12A.inner BcentralCshopping Ddowntown【解析】本句意为“顾客从市区被吸引到城市以外的商业中心”。只有downtown“市区”符合此意。【答案】D13A.distinction BfameCpopularity Dliking【解析】本句意为“这些购物中心越来越大的名气反过来导致了更大、设备更好的商店的建成”。distinction“声望”;fame“卓越,名声”;po

11、pularity“名气很大,知名度很高”;liking“喜爱,喜好”。【答案】C14A.on Bin turnCby turns Dfurther【解析】根据上题解释,in turn应为“依次”的意思,引申为“反过来”。【答案】B15A.cheapness BreadinessCconvenience Dhandiness【解析】这里convenience与providing组成短语“提供方便,便利”,符合上下文句意。本句意为“商业街被变成了带有长椅、喷泉及户外娱乐的风景优美的公园”。【答案】C.语法填空(2012深圳调研)Some people live in the world for b

12、ody while others for dignity.I once took a walk along the street 1._a Saturday dusk,with a Pepsi can in my hand.An old woman in ragged clothes,2._was living on collecting used cans,jars and tins,moved slowly towards me,with a bag on the back!3._(walk) nearer,she looked up at me and then fixed her ey

13、es on my can.At that time,I hadnt finished my cola,so I gave 4._several coins instead.She stared at me for a few seconds 5._handed back the money.Quite confused,I asked:“Why not? Isnt that 6._you want?”“I am not a beggar,” she said 7._(serious),word by word.Instantly,I felt so sorry.I had intended 8

14、._(help) her,completely misunderstanding her.Thus I hurt her.What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her 9._emptied can.This time,she gave me a smile with 10._(satisfy) and gratitude in her eyes.The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man.I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.【语篇解读】本文是一篇具有教育意义的文章。讲述了作者和一位以拣垃圾为生的老妇人之间的故事,从中作者领悟到了如何保持做人的尊严。1on表达在星期几用介词on,on a Saturday dusk意为“在一个星期六的黄昏”。2who此处是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是an old woman,指人,又因定语从句中缺少主语,故用who。3Walkingwalk与主语she之间是主动关系,所以用walk的现在分词形式。4her此处指“我”给她几枚硬币,在动词后用代词的宾格形式。5and



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