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1、 弟子规(中英文)第一章:开宗明义章Chapter Principle And Explaining the Meaning 弟子规,圣人训。首孝悌,次谨信。 泛爱众,而亲仁。有余力,则学文。弟子规,圣人训。The rules for being a student are instructions given by sages.These standards for students are guidelines, handed down to us by Ancient Stages. 首孝悌,次谨信。Of all rules, the first is respect, for your

2、 parents and all of your elders, learn to be careful and trustworthy.First, obey and care for your parents, and then practice true brotherhood.泛爱众,而亲仁。Be friendly and kind to all, draw near to people who are good.Learn to be careful and honest, and cherish all living beings.有余力,则学文。Whatever time you

3、 have left should be devoted to learning.Draw near to good-hearted people, and study whenever you can.第二章:孝Chapter Two: Filial Piety父母呼,应勿缓,父母命,行勿懒。父母教,须敬听,父母责,须顺承。冬则温,夏则凊,晨则省,昏则定。出必告,反必面,居有常,业无变。事虽小,勿擅为,苟擅为,子道亏。物虽小,勿私藏,苟私藏,亲心伤。亲所好,力为具,亲所恶,谨为去。身有伤,贻亲忧,德有伤,贻亲羞。亲爱我,孝何难,亲憎我,孝方贤。亲有过,谏使更,怡吾色,柔吾声。谏不入,悦复谏,

4、号泣随,挞无怨。亲有疾,药先尝,昼夜侍,不离床。丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝。丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事死者,如事生。父母呼,应勿缓,When father and mother are calling, answer them right away.父母命,行勿懒。When they give you directions, obey them without hesitation.When they give you instructions, obey them without hesitation.父母教,须敬听,When your parents need to instruct you,

5、 respectfully do as youre told.父母责,须顺承。Whenever your parents must scold you, acknowledge your errors and faults.冬则温,夏则凊,On cold winter days, we should try to keep our parents warm.And on hot summer days, we should try to make our parents feel cool.In the winter make sure they are warm, in the summer

6、 make sure they are cool.晨则省,昏则定。In the morning, we should greet our parents.At night, we should arrange the blankets and bedding for our parents.Each morning cheerfully greet them, at night see their rest is secure.出必告,反必面,When we go out, we should tell our parents.After coming home, we should see

7、our parents again.Before going out , tell your parents. Let them know when you come in.居有常,业无变。We should reside at a fixed place and not constantly change jobs.Settle peacefully in your home, and finish what you begin.事虽小,勿擅为,No matter how small the affair, do not act just as you please.No matter ho

8、w small the affair , dont just do as you please.苟擅为,子道亏。If you act just as you please, then you have not performed as a dutiful child should.If you act just as you please, then youve not been a dutiful child.物虽小,勿私藏,Although a thing may be small, do not save it for yourself.When good things ,though

9、small , come your way. Give your family their rightful share first.苟私藏,亲心伤。If you hoard things for yourself, your parents hearts will be grieved.If you hoard up the best for yourself, kinfolks feelings are sure to be hurt.亲所好,力为具,Whatever your parents like, you should earnestly try to provide for th

10、em.Whatever your parents enjoy, do all you can to provide.亲所恶,谨为去。Whatever your parents dislike, you should carefully try to remove for them.Whatever your parents dislike, you should earnestly cast aside.身有伤,贻亲忧,If you carelessly injure your body, you bring worry and fret to your parents.Whenever yo

11、u injure your body , your parents feel grief and alarm .德有伤,贻亲羞。If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disgrace to your parents.Whenever you damage your virtue , your familys good name comes to harm .亲爱我,孝何难,If parents are loving and kind, of course its not hard to be filial.When

12、parents have loving regard . Obeying them is not hard ,亲憎我,孝方贤。If parents are hateful and cruel, then its truly to be filial.Parents who are hateful and cruel , test the worth of one filial heart .亲有过,谏使更,If we recognize faults in our parents, we should exhort them to change for the better.When your

13、 parents do something wrong , exhort them to change for the better .怡吾色,柔吾声。While speaking to them, we should be gentle in appearance , and soften our tone.On your face a kind expression , in your voice a gentle tone .谏不入,悦复谏,If they cannot accept our advice, wait for better opportunities to exhort

14、them again and again.If they cannot accept your advice , kindly tell them again ,号泣随,挞无怨。Even while exhorting them through tears, or if punished, we still will not complain.Or use tears to move them with feelings . If punished , you never complain .亲有疾,药先尝,When parents are sick, examine the medicine

15、 before giving the dosage.When parents are ill , call the doctor ,be sure the prescription is right .昼夜侍,不离床。Wait on them day and night, without ever leaving their bedside.Wait on them day after day , at their bedside by day and by night .丧三年,常悲咽,During the three-year mourning period for one is deceased parents, one should constantly think of them with sorrow.For three years after their passing , remember them always in sorrow .居处变,酒肉绝。One should change ones usual ways of dwelling and doing things, and refrain from consuming alcohol and meat.Dont go t


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