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1、Writing practice,新东方优能杨家宁,write a short composition 检查预习,Life is like a journey,Everyone will meet his own problems.How to deal with them? When I was in Grade one, I get my report card, and it is very bad. I am very sad. I afraid of going home, because I didnt want my parents feel unhappy. But I hav

2、e to go home. When I open the door, I saw my mother watching TV in the living room. Then she asked me about my grades. I told she about my grades. To my surprise, she smiled and told me,“Dont worry, I believe you can get good grades next time. You should believe in yourself. later on,I study hard an

3、d listen to the teachers carefully in class. I regard the problems as the challenges.and try my best to deal with everything. I realize if we face the problems, dont worry.,Smile to life,5分,Life is like a journey,Everyone will meet his own problems .How to deal with?,When I was in Grade one, I get m

4、y report card, and it is very bad. I am very sad. I afraid of going home, because I didnt want my parents feel unhappy. But I have to go home. When I open the door, I saw my mother watching TV in the living room. Then she asked me about my grades. I told she about my grades. To my surprise, she smil

5、ed and told me,“Dont worry, I believe you can get good grades next time. You should believe in yourself. later on,I study hard and listen to the teachers carefully in class. I regard the problems as the challenges.and try my best to deal with everything.,Now, I realize if we face the problems, dont

6、worry.,再现中考作文,2011年,提示:在阳光雨露里,我已长高、长壮!但这还不是全部,长大还应包括什么?是关心、帮助同学?是体贴、理解父母?是感恩、回报亲朋师长?还是成长的点点滴滴,久久不能忘记。请以I Am Not a Child Any More”为题记叙你在学习生活中经历的一件或两件事,表明你已不再是一个小孩。,I Am Not a Child Any More,2012年 The Best Moment in My Memory,提示:生活中有许多美好的瞬间:当你经过努力取得成功的时候;当你帮助别人或得到别人帮助的时候;当你看到别人做好事的时候请以The Best Moment

7、in My Memory 为题,写一件发生在你我身边的事,留下你记忆中最美的瞬间。,2013年 A Talk to Myself,提示:在初三的学习和生活中,你有许多快乐,也有许多遗憾。在即将毕业之际,你想对自己说点什么呢?,再现历年中考作文,Whats your opinion? 1.人称?- 2.主要时态?- 3.提示包括什么?,I,三个一般,主要围绕亲情和友情, 学会关心身边的人和事。通过某一件事去感悟人生的哲理.,要求: a. 80100个词. b. 要求有一定比例的复合句, 并且要会使用适当的过渡词, 段落层次分明. c. 作文的表达不局限于一种时态.,写作要求,写作要,求,Task

8、 2 Discussion The steps of writing,1:认真审题, 把握体裁; 2:细读提示, 确定时态; 3:动笔书写, 考虑词句; 4.:核对修改,规范誊写;,Task3 叙事性写作模式: 1(开头)2(叙事)3(结尾) 开头呼应(点题)结尾,Love from ,提示:在你的成长过程中,爸爸妈妈,老师,朋友给了你无限的爱,你肯定把这份深情牢记在心。请记述爸爸妈妈,老师或者是朋友为你做过的一件事,表达他们对你的爱。,Group work,What is parents love ?,exercise,题目 The Love from . 要求 1.eight minute

9、s 2.80-100个词 3.write a short passage 4.report,1、Mum is the greatest person in my life 2、Mum always cares me well and does everything for me. 3、Thanks to her (mum). I can live a happy life all day.,4.Mum is not only mother, but also my teacher and my friend. 5、What moves my soul and what encourages m

10、e to progress is your sincere and selfless love . . 永远牵动我灵魂和激励我前进的是你真执与无私的爱. .,nd selfless love,短文范例Love from Mum My mother is the greatest person in my life. Thanks to her, I can live a happy life all day. (开头) I still remember when I was ten years old. I received my mothers gift that was a wonderf

11、ul book. I read it in my spare time. From the book. I have learnt that the world was full of love and beauty. I also knew that people should help each other, understand each other and love each other. I was very thankful. Because its not only a book but also my mothers deep love. (叙事) Id like to say

12、:“Mum, I love you, Thank you!”(结尾),Teachers words for you:(教师寄语) We should believe in ourselves. Because life is always full of sunshine,there is plenty of love from our parents, friends and teachers . We also should learn to love and understand each other.,homework,“The love from ”,Helping others m

13、akes us happy Everyone should try our best to become a person who can always help people. Its not only others but also well feel happy. Last summer holiday, I with my best friends went to the old peoples home. There were many old men who needed to take care of. The most important, they looked lonely

14、. So,we decided to cheered them up by helping them do something. At first, we cleaned up rooms and yard. Later on, we washed their clothes,although it was too tired, we felt happy and lively. Maybe we needed to do something else, however,we talked with old men and told jokes. Of course,we also,took

15、photos with them,then these old men smiled to us,”Thanks for you doing for us,we all hope to see you again because you give us happiness.”Finally,our heart were filled with love from kind old people.It was really an educational experience for us. If we could help other people as far as possible,the

16、world will be full of love and we will feel happy.,Helping others makes me happy Everyone can meet many difficult things. When we cant do it alone, we need help from other people. One day, my friends and i played basketball with a girl who we didnt know. She played basketball very well and she played very happily as us. Maybe she wasnt carefully, while she was shotting, other people knocked


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