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1、主动脉疾病 的治疗进展与挑战,升主动脉_根部 主动脉弓_头臂动脉 胸降主动脉_肋间动脉 腹主动脉_四大分支,正常主动脉的解剖,主动脉疾病分类,狭窄性主动脉疾病 先天性 瓣上狭窄 主动脉缩窄 后天性 大动脉炎 动脉硬化 扩张性主动脉疾病 真性主动脉瘤 主动脉夹层 假性主动脉瘤,主动脉缩窄,婴儿型主动脉缩窄 合并心脏畸形 成人型主动脉缩窄 合并主动脉弓部、根部病变,根部细化分型的方法,A1型:窦部正常型 窦管交界及近端正常 无主动脉瓣关闭不全 A2型:根部轻度受累型 窦部小于3.5cm 夹层累及右冠状动脉 主动脉瓣交界撕脱致主动脉瓣关闭不全 A3型:根部重度受累型 窦部大于5cm 或3.5-5厘米

2、但窦管交界结构破坏 有严重主动脉瓣关闭不全,7,主动脉弓部的细化分型方法,C型(复杂型) 逆行剥离 弓/弓远端动脉瘤 头臂动脉夹层 马凡氏综合征 S型(单纯型) 原发内膜破口升主动脉,新分型的临床意义( 1 ),确定手术时机 A型夹层_积极进行手术治疗 A1型 病情较缓 多不需要紧急手术 A2和A3型病人 多需紧急手术 心包积血 心脏压塞低心排 冠状动脉受累急性心肌供血障碍 严重主动脉瓣关闭不全急性左心衰竭,新分型的临床意义(2),确定手术方式 A1型:保留窦部 升主动脉及其远端的替换,新分型的临床意义(2),确定手术方式 A2型:根部成形为最佳选择: David手术 单窦或两个窦替换 +/-

3、 冠状动脉开口移植 或CABG,新分型的临床意义(2),确定手术方式 A3型主动脉根部替换术,12,新分型的临床意义(2),确定手术方式 C型主动脉弓替换+支架象鼻手术 S型保留主动脉弓,13,全弓替换术,14,升主动脉替换,新分型的临床意义(3),初步判定预后 A1型 A2型 A3型 C型 S型 手术难度 + + + + + 手术风险 + + + + + 假性动脉瘤 - + - 抗凝 - - + 生存质量 好 较好 较差 好 较差,B型主动脉夹层的改良分型,分型依据 主动脉弓部有无受累 降主动脉的扩张部位,弓部有无受累,BC型(Complicated) 夹层累及左锁骨下动脉及远端主动脉弓部

4、BS型(Simple) 远端主动脉弓部未受累 夹层位于左锁骨下动脉开口远端,根据降主动脉扩张部位 将其分成三个亚型,B1型(降主动脉近端型) B2型(全胸降主动脉型) B3型(全胸降主动脉、腹主动脉型),该分型的临床意义,主动脉外科的治疗进展,-杂交技术,弓部分支间搭桥 升主动脉弓部分支搭桥,+,带膜支架植入,主动脉外科的治疗进展,介入材料开发-开孔和分支带膜支架,可用于有重要分支部位 操作复杂 成功率低 推广受限,基础研究方面-脏器保护和血液保护 外科手术-手术时机的选择 适应证扩展 手术方式的改进 介入治疗-适应证扩展 材料研制,主动脉外科的热点问题,23,主动脉外科面临的挑战,发病率上升

5、-夹层最突出 急性期夹层比例增加 二次或多次手术比例增加 巨大和广泛动脉瘤比例增加 老年患者比例增加 血液和血制品减少 止血药物减少,Surgical Repair of 2500 Aortic Diseases,(Jan.1994Dec.2008) 刘永民 Center of Aortic Surgery,the UK cardiac surgical register reported mortality rates in 2000 14.6% for aortic root operation 28% for aortic arch replacement 31.5% for desce

6、nding aorta repair,National adult cardiac surgical database report 2000001. http:/www.scts.org/sections/audit/ Cardiac/index.html. Accessed June 1, 2006.,History of aortic surgery,In 1950s Surface hypothermia:replacement of partial or total aortic arch,In 1960 CPB: resection of aortic aneurism,Histo

7、ry of aortic surgery,Clinic data of aortic dissection,(10/48),(29/581),(8/29),(9/376),Type A,Type B,Clinic data of aortic aneurysm,(12/76),(6/392),(4/43),(2/136),(8/45),(8/216),AR,AA,DA,Center of Aortic Surgery,Half of this year: 240 aortic operations The total number: 2,000 (since 1994) Total morta

8、lity: about 3%,Open surgical repair of 1782 Aortic disease patients,1782 aortic disease patients (55/1782 3.09%),survivors,death,False aneurysm (2/64 3.02%),True aneurysm (15/741 2.02%),dissection(38/977 3.89%),54%,939,38,4%,42%,726,15,62,2,977 aortic dissections,977 patients (38/977 3.89%),survivor

9、s,death,38%,62%,572,29,367,9,(29/581 4.83%),Stanford type B,Stanford type A,(9/376 2.39%),Stanford type Ac (Complex subtype),Total aortic replacement,Stanford type B1s Dissection interventional treatment,Stanford type B1 and B2 Dissection,Descending aortic replacement + mini stented elephant trunk,P

10、artial descending aortic replacement combined with stented ET,Pre,Post,The operation for Failed Interventional Therapy,Endovascular treatment for Stanford type B1S dissection Using proper stent-graft;Soft hand and preventing endoleak,741 True Aneurysms Operation,Root and extensive aneurysm, most see

11、 in Marfan syndrome ascending aneurysm, most see in aortic valve disease Arch aneurysm, most see in congenital disease and valve disease Descending and abdominal aneurysm , most see in hypertension and arteriosclerosis disease,Results 5-year survival (unoperated pts) 54% Aneurysms 6 cm, yearly ruptu

12、re/dissection 6.4% yearly mortality 10.8% Elective/preemptive surgery restored life-expectancy to normal,Yearly Rupture/Dissection Rates for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms,Davies et al, Presented at 2001 STS,Size Criteria of Surgical Intervention for Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysms,Elefteriades ATS 2002,Ao

13、rtic Root Replacement by Ministernotomy,Pseudoaneurysm Operation Data,TAAR:total aortic arch replacement; TH-AR: Thoracoabdominal aortic replacement;STT:stented technique; AAR: ascending aortic replacement; TAR: total aortic replacement; IT:interventional therapy; STAAR:subtotal aortic arch replacem

14、ent; DAR: descending aortic replacement,16 patients, no death , two minor endoleak,Interventional Therapy,less invasive, effective, and safety,Pseudo-aneurysm,closure using 10/7mm Plug device,Milestones in China,Aortic arch replacement with stented elephant trunk,Entire aortic replacement in one sta

15、ge,Milestones in China,David procedure,Jacket of aortic root,Milestones in China,Bentall procedure by micro-incision,Stanford type A dissection Aortic root change: A1、A2、A3 Aortic arch: type C、 S Stanford type B dissection Dilated range: B1、B2、B3 Aortic arch: type C、type S,Modified classification of aortic dissection,Nearly half of aortic operations in china were done,超声在主动脉外科中的作用,二维超声和多普勒技,以及经食道超声探头等综合超声技术对主动脉各段及其主要分支的系统观察,使超声这种简便的,可用于床旁的技术从特定的检查室走进了急诊室、导管室与手术室,全面介入了主动脉疾病的术前诊断、术中监测及术后随访,50,主动脉瘤的超声诊断,特征性改变是某段主动脉腔的扩张( 50为动脉瘤) 升主动脉瘤以窦部扩张为主,蒜头样改变常为马凡, 伴有主动脉瓣或二尖瓣脱垂更有利于诊


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