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1、1.The baby is hungry, but theres _ milk in the bottle.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few【参考答案】: A2.In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _ the cost.A.worthB.worth ofC.worthyD.worthwhile【参考答案】: A3.If this kind of fish becomes _, future generations may never taste it at

2、 all.A.scarceB.minimumC.shortD.seldom【参考答案】: A4._ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldnt go on with the experiment.A.WithB.ForC.AsD.Since【参考答案】: A5.If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _ now.A.couldnt have smiledB.wouldnt be smilingC.didnt smileD.wont smile【参考答案】

3、: B6.Before you leave, please _ all the windows are closed.A.sureB.make sureC.certainD.assure【参考答案】: B7.I suggested he should _ himself to his new conditions.A.adoptB.regulateC.suitD.adapt【参考答案】: D8.The train is bound _ London.A.toB.towardsC.towardD.for【参考答案】: D9.She has an appetite _ music.A.atB.fo

4、rC.aboutD.in【参考答案】: B10.“I didnt know what to say” means _.A.I was puzzled about itB.I suspected itC.I was at a loss for wordsD.I would rather do it【参考答案】: C11.The way we picture ourselves is often the way we turn _.A.fromB.outC.upD.into【参考答案】: B12.Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that

5、 city.A.debateB.disputeC.bargainD.consult【参考答案】: C13.The speed which he made _ the project has bothered me greatly.A.concernedB.being concernedC.concerningD.be concerned【参考答案】: C14.The boy got _ his bike in front of a post office.A.inB.onC.offD.from【参考答案】: C15.No matter _ , the little sisters manage

6、d to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.A.it was snowing hardB.hard it was snowingC.how it was snowing hardD.how hard it was snowing【参考答案】: D16.Nancy is_ girl.A.a eighteen-year-oldB.an eighteen-years-oldC.a eighteen-years-oldD.an eighteen-year-old【参考答案】: D17.The young lady coming ove

7、r to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A.must beB.can beC.would beD.could be【参考答案】: A18.Harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry _ his mind.A.onB.inC.withD.at【参考答案】: A19.Had you come five minutes earlier, you _ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.A.would catchB.would have caughtC.could catchD.should catch【参考答案】: B20.It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline.A.must be sentB.would be sentC.be sentD.were sent【参考答案】: C


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